So many car wash choices, what do you use for your cars?
PS: not referring to pre wash snow foam
So many car wash choices, what do you use for your cars?
PS: not referring to pre wash snow foam
Is that what people do in Vienna?
No. If thy was a true OzBargainer looking to save money, this is what they'd do.
The last time I washed the car it was starting to rain, so I gave it a quick soap wash with warm water, then let the rain do the rest.
And just used a squirt of dish soap.
Earth Choice - $2 - does dishes, hands, cars, pretty much everything. It's like the swiss army knife of washing up.
I mainly use CT18 for motorcycles now, or extra dirty wheels etc.
Go to shiners and pay $8 to clean the whole car once a month
Oh you chose Chamois that hasn't been rinsed in days and is full of rocks and grit resulting in your paintwork full of swirls
Bold choice
Any experienced shiner washer knows to only use the scrubber brush on the wheels and only hose on everything else ;)
Is that a self-serve, automatic or hand car wash?
Shiners is self serve
Keep a cleaning kit with gurney in the boot when you go in-laws… That 3 hours of cleaning at the in-laws etc… It really does ease the heart and stress for the week with a case of beer… Just my thaught..
Those hand job wash places do a good job
can you elaborate more on the hand job part?
I love a good hand job after wash too.
honestly just go to happywash or other DIY car washes, can do car wash in like <$5 easily, wash outside+ vacuum inside + fragrance for any left overtime
I get mine hand washed, dont have time to do it myself
Can't find the water option
since my car is white, milk will do.
Clothes washing detergent is the best. More research dollars go into it than any of the car washes. Works very well.
Whatever Bunnings has for universal cleaner in the pressure washer, otherwise the green one from Armour all that smells like lime. Used shampoo before as well
Auto touchless carwash out in Burwood only 5$, deal of the century.
Leave car out when it rains.