This is a very loud bike horn. You charge it using your bike pump. Then it's basically an airhorn when you need to use it. Very audible for motorists!
I used to have one years ago, now getting one again. It hopefully makes my cycling safer but will at the very least allow me to sound off loudly when drivers ignore give way rules.
You know, when people like you drive down the street with your unnecessarily loud motorcycles thinking you're all cool. Everyone is actually laughing at you. You do realize this, right?
Biker 6
…Hey man, we roll how we roll, and if people are annoyed or intimidated by it, that's too bad for them!
Biker 2
Yeah! [the bikers rev their voices again]
No no, no, nobody is intimidated, actually. Everyone realizes that people who are so needy for attention they need to dress up and be as loud as possible are you guys and sixteen-year-old girls!