Samsung Not Honouring Warranty

Guys what's the best way to tackle this issue?

I have a fold 3 phone which has issues with playing audio. When the screen is opened I can't hear anything and when the screen is closed its working fine. Other than that phone is fine. Booked for warranty and Samsung is saying there's a crack in the hinge (unrealated to audio issue) and I have to fix that and cost is $755.

They will not fix the audio issue unless I agreed to fix the hinge as well. The crack was not there when I gave the phone so I have no idea what they are talking about.

Any idea how to get my audio issue fixed without paying the $755.

Can they refuse to fix an issue they "are" responsible for – due to a totally separate issue? Do I have protection under consumer law.?

Update 23/04/2023

Samsung fixed the audio issue, replaced the hinge and also changed the screen protector (for which they initially quoted $100) all free of charge.

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  • Do you have photos/vid (date & time stamped) of the mobile prior to sending it to Samsung?

    • No but the paper work they gave me mentioned nothing about any cracks and there were none. Regardless this got nothing to do with my issue.

      • -5

        Regardless this got nothing to do with my issue.

        Then why did you mention it in your OP?

        • No I am saying hinge issue is nothing to do with audio issue. It was not directed at your post.

          • -1

            @Sweetsugar: I didn't take it as being directed at my comment.

            If the audio works when the mobile is closed but not when open and Samsung is contending that that there is a hinge crack then perhaps both issues are related

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I did ask that question and confirmed unrelated

              • @Sweetsugar: If you have that in writing from them then escalate request for the audio repair under warranty.

    • Would that help? They could claim your photo was taken and time faked.

      • Of course it assists!

        I had to return a new mobile to OW after the stoopid SIM card holder couldn't be opened. Staff requested that I leave it with them as the tech guy was on a lunch break. I got the 2IC tech guy to model the mobile as I took photos + vid just in case they scratched it up while trying to open it.

        If you do it at the store with the staff featuring in your pics then you put them on notice & they couldn't then deny any issues afterwards.

        I don't know how to fake date/time on pics - is it easy to do?

        • fake time - change your phone date to X, turn off wifi/data
          take photo
          reset time

          that's it.

          Or, take pic/vid when you 1st buy the phone. Keep it til you break it.

          • @furyou: Even more reason to take the evidence with a supporting cast ;)

  • +9

    TL:DR - Samsung are shit

    • +2

      Harvey Norman Style Over priced, Lies and Fail But still keeps the Dream that never comes.

    • +1

      I said the same, in a post few days ago i was negged like hell. Shows the mindset of fanboys.

  • +1

    Just send Samsung the photos of the phone you took just prior to sending it to them for repairs that show the hinge is not damaged.

    taps temple twice with index finger

  • They showed some black and white pic showing the crack. Looks like just a cosmetic stuff for me.

    • -1

      Can you share this photo?

      • I was at the store today and they showed some pic saying here is the crack. It was at the bottom of the hinge and honestly I couldn't see anything neither the guy who showed me. He said he can't help and I am more than welcome to take it back (he can cancel the warranty req and order them to return it in few days) or pay.

      • -1
  • +3

    Contact your state's fair trading, I guess.

    • +1

      Good luck getting any resolution out of useless and toothless fair trading.

      They cant enforce anything!!

  • +1

    If there's existing damage near the hinge they are probably reluctant to take it apart as it could cost more damage I suppose as it might need a new mother/daughter board

  • +1

    "Can they refuse to fix an issue they "are" responsible for – due to a totally separate issue?"

    Is it a totally separate issue? Is it possible some sensor near the crack is having a fit because it can't tell when the phone is open/closed properly because of the crack? Simliar to a faulty headphone jack thinking a cable is plugged in so it disables the speaker.

    • Look that's a possibility but from what they told me and from googling for similar issues they are not related. Lots of other people have similar issue and Samsung replaced the phone.

      • Apple are famous for this exact same reason.
        They claim that they won't work on the phone if theres any other damage because when they open the screen or anything it could cause more damage (such as making your crack bigger etc). Which does make sense - they do have to open the phone up to fix your speaker, and right now you and the store are both saying its a minor crack you can hardly notice - but it likely could get a lot bigger when they have to pull the phone apart to get to the speaker - so basically they won't try because otherwise you will then complain you have a massive crack across your whole phone that wasn't there when you gave it to them. I do see their point in your case (but I've also seen so many cases where Apple find an issue inside after they've already opened it and then refuse to do more because they won't return it unless its all fully fixed so just stop work - I guess they have standards that say you may then later claim they damaged something else inside etc). But regardless it means customers are made to pay more and don't get what they want because stores are covering their asses.

  • +3

    Samsung make me sick. One of the reasons why I went to APPLE.

    Got sick and tired of crappy customer service. At least if Apple rears me, they do it somewhat nicely.

    • +1

      Did you get rear-ended by an Apple car as part of the Titan project?

    • +1

      Ya but Samsung is like 40% cheaper, so service varies accordingly.

      • Not really when you couple gift cards…..

        • +2

          So? Can use gift cards when buying Samsung too, which make it even more cheaper.

    • +1

      At least if Apple rears me, they do it somewhat nicely.

      It looks nice and smooth, but they definitely won't be "rearing" you with one of these wheels… they're too damn expensive!

      • what the hell is even that?

        • haha it's literally just a set of wheels (nothing more!) for the Mac Pro, so you can wheel it around on the floor.

          • +1

            @bobbified: They legit cost more than 4 Pirelli tyres for my full size car!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

            • @iNeed2Pee: but… your Pirelli wheels are not Apple wheels! (and of course, they'll be just that little bit more painful if you get reared with those!!😁😁 )

  • They will not fix the audio issue unless I agreed to fix the hinge as well.

    Standard practice, physical damage voids warranty, so you have to fix the hinge to get the audio fixed.

    • +3

      It might or might not be 'standard' practice, but it's unrelated to the issue and therefore irrelevant. It's like a car manufacturer saying that they won't repair a defective radiator because there's a crack in the windscreen.

      • but it's unrelated to the issue and therefore irrelevant

        Not really as unrelated as claimed, the device works when closed, stops working when open. Guessing some wiring is in the hinge, cracked hinge is a sign of physical damage in this area.

        Just saying, most phones have a clause stating any physical damage voids warranty. The fact they are offering the OP a chance to 'fix' the hinge and keep the warranty rather than just returning it and saying too bad is a good thing.

    • +3

      Not worth paying $755 then. Will try fair trading and see. After 15+ years of Samsung phones, will never buy one again.

      • I was the same Mrs Samsung watch kept burning her arm samsung said couldn't find issue moved everything to Google had 1 warranty claim was an easy experience. Had to buy a new TV recently as well would have gone Samsung but got a Sony cause of the issue with support

  • this is why i wouldn't have anything other than an iphone

  • Lol have you seen my post about a similar issue

    They kept calling me saying they won't fix it as it's not manufacturing defect, but completely ignored me when I said that the problem occurred AFTER their repair. I did have proof of them changing the part though, not sure how you'd fare without photo proof.

    You can give consumer affairs a call and they can advise further

    • Did you manage to get a replacement phone?

      • After another rejection call they told me to wait for the repair centre to call me - never did. 2 weeks later they called me and said they'll fix it. So I've got it back now. I just kept rejecting what they were saying and said I want to escalate the matter

  • +5

    Hello All,

    I have same issue with Samsung Denying Warranty on My S7 which was originally taken to them after water ingress which was refused. (2018)

    ACCC ruled against them and Samsung paid 14$ Million and ACCC says to contact samsung. (2022)

    I contacted samsung they sent it over to the repair and denied due to tamper damage, The battery became swollen and I removed it, as it was a safety risk and samsung had already refused warranty initially (2020)

    They refused to refund me the cost and also promised me $500 in one of their emails, they sent me nothing and my phone back with no repair.

    They are absolutely dodgy company…

    I had a button ghost press issue on my 25 months (out of Warranty), rear glass broken Realme SuperZoom, Sent in on Friday to Auspost, returned fixed that wenesday, no issues at all.

  • +1

    Sounds like your everyday HN experience.
    Bought an overpriced computer item because of an emergency job.
    Found it has a manufacturing fault and can't be used.
    Staff at HN lets me wait for 65 minutes.
    Refuses all warranty.
    Oft takes complaint but does nothing other than sends me 2 undated letters.
    Inspector is a close friend of HN franchisee.
    But hey they still got iphone 12's for $1845 plus an Optus contract.
    Amazing they still find new customers!

  • The customer service at Apple and Samsung are worlds apart. It might just be in Aus though, did you try complaining to the β€˜CEO’? It’s sad that to get things done you need to cc the manager. Also for the crack issue, you will need before and after photos. When I check in a device/rental car I now make sure I get photos and in writing β€” and on pickup before I signup, so they can’t put it on me. Then again Apple replaced a screen when I wanted a new battery because they messed up, it’s frustrating Samsung is such a different experience.

  • +1

    I had a good experience with the service I received from Samsung earlier this year. My S21 phone screen has died, and it was a month past its 2 year warranty. I didn't take out any additional warranty, so I was prepared to have to pay for repairs for a new LCD. Samsung ended up fixing it for me for free. They also changed out the battery, most likely a refurbished one but still lasts a bit longer than my previous battery of 2 years.

    • It would be a new battery.
      To replace the screen on s21 they need to replace the frame, battery, and screen as it all part of the repair kit seeing the parts are all bonded together .. and most times the back glass too. (I had my s21ultra screen break and that’s what’s to be done as part of the price, 3rd party repairer also told me this)

  • +1

    My Flip 4 had a hinge problem where it wouldn't open properly. I think my dog possibly pulled the cable and knocked it onto the floor. I just brought it into and the first person I talked to said I'd have to go through Samsung Care+ which would have cost a few hundred to fix. I then spoke to someone else from the same store and she was able to arrange a fix and they fixed it for free. She did say if they found it was my fault, I'd have to pay the fee but it worked out.

    • I do have Samsung care. Might have to pull that trigger. But will go all the way to messaging Australian CEO before I give up.

  • Samsung website is as useless as their products and support. Tried the emailing the ceo option and that page is not working/loading once filled up all the details.

  • I have the same issue with Samsung not honouring warranty @jruban, below is what I've posted on I've reached out to Fair Trade but from the sounds of prior posts I probably won't get much of a resolution:

    My Samsung Galaxy S22 phone recently stopped fast charging due to a manufacturing defect. After reaching out to Samsung support, they confirmed that my warranty covers the repair of the charging port. However, there's a dead pixel on my phone's screen, which Samsung claims resulted from physical damage and isn't covered by the warranty.

    Samsung quoted a $620 repair cost for the screen, but I only requested a charging port repair and escalated my claim. They informed me that repairing the charging port requires opening the phone, which could potentially worsen the screen damage. Consequently, they are denying warranty coverage for my device unless I pay the $620 screen repair fee.

    In their email response, Samsung disregarded my warranty request for the charging port and focused solely on the screen damage not being covered. They incorrectly implied that I am seeking warranty coverage for the screen, whilst I am actually seeking warranty for the charging port.

    Furthermore, the price for the screen repair for S22 Ultra listed on Samsung's website is $490, not the $620 quoted. The case manager misleadingly offered me a $1xx "discount" as a "loyal customer", which only aligns the repair cost with the official price on Samsung's site. This "discount" is misleading.
    I have reached out to NSW Fair Trading about this issue and am awaiting their response.

    It's worth noting that Samsung consistently ranks among companies with the highest number of complaints:

    The crap thing is I paid a good amount of swiching cost coming away from the Apple - bought a Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy phone. I'm now considering going back as I do not want to deal with Samsung again for their terrible service and product care.

    • +1

      I feel your pain man. I managed to email the CEO directly by guessing his email address and it didn't bounce back. Whether he will do anything is another question.

      • Thanks, let me know how it goes, what's the format of email address out of curiousity? I went on Linkedin the other day and looked up the head of their Customer Service and was going to try reaching out to him directly as a next step.

        PS: Samsung rep reached out this morning after my post on ProductReview, will keep you posted.

        • +1

          I tried his first and last name @Samsung. Com. Its such a shame we have to go these methods to get something done. Product review is full of horror stories.

    • Just received their reply back.

      "Given the assessment findings, the most Samsung is prepared to offer is a $110 discount on the repair by waving the labour fee cost, meaning the total payment needed would be $645 (instead of $755). Please reply back to confirm whether you are willing accept this offer or we can send the device back to you in its current condition."

      Pulling the same game with me as well.

      • So deceiving, I sent them a screenshot of the screen repair costs directly from their website and called them out on it.

        Edit: just checked, looks like the screen repair is $755 per their website, at least they were "honest" with you.

        • +1

          I dont have any problem with my screen. They are saying hinge has dents/crack on it.

  • +2

    Just received this from Samsung. This was not there when I handed out the phone and I specifically asked the rep to make a note of any damage.

  • Samsung fixed the audio issue, replaced the hinge and also changed the screen protector (for which they initially quoted $100) all free of charge.

    • Nice glad to hear it worked out! How did you get them to come around?

      • Not sure the email to CEO did the trick. I was not going to give up easily.

  • +1

    I am having a similar issue to you, Samsung quoting me an outrageous amount to get a phone repaired which should be covered under ACL. And they offered me the same petty $110 discount. They won't budge so I am forced to make a complaint to Fair Trading

    • Krazek, did you get a response to this? Did you lodge a complaint to ACCC?

      • Lodged a complaint with ACCC but they ended up doing nothing and siding with Samsung despite the issue being a manufacturing default. I will never be buying a Samsung product again

        • Thanks. Going through the same issue now (posted about it on OzB and referred to this post).

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