Recommendation for Wired Bluetooth Earphones (Budget $100-$200)

Hi all

My jaybird X3 earphones have recently died and I need to buy some replacements. Can anyone recommend similar earphones of good quality mostly for taking online meetings, phone calls and watching YouTube / Netflix

I prefer the ones with a wire between the two earphones so it can hang around my neck when I'm not using them, with Bluetooth to connect to phone. I don't want to get wireless earbuds because I know I will lose one or both of them. Something similar to the jaybird X3 / X4

Budget is around the $100 mark but willing to spend $200 if it's going to get me significantly better quality.

Thanks all


  • Earphones

    Buds or headphones?

    • -2

      I get that you're just trolling to make a cheap point about terminology and likely have no clue about OP's question even if you get an answer… but, the jaybird X3/X4 are earbuds, so, that.

      • I get that you're just trolling

        No, I was going to recommend some headphones until i googled what jaybird X3 are.
        Maybe the OP now wants headphones?

        Do you always attack people trying to help by calling them trolls?

  • I've had the Plantronics 410 for a couple of years as a working in the yard pair. Can take phone calls without complaints for me or who I am speaking with except for wind noise for the other person. isolation is OK, it works well enough for the ride on mower or with chainsaw and volume two or three clicks from full
    Shame they are now double the price I paid
    Jan 2021, paid $59…

  • If you can deal with wires, then just get fully wired headphones and skip Bluetooth.

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