Renting out Home for. Month/Two Months

Hello, we currently own a two bedroom unit in Sydney. During summer we normally vacate it for a month to two months. Wondering if it is worth the hassle of trying to rent it out?

Ideally we would want someone to rent it for the complete time in a furnished state. Would Airbnb work for this?


  • +5

    AirBNB would be perfect for this if you can find the right guests. Insurance is definitely a big must, standard house & contents wont be sufficient. PM sent.

    • +1

      Sorry but I beg to differ

      OP has not given us the location of their residence.
      Location is crucial for Air BnB. success since letting for one or two months might not necessarily work any other way.

      For Air BnB to be suitable the property must be located in a high demand "holiday area" such as near a popular beach or near the city etc. Also near a public transport "hub"

      Also OP must check with both local council and the Strata manager regarding rules around offering Air BnB short term accomodation.

      The best way is to arrange something PRIVATELY - Not through Air BnB.

      Maybe via facebook marketplace or Gumtree where many transient holiday makers are looking for temporary accomodation or some other web site.

      And as others have suggested - ensure you have safe secure storage for your personal and valuable items.
      Dont forget OP, you will be responsible for the cost of electricity and gas used.
      Ensure you check applicants credentials thoroughly

      Good luck!

  • +8

    you take all your personal belongings away for two months? if not, someone else will wear your undies as a hat

    • We have a storage cage and don’t own heaps of personal belongings. So we can put any clothes with aren’t using in boxes and put them in the cage. This way guest can use the space.

    • +6

      might wear hat as undies which could be worse

  • +5

    For peace of mind I would pay a house sitter I trust instead. I've seen what strangers do with a house full of stuff, they pick through all your possessions like your house is a flea market. And you know they know that it's wrong because they shit bricks when they finally notice the cameras.

    • +6

      would suck if they're wearing your hat as undies when they shit bricks

    • I would be livid if I rented somewhere and discovered the owners were filming me.

      • The cameras were in rooms where they were told not to go in, rooms where all the stuff that used to be in rooms like the master bedroom was stored in boxes. Boxes that they invested themselves to rummage through before they noticed a camera in the room. I guess the moral of the story is don't tell someone that a room is full of personal stuff and is off limits, just install a locked door or caged wall with a lock on it.

  • +2

    Not worth the effort tbh. Your trash might be someone's treasure and they might take things.

    If you really need the money though, it may be worthwhile to take the risk.

    • Also their treasure might be someone else's trash. I've heard of short term renters throwing away appliances they were told they could use in a furnished kitchen. You have to remember that strangers don't give a crap about your crap.

      • In either case, it's all lose situations.

        • Except the bit where you make money. If you’re renting the place out at like $1k a week does it really matter of someone throws out your toaster or takes a crap in your Akubra?

          • @djsweet:

            If you’re renting the place out at like $1k a week

            OP never mentioned where they live in Sydney. Could be a ground floor unit in downtown St Mary's that was converted from a garage with a view of the railway station from every window. $1K a week, even if furnished, would be a bit of a stretch.

      • +1

        Everyone is out to trash your stuff when they rent your place? Come on, sounds like you focus on the horror stories only. The vast majority of people have respect.

        • +1

          The problem is there's no guarantee you'll get the vast majority of people. You could get a snoop, of a thief, or a negligent person. Someone that won't bother to lock the doors when they leave the house. Someone with sketchy friends they'll invite over. And this may surprise you but not everyone is honest, some people will do dishonest and otherwise unethical things for their own financial gain or some kind of person psychological thrill.

  • +1

    A friend of mine and his partner have taken month long overseas trips (not consecutive months) and he engages a website to supply someone (different person each time) to live in his house to look after his cats.

    I asked “oh, so it hasn’t cost you anything then?” to which he replied “Only electricity and water and gas….”. He thought for a second and continued, “…oh and a fry pan that they scratched all the coating off… and…”

    • Versus the cost of a month of pet boarding, utilities and a pan sounds cheap.

  • +1

    Have you considered home exchange?

    Could be a good option for you. Also opens up similar short term accommodation options for this trip or other travel.

    Whilst I don't personally do it I have friends who have been able to arrange lots of overseas accommodation this way which saves them a fortune in accommodation expenses and has landed them in some really nice houses and apartments.

    • And can make some great friends if your arrangements mean you cross paths.

  • +1

    I would not do it…. Unless you're hard up for cash. Having randoms living in your home, going thru you things. Strangers should not be trusted.especially to someone who only wants to rent for such a short period of time

    • This!

  • +1

    Remember to Black Light your place after you return. Post your pics.

  • Just had a friend of a friend with good recommendations rent my place for four months while I was away (nominal rent to cover electricity internet etc) No bond

    They asked if they could have a cat and said no but had it anyway - scratched beyond repair my handmade chair less than 18 months old
    Had friends to stay - left the place an absolute pig sty and didn't wash any of the sheets or towels. Carpet filthy and broken curtain tracks among other things.

    I did get some money out of him for the damage but didn't cover it all and the stress wasn't worth it. I won't do it again unless there is a big fat bond and they use a professional cleaning service and it's inspected before you return by someone professional

  • Unless your desperate for the cash, hell no.

  • +1

    For a month not worth the hassle, 3 months maybe but 6 months or more definitely.

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