I've noticed that eBay no longer allows users to view past selling prices of items.
Is there any alternative method to access this information?
View Price History of an Item on eBay

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Yes this is the protip. There will be lots of previous listings for Pokemon cards for $50,000 each, but only the green ones that were completed and actually sold for a max $200 should be looked at to determine value. Of course it could be that none of the buyers in the recent search window were aware of the true value of your Pokemon card.
How to filter the search results to display the historical pricing information of sold items on eBay?
As a buyer, I used to be able to view the historical pricing information for the item sold by clicking the 'sold' button.
However, it appears that this feature is no longer available on eBay.
It makes sellers to increase prices with less concerns. Certainly not a friendly move for buyers.
You still can. Use this URL: https://www.ebay.com.au/bin/purchaseHistory?item=[eBay item number]
Replace [eBay item number] with the actual number which can be found on the listing
Thanks. It works :)
Filter by completed and/or sold items?