This was posted 1 year 11 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sight & Sound Theatres Offers 'Jesus' Production for Free Easter Weekend Viewing


Similar to this popular deal, from 3 years ago. Sight and Sound Theatre are offering a free three-day streaming of JESUS theatrical production

Full disclosure and a trigger warning for the antitheists among us, this a theatre production about Jesus if that's not your thing feel free to move along.

That being said for anyone else this is actually a pretty good watch, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality 3 years ago and have happily watched it again. The kids really enjoyed it as well, it's basically a live theatrical performance of the story of Jesus with a brief Christian message at the end.

Here is the trailer( for anyone interested.

And now for some cut and paste.

“Sight and Sound’s ‘Jesus’ show premiered 2018 and ran for two years, and the way it was produced was so cinematic in nature with the 300-foot wrap-around stage that it adapted perfectly to the screen,” Enck told The Christian Post. “When we saw it on the screen as a finished product, we were blown away by it. We’re so passionate about it because this story needs to be out there, told in this fresh new way.”

Over a million people have watched the live performance of “Jesus” at Sight & Sound’s theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Katie Miller, corporate communications manager at Sight & Sound told CP that the production takes a "very personal approach to the Jesus story.”

“We meet so many characters and learn the story of who they were both before and after they encounter Jesus," she said. “After watching the show, so many people came to us and said, ‘That’s my story. That’s how Jesus rescued me.' Act One is about individual rescues from the Bible; Act Two is about our rescue.

"I think that's one of the most inspiring and unexpected things that came out of that show. People saw themselves in the characters and in the way that Jesus was meeting every single person, right where they were at, and bringing to them what they needed to be rescued.”

The event also dramatizes inspirational moments from Jesus’ life, from challenging the Pharisees to healing the sick and hurting. According to Enck, the writers wanted to highlight Jesus' humanity and ability to connect with those of every walk of life.

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Sight & Sound TV

closed Comments

    • +7

      Spoiler alert, religiosity including Christianity is declining in Australia, so perhaps some are ‘converted’.

      • Religions that kill or shun apostates aren't growing?

      • +1

        Religious populations growing faster than atheists worldwide

        • +2

          Only if you count sub-saharan Africa. But HIV affects more women than men if you count everyone worldwide too, yet most Christians in Australia seem to think it's a gay disease when it's actually a women's plight..

          • @AustriaBargain: I know an atheist who did not know having sex can get a woman pregnant. He has a son now.

        • +1

          Absolutely, from what I understand Christianity worldwide is expected to say relatively stable and Islam grow. But as for kamelataturds comment, referring to the OzBargain audience, in Australia it’s declining.

          • +1

            @morse: More people identify as Christian in Australia than non-religion.

            Hinduism is 2.7%, I don't believe its a reason to stop posting on Hinduism.

        • +3

          If this is the ‘report’ you are relying on it looks very weak.


          • -1

            @Eeples: The other person that claimed its made up have in one way a better argument than you. At least they gave a reason. The way you write your argument is in one way weaker than them.

            Although I think what they say is inconsistent. I still have to give it to them over your weak argument lol.

            • @gto21: I’ve read thru the ‘report’ and thought it lacking in many respects.

              I invite you to do the same.

              • @Eeples: I guess you have learned from the previous message

                Its ok don't worry.

                • @gto21: Don't stress about this fanatic christian gto21, apparently he also doesn't support BLM or even COVID mandates so we definitely know they are crazy:

                  • @Canberran: Lol the context is protest for BLM was allowed but not against covid mandates. Did covid take a break during the blm mandates? lol

                    • @gto21: Apparently you don't take a break pushing your religious agenda.

                      Context or not, that was a shitty thing to say man.

                      • @Canberran: Answer the question. Did Covid take a break during the BLM protest? Simple question.

                        • @gto21: jeebus christ mate. You really are dumb. Anyone who tries to defend an anti-blm comment has a special place in hell.

                          See you there 😉

                          • @Canberran: I'm ok with the protest. When you don't read the full context of what I said, you end up embarassing yourself.

                            Did covid take a break during the blm protest.

                            Humble yourself and say no. Simple.

                            • @gto21: "You can't reason with crazy, you can't argue with stupid."
                              - Pontius Pilate, AD 30

                              • @Canberran: Come back when you have an answer.

                                • @gto21: The man who crucified your man gave my answer for me. Refer above

                                  • @Canberran: When you have an answer come back. Don't run.

                                    • @gto21: I'm never coming back to you. I'm sorry, you're just too possessive. It's not me, it's you.

                  • @Canberran: You realized you tag me? Can you lean how to tag the other person for the love of chance and randomness?

                    • @gto21: No, I meant to tag you, so that everyone knew who I was talking about when you try and delete your blm comment.

                      Appreciate you helping me though! Don't need or want it.

                      • @Canberran: I'm not going to try to remove it. If BLM protest are allowed I don't see why other protest are not allowed.

                        Answer the question, did covid take a break during BLM protest?

    • hahaha fish in a barrell

      athiests got a trigger like a renault clio clutch pedal

  • +5

    Thanks, I'm not religious but I do enjoy listening to Bible podcasts just for the stories, it's very informative and helps me relax when going to sleep. One good one if interested is on Spotify called Bible beginning to end

  • -8

    Allahu Akbar

    • Lame.. try something funny next time

      • Jesus is a prophet in Islam too bruv

        • You should read Graham Hancock Fingerprints of the Gods.

  • +2

    This is indeed what we need, Jesus.
    This is better than any deal ever in the entire website or any other website.

  • +7

    Thanks bro for posting the deal.
    Haters gonna hate no matter what - shake it off.
    It's easy for people to go on the attack to pick apart others' beliefs. I wonder how they would fare if their own screwed up, illogical, and inconsistent beliefs are held out to the candle. How can I assume this? Because everyone holds these and if they think they don't, they're deluded.

    • Well said regarding everyone's individual beliefs.

    • +4

      You'll find that healthy discourse is more than welcome. There's a reason that education decreases the number of religious people in a society.

      • +3

        Agree about discourse, but correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation.

      • I'm all for healthy discourse. Having flaming wars on the keyboard is neither "healthy" nor is it "discourse". It's often people trying to win their point without listening to the other side.

        Also your point about education decreasing the number of religious people is a broad and unsubstantiated statement. Here is another such statement - most people have some kind of spiritually (not organized religion, but still religious nonetheless). Logic and faith are not contradictory, for example science begins with an assumption (faith) first that is then tested to verify it (belief). Of course, science has its limitations as its predicated on consistent physical laws which don't apply everywhere, for example, no gravity in space. Also science can't verify historical facts which only rely on testimonial records, such as Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Here are five things that's science can't verify

        Contrary to your statement, being smarter should not make you less spiritual, it should make you more. Because the more you learn, the more you realize how much you don't know - it's called humility and realizing how small you truly are in the scheme of things.

        • +3

          for example, no gravity in space.

          Damn, your entire belief system is going to be upended when you find out this isn't correct

          • @SBOB: Thanks for your correction. You are technically correct.
            Anywhere near a mass, depending on the size of the mass (i.e. Sun vs pluto) and also distance from the mass, will also result in some gravitational pull.

            My point is still valid, in that the same assumptions we use in science that applies to earth does not necessarily apply elsewhere.

            And no, my entire belief system is not going to be upended because of this, just like yours isn't whenever you learn something new, which is everyday.

      • Ahhh, so we have it. If you're religious you must be uneducated. Well nobody wants to be seen as an uneducated idiot so therefore we can't identify as religious unless we're happy to identify as uneducated people.

        Please show me the study, otherwise it's just misinformation? Honestly if you show me, I'll read it.

        • If you're religious you must be uneducated

          That's quite the leap.

    • Religion is going to create 'haters' for each person who realizes how much they were scammed by it, just like any scam. There will always be ex-members to call it out and try to warn others from repeating their mistakes, and try to stop others from drawing more into the scam, especially vulnerable children who trust adult figures who should know better than to teach them that ghosts and magic men walking on water and other obvious primitive fiction is real.

      • +2

        You've obviously been really hurt by people. I feel bad for you. You should talk through it with a counselor rather than attack others with a different worldview. You'll find it more helpful. I hope you find Peace.

        • +2

          You've obviously been really hurt by people.

          I literally said that, that's my entire motivation. And now I want others not to repeat the awful acts of indoctrinating children who trust them by telling them that ghosts and men walking on water and other obvious bronze age fairy tale BS is real, indoctrinating them into a ridiculous and cruel cult.

          I feel bad for you

          Not really, if you felt bad for me you would listen to my clear reasons as to why. Instead you show this fake pity.

          rather than attack others with a different worldview

          It doesn't matter how much you try to dishonestly describe it by being as abstract as possible and act like it's just xenophobia of something I'm unfamiliar with. I'm not going to stop repeating that I'm angry about the many years of my life wasted by the scam which is religion and the awfulness it brings into the world.

          I hope you find Peace.

          No you don't, you're doing everything in your power to dismiss and pretend not to recognize the problems I've said I've experienced, and ensure they are perpetuated.

          • +2

            @CodeExplode: I'm sorry to hear. It sounds like you are emotionally, mentally and maybe physically damaged from that experience. I hope you find help from an expert to help you recover.

            • +3

              @gto21: Yes that's what I said and made clear, and I want others to not repeat the things that caused it, as I've said over and over.

              Don't. Indoctrinate. Children. When. They. Trust. You.

              Don't tell them that magic men walking on water and ghosts and other BS is real. Don't tell them to believe in long outdated and cruel bronze age laws. Don't manipulate others and try to get people into scams and cults and religions when they're the most vulnerable. Don't perpetuate the source of so many of the world's problems today.

              It's an extremely low bar for people to clear, but they'd rather attack those who got out of the cult and are calling out the scam, act like they're victimized to hear one of their victims speak up.

              • @CodeExplode: What happened? Were you violated? If you don't mind sharing?

                • +3

                  @gto21: I spent decades of my life in a cult. I was raised to believe the dumbest possible scammy shit was real by adults who I trusted and who should have known better, who I think very lowly of now that I'm the same age and couldn't imagine bringing a child into a cult or leading a cult. I was pressured by family and the cult when I wanted to leave and they continued to force me to attend their scammy cult gatherings even though I hated it and had other things I wanted to be doing with my life which are now gone to me forever. I lost lifelong friends who the cult pressured harder and turned into absolute bozos yelling slurs outside stores for selling witchcraft etc. It scarred a huge chunk of my life and makes me regret my childhood, and still hurts with how unprepared I was for the real world and interactions with people outside of the cult.

                  And so many problems I see in the world continue to emerge from that cult. I hate it and for good reason, it earned my feelings back towards it. Those who have been conned by a scam are the most outspoken about it for good reason, and don't want it to continue happening to others.

                  • @CodeExplode: Are you ok now? Did you get some rationality? True belief like everything is created from nothing?

                    • +2


                      Did you get some rationality? True belief like everything is created from nothing?

                      Lmao gottem. Atheists everywhere destroyed

          • +3

            @CodeExplode: I'm actually a counselor, happy to chat. Please direct message me. No fake pity here I can assure you.

          • +1

            @CodeExplode: Your years of life weren't wasted by the scam that is religion (your words). It was wasted by people. PEOPLE not religion. People in a cult (again your words). Jesus didn't hurt you. Catholics as a group did not hurt you. People hurt you. People twisted by other people to do things that went against broader societal norms and standards in the protection of children and human beings. With any brliefs, whether religion or other, there will always be people who perceive the ideology and guiding principals in different ways.

        • +2

          He tried to walk on water, fell in. Still salty

  • +6

    I find it absolutely hilarious that whenever it comes to china, anime, anything islam-related, etc. then everyone shows their unabashed (xenophobic) disgust towards it,
    but when people even so question ✝ then suddenly everyone clutches their rosaries and old ladies are fainting in the background

    Really wished we had better content policing and less /pol/brain on this site (and I say this as someone raised catholic)

    • -1

      I have a spare pair should you be in need. 😊

    • When you list off things not related to where and why you're posting and failing to make a point that clearly you don't even understand yourself.

      Try stay on topic instead of going immediately to unrelated whataboutisms and straw mans.

      • +1

        "…and so, Little Willy chugged down the rest of his apple juice and threw himself into into an internet argument by using buzzphrases like 'strawman' and 'whataboutisms' because he thought it made him look smart"

        Hey I've seen this episode before. I'm bored.

        • Yeah I'd deflect from the argument also if I was you.

          • +1

            @Willy Beamish: There's no "argument" - it's roleplaying at this point. You're going to go through your playbook of cliches and buzzphrases and while trying to burn people who don't share your viewpoint.

            I'm bored.
            I don't care for it, and I don't care about you :)

            • @nGu: "There's no "argument""

              We agree on something, you have no argument.

              For someone that doesn't care, you keep coming back for more. Funny that.

              • @Willy Beamish: Little bro, are you this unaware that I already called out exactly what you were going to do in my last comment and you did it anyway? This is why people like you are not worth it. There is no exchange of ideas or willingness to reflect on your own views here which is why there will be no "argument"

                As for replying to you, it's the least amount of courtesy that I can show you since you replied to me first. This is my last reply. Bye.

                • @nGu: You clearly don't care about me bro, totally care free I can tell by the way you keep coming back and telling me how much you don't care.

                  • @Willy Beamish: This checks out.

                    you replied to me first

                    What you're doing is unhealthy and entitled, Willy.

    • Hey nGu,. I was just being cheeky… No offense intended

  • +3
    4.3 on imdb, yikes dawg
    also the fact that 2020 was 3 years ago confused my brain for a second there… ughh

  • +1

    Thanks for this very timely post. It's also wonderful in my view that OzBargainers of Christian faith, other faiths and none can share our thoughts on Jesus and the gospel which has so deeply contributed in shaping our world's past and present.

  • +4

    Warning for parents with little kids. Judging at how movies are classified these days, I would give it a M (not recommended for children under the age of 15). Jesus covered in pretty graphic bloody scars and getting stabbed at the end all shown in full clear view.

  • Watched it with the family right through. Brilliant production with captivating visuals. For those who want to find out more here's another freebie

    • $10 for iPad

  • +5

    I really don't understand this place. We really shouldn't target eath other based on belief. Just be respectful to each other's beliefs. I have utmost respect for every person who lives a good an honest life irrespectful of who they believe in. There are bad Christians and there are good Christians, bad atheists and good atheist. Look at the person, not who or what they believe in.
    If that person feels that being in a religion is purposeful to them.. that's ok. You don't need to dismiss that belief. Just be supportive of each other. There are so many bigger tangible problems in our life right now to be worrying about who or what a person believes in.

    • +2

      It's just crazy that hate speech is acceptable as a bargain. You don't see Nazi paraphernalia on ozbargain. Why accept anti gay rhetoric?

      • +11

        If you see hate speech, report it to the mods. But just because you don't like it doesn't make it hate speech.

        • +8

          Bible is full of hate speech

          • +1

            @belongsinforums: So is the quran but any hate against that is treated much differently than against the bible , people pick and choose what they pretend to be upset by with absolutely no logical consistency to any of it.

            Tldr sjws are stupid attention seeking losers.

      • +1

        You didn't absorb any of the above did you? Did you even try to actually think about what @maverickjohn was saying? Words are very wasted on some.

      • I don't I embrace them whole heartedly and so do many Christians. But your perception is that just because of a vocal minority everyone is in the same boat.
        That's simply not true.
        If that were the case would the plebiscite vote have accepted gay and lesbian in our country
        Just think about it. Again people aren't all the same. Don't define by religion, define by the person

        • So you're saying the bible is wrong when it says that man shall not layeth with another man? Didn't know you're above god.

          • @belongsinforums: Just wait till you get their opinion on clothes within different fibres, planting different kind of seeds together, or how they don't think you should be put to death if you curse out your parents.

            People these days clearly lack true morals.

          • @belongsinforums: Never said I did. But I respect human beings. If I go to hell because of that .. so be it.

            • @maverickjohn: that's just being atheist with extra steps

              • @belongsinforums: Not at all. I think there are many rules created by people who practice belief and make it a thing. Even not eating meat on good friday for example .. I know it's not something that god or Jesus would have asked. But some Christians will look at that person as someone who is going against the belief… These are the people who probably have been 'indoctrinated' with expectations they believe the belief made.

                I still stand by that the bible never said a person can't be gay. But many people argue that it does… I just don't think they are good humans judging a person for who they love.

    • +6

      There are so many bigger tangible problems in our life right now to be worrying about who or what a person believes in

      Like what?
      What if some of those problems exist due to some people's belief structures?

      • Like poverty, like battling things such as cancers and other health conditions .
        Like people not spending enough time with their family trying to work 2 plus jobs just to feed their kids.
        Many of you argue about religion while some people can't even put food on the table.
        You know you can attack it as much as you want but these attacks are also causing segregation and rift. Rather than letting people accept whatever belief they want and treating them with kindness people choose to use it as a weapon to attack.. despite it being verbal to people who practice faith.
        I'm sorry but unlike many people here I have close friends of many religions and lack of and I see them all equally.

    • +5

      Just be respectful to each other's beliefs.

      No, it wasted years of my life and is a scam. I don't want others to be hurt by it. Not everything deserves respect and it's not something just demanded, it's something which something must be worthy of to earn it.

      • +1

        I think you are using your personal experience in this and we truly appreciate it,, but again you may have been with Christians who abused and used faith negatively. That's not to say other people haven't had positive experience. Like i said before there are good and bad in every faith or lack thereof. I just don't see it as a reason to start a fight or an argument, i wholeheartedly support you to telling your story, but to tell others not to follow is a decision you are also imposing on others. I think everyone is mature enough to make their own decision. and they can take your experience into account
        I sincerely hope you have come out a stronger person even if religion didn't work for you. No one ever deserves to feel that way. If you feel like you need someone to talk to and express your thoughts freely, im happy to listen, but i would also advise to seek counselling if its really traumatised you. those people who did this probably need to be investigated as well.

    • +4

      I believe that religion is a scam and has been the reason for far too many deaths.

      Respect my beliefs.

      • -1

        I do and by all means believe that. There is truth to what you say. But not all people in religion fall in the category of religion causes deaths

  • +2

    Spoiler alert, like all action heroes, he saved the world and gets out alive…or does he???

  • How much does it cost normally…. ?

    • Pretty sure it's 14.80USD

  • Is evolution and science real?

  • +14

    Dont really think free propaganda should be considered a deal.

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