Destination: Santiago
Airline: Qantas/LATAM
Valid Departure Dates: May to August 2023
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out
Cheapest flights to Chile. Note from Sydney Qantas flights are nonstop, LATAM flights are via Auckland (short layover)
Flights with Qantas/LATAM - dreamliner aircraft, bags, meals & entertainment included
Santiago is a great gateway to explore neighboring South American countries
Sydney to Santiago Flights from $1429 Return.
13/Aug - 29/Aug $1429
11/Aug - 29/Aug $1429
13/Aug - 30/Aug $1429
30/May - 21/Jun $1429
28/May - 20/Jun $1429
23/May - 13/Jun $1429
16/Jul - 12/Aug $1429
21/Jul - 17/Aug $1429
24/Jul - 20/Aug $1429
22/May - 11/Jun $1429
Brisbane to Santiago Flights from $1441 Return.
19/Jul - 17/Aug $1441
30/May - 21/Jun $1441
13/Aug - 29/Aug $1459
13/Aug - 30/Aug $1459
28/May - 21/Jun $1459
29/May - 21/Jun $1459
30/May - 19/Jun $1459
21/Jul - 17/Aug $1464
21/Jul - 19/Aug $1464
28/May - 20/Jun $1464
Canberra to Santiago Flights from $1537 Return.
11/Aug - 29/Aug $1537
30/May - 22/Jun $1537
30/May - 19/Jun $1537
18/May - 09/Jun $1560
30/May - 21/Jun $1560
21/Jul - 17/Aug $1596
13/Aug - 30/Aug $1596
13/Aug - 29/Aug $1596
28/May - 21/Jun $1596
28/May - 20/Jun $1596
Melbourne to Santiago Flights from $1625 Return.
23/May - 13/Jun $1625
30/May - 21/Jun $1625
28/May - 20/Jun $1625
28/May - 21/Jun $1625
22/May - 11/Jun $1625
13/Aug - 29/Aug $1625
24/Jul - 20/Aug $1702
18/May - 09/Jun $1702
13/Aug - 30/Aug $1702
11/Aug - 29/Aug $1702
- Checked baggage, meals and entertainment are included
- Please take into account any vaccine/covid test/insurance requirements when traveling
- Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!
For this deal and more cheap and great value deals (not just focusing on budget carriers) visit and subscribe to flightfinderau
Once in Santiago hop across the border to Argentina, and live like a king,
Insane 100% inflation has made the country very very cheap. And as a foreigner you can use the “Blue Dollar” exchange rate to get around 80% more spending money.