I live in a 2 bedroom apartment (3 adults, 1 toddler and 1 infant). My previous energy provider sent an email in early March saying the rate that I have locked in for a year will be coming to an end on the 28th March and I will be switched to another plan which is more expensive. According to their email, based on my past usage, my new rate will see an increase of $100 to my quarterly bill.
I only managed to shop around for another provider on the morning of 29th March but the transfer was made official only on the 31st March. Meaning, I would be charged by my previous energy provider at the new rate for 29th and 30th March. I would assume my previous energy provider would have come and do a reading on either the 28th or 29th so they can record my consumption at the old rate.
Fast forward to this morning, I received my final bill. They’ve provided 2 readings. First reading was for my usage from 22/12/22 - 28/03/23 (97 days) for 2363kwh which is about 24kwh/day consumption. The next part of my bill was a reading for 29/3/23-30/3/23 (2days) for 194kwh which is equivalent to 97kwh/day! This doesn’t make sense because our usage definitely did not increase in that 2 days, in fact our usage would have decrease because my mum who does all the daily cooking and laundry has been in hospital the last 2 weeks and we’ve just been doing minimal cooking and washing. So a 73kwh increase per day just doesn’t seem right.
What are the chances my ex energy provider gave a false reading? They may think that since I’m leaving, they reduce the reading for that 97day period on the lower rate, and bump up the usage on that 2 days on a higher rate. And they know since I’m living in an apartment complex, I have no access to the meter to check too. Is there anything that can be done or do I just pay that final bill and move on?
Cut your losses and move on