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[COTD] Mystery Brand 1TB 2.5" Portable Hard Drive USB3.0 $119.95 + Free Shipping!


Mystery Brand (Not sure what brand they've been giving out lately, but it'll most likely be that one) This is a 2.5" Portable USB3.0 1TB External Drive, keep that in mind that it's 2.5" when you're trying to out bargain me as I know ozbargainers do. :P

Massive 1TB capacity
USB 3.0 (USB 2.0 compatible) rapid transfer speeds
Powerful storage that’s portable
USB powered
Get going right out of the box
No software to install
Automatically recognised by Windows
Simply drag and drop to save files
Resourceful and reliable
Less energy consumption
Built-in power management for energy-efficient operation
Works with Windows® 7, Windows Vista® & Windows® XP
Colour: Black
Dimensions (cm): 8.4 x 2.6 x 15.1
Weight: 310g
3 year warranty

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closed Comments

  • Maybe its this for $98.00,http://www.megabuy.com.au/hitachi-touro-mobile-mx3-1tb-usb-30-external-hard-drive-p314370.html

    least you wont have to wait as long

    • +8

      C'mon guys, look at the picture. It's a big clue. Sea + gate.

      But of course they are not obliged to ship you SG. I have no idea whether this SG is any good. Have enough storage to last me a while.

      • +2

        I didn't even notice the image, the silhouette is also that of a seagate.

  • +1


    In dollars per gig, the 1.5TB from the above deal is probably still the best at the moment. Ten bucks more than this deal for half as much storage again.

  • Naww, I did a quick search and couldn't find any cheaper. Sorry guys, ignore this then. :(

    • +1

      No one has negged, this isn't a bad deal, it's just not the best deal :)

      Leave it up, see what the punters make of it.

    • Shopbot & Static ice are your friends in times of need.

    • +1

      tempted to neg deal just on this very valid point… but happy to abstain for the benefit of those shoppers who dont have a pc store nearby.

      the fact it includes delivery is a positive, but you can buy cheaper if you pick up locally and also confirm the brand you are buying and associated warranty (3yr WD, 1yr Seagate etc).

  • +3

    its a seagate

  • +2

    I don't like the idea of mystery when come to HDD and on top of that when have to deal with warranty with COTD.

    • +8

      I don't like COTD


  • +2

    I only like mystery in my women.

    • +9

      what, like Crying Game mystery :) ?

      • +1

        lol and we saw what then happened to him

        only floppy disk now

  • +3

    Less energy consumption

    less than what ?

  • +1

    Western Digital My Passport 1 TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive - WDBBEP0010BBK-NESN (Black) $100.02 incl del from Amazon.com


    • Even cheaper if you switch to US$, should be around AU$98. These are excellent drives too, I've got a few including the 2TB version, you can use a Micro USB lead for USB2 and it's very fast even at USB2 speeds.

      • 3yrs warranty if you buy it locally however.

      • Can you explain how its fast at USB2 instead of just USB2 speeds?

        • +1

          USB 3.0 devices tend to be around 10% faster in USB 2.0 ports than 2.0 devices would be. You would of course be best to use it in a 3.0 port no question.

        • Gotta love 'mystery brand' sales.

          I have found USB3 to be 50% faster in a USB3 port than USB 2.

        • 10%? It's 480mbps vs 5gbps of usb3.0. With an ssd in an external enclosure, you can easily see 450-490MB/sec.

          Boils down to the targets speed (whether it's mechanical/flash) and the hosts speed. Usb3 removes the transfer connections bottleneck.

  • -7

    High price.

    Without even trying to find a bargain, here's Seagate for $102… http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SEAGATE-1TB-/140784954614

    • +1

      BZZZT. It's a desktop, which means it's 3.5" - this bargain is for portable 2.5". Try again.

      Anticipating that someone would do this, the OP even said -

      This is a 2.5" Portable USB3.0 1TB External Drive, keep that in mind that it's 2.5" when you're trying to out bargain me as I know ozbargainers do. :P

  • +1

    Where is QQ with the special OzB code?

  • FWIW, last time this was on, it was a Seagate.


  • If people don't like dealing with COTD and their 'mystery brand' business, Officeworks is pretty competitive.


    $129 for Toshiba, immediate pick up in store.

  • Confirmed? It's the Seagate STAX1000202.

    Notice the same dimensions: http://masterhdd.ru/hdd/seagate/78-seagate-stax1000202.html

  • I'd just wait for Bing Lee to do their 3tb for $150 special again (at 50c a GB, why not?)

  • Those are full sized externals (ie 3.5inch with external brick) where these are 2.5 inch drives that are USB powered (so much more portable)

  • -2

    Please check this site before posting http://www.staticice.com.au/

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