FREE SAMPLES ARE ONE PER ADDRESS. If you attempt to get more than one order sent to the same person/place we will cancel ALL of your orders and you will get NOTHING
First 5000 is free
FREE SAMPLES ARE ONE PER ADDRESS. If you attempt to get more than one order sent to the same person/place we will cancel ALL of your orders and you will get NOTHING
First 5000 is free
8,333% daily dose of b12
T-thanks doc..
Can't believe 2023 brand strategy is flog off "supplements" with lewd anime girls, yet people buy it.
don't forget more caffeine than would be legal if sold in liquid form ðŸ«
You mean like Prime Energy that is specifically marketed towards kids yet says on the label not for kids lol
Or like caffeine tablets/supplements..
unsure if you're making a point for or against when comparing it to Prime haha
@lulzenberg: Neither really, just an observation of our legislation. Even pure caffeine powder wasn't banned until 2019 when someone died (1 tsp ≈ 50 cups apparently).
Yet iced coffees somehow get around this legal limit by classifying themselves as "flavoured milk" instead of "formulated caffeine beverage"
@pennypincher98: That's crazy if they can get away with more caffeine in iced coffees, had not heard that one yet.
@lulzenberg: Take this Dare for example 48mg/100ml, leading to 240g/500ml. No warnings on the bottle at all. Then there's the 750ml bottles with 320mg, twice the amount of an energy drink.
Afaik "flavoured milks" don't even need to list the caffeine count. I think the Norco Triple is higher still, but I can't find caffeine data online to verify that.
@lulzenberg: Yeah the thing is there's nothing telling you not to. I was having multiple iced coffees a day at one point and what were probably side effects of that much caffeine I blamed on other things.
Was told they were "a lot healthier than energy drinks" lol. Tons of added sugar, tons of caffeine, no vitamins and some of these are quite high in fat too. Glad I switched off them.
*does not contain milk
"From 17 variations, we chose an elegant blue raspberry flavor, and paired it with a natural milk flavor to give you a refreshing GG with an ever so slight dessert-like quality for maximum compliance factor and long-term drinkability." (Does not contain milk)
What in the actual f**k is maximum compliance factor?? What is refresh6 GG? What's dessert-like quality compared to entree-like quality? Natural milk flavour without any milk would make it unnatural? So many questions…
Was brought down to 0 for me?
Dang, am dumb
Is anyone really going to ingest random shit like this from the Internet, it's not even free with postage
What do you know of Dream market?
Free can be very expensive sometimes.
Although I agree with you - it IS free shipping for me?
Got one thanks
If you attempt to get more than one order sent to the same person/place we will cancel ALL of your orders and you will get NOTHING.
Got two
No supps for you, NEXT!
What a Chad
WTH did I order?
Essence of Shroud.
Don't buy this product. This seems like some shady thing a horny person would make. I don't understand the need for having weird anime characters on it.
ok boomer /s
You can keep this crap, don't want it even for free.
I wouldn't even want even if I was given money for it. Imagine if someone saw those packets in your house.
They have sold out of waifu cups. Now if I want to drink this questionable stuff I'll have to do it in a glass like some pleb.
I thought you meant to snort it
Im questioning if my dignity is worth 5 dollars /s
Your dignity will be fine, it's your health that you need to worry about
the shipping is (or should be) free it came as 0.00 even tho the shipping was on the order at $5
$5.99 and wasn't changing for Victoria.
maybe they changed it, because I got it for free (Canberra).
Done thanks
This is truly capturing the essence of teenage wankery better than any product I have ever seen in my life. You can almost smell the stale tissues and weeks without showers. On a side note, something useful must be made of this, like connecting their customers with mental health services
Who were you spending time with in your teenage years where they weren't taking showers for weeks?
What is the actual caffeine content?
Chat with support says 100mg per serve
Thanks op, bought 5000.
How times have changed… back in my day the only health supplements a gamer needed were sunlight, a girlfriend and a Microsoft Ergonomic keyboard.
And a Microsoft sidewinder joystick
I’m still trying to grind RuneScape gold so I can buy a girlfriend
Free, but at what cost? You will forever be on file as someone who bought this stuff. You'll have it in your home. You might even have to consume it.
If the AFP is clever this is all just a set up to build a watchlist for when weeaboos eventually become militarized.
Paid with $Kishimoto
~160mg caffeine plus an unquantified amount of ginseng and some 'fruit' extracts per half packet, Christ. 320mg per sachet, with ginseng that will increase the effects of caffeine, marketed to people who are sitting on their arse playing video games.
Sounds gud . I had better order a few of em .
Don't forget to shelf it to get full effect :P
As someone who actually drinks this stuff - the flavours are pretty good. When you get a decent price on it, it works out reasonably cheap (cheaper than all the others - 100 serves in a tub) and you can adjust dosage to make it go further.
I'll sometimes put in 1 scoop in a big 1L drink bottle and at the end of it I've had about 1 energy drink worth of caffeine but I've also managed to drink 1L of water which is a pretty good deal…
Also - it's less grainy and cheaper than GFuel.
god i love anime
So I paid for international shipping on a trial pack a while ago. I had one of these instead of my morning espresso pre commute ride in and I absolutely smashed every single one of my PBs. Definitely scared the shit out of me, what the hells in this stuff.
Probably same as pre-workout
Strange. It said free and I bought it. Didn't even look at comments here nor the actual product other than "it's supplements"
Okay it has anime titties. Not into it but whatever.
It's powdered energy drink basically
So it's not end of the world. Idk why people so complaining
Pretty sure it contains more caffeine than is legal in australia.
Not sure, but I know that's why prime "energy" isn't allowed in Australia, just the normal prime drink.
@DrScavenger: There is a point where its not just risky but outright dangerous.
I'm no health expert, so I'm just providing information I've come across.
US$5.99 shipping for me
Yeah, deal breaker.
Shipping USD $5.99
Shipping USD $5.99 as well. Doesn't matter which payment option I use and tried with different addresses to see if made any difference.
Pure cringe and promoting the worst of gamer culture. Neg away weebs.
Lot of old people coming out of the woodworks
It is definitely entertaining.
Not as entertaining as the woodworking I took a quick break from to pop in and comment
Honestly, these just look like repackaged pre work out
Damn missed this.
Ty for being direct on the multiple orders OP kek.
It's delicious and the shake bottles are awesome. Bought some mid last year, and I'm still going through my jar. Because you only put in a tiny tiny scoop it lasts aages.
BUT, it did take nearly 6 months to reach me. Hopefully, they've resolved some of the supply or shipping problems.
Got 3 orders in .
Having 1st serve tonight pre-gaming and lets see if i can lift big
Didnt feel it at all.