Hi All
Hipster Bikini Underwear - 6 Pairs for only $22.77 or 12 Pairs $37.14 with Free Delivery.
No Coupon Code required, just add them to your cart. - no minimum spend.
To unlock the 12 Pair discount, just add an extra 6 pack to your cart.
Material: Main: Cotton (Australian) / Elastane - Logo Elastic: Nylon / Elastane.
3 Different Colour Packs
Sizes Available: 8,10,12,14,16
Sizes Available: 10,12
Sizes Available: 8,10,14,16
These briefs usually Retail for $20-23 for a 2 pack. Occasionally you can find them on special for $10-13 for a 2 pack.
Are these new?