Jim (Jim's Mowing etc) Penman Set to Declare Independence from Victoria

Hints in a story reported in The Age today that Jim Penman intends to set up his own 'country' and declare independence from Victoria (unless he gets an apology from Dan Andrews or something)


Quotes attributed to Mr. Penman:

“We intend to try and join Tasmania, it’s a much better state”
“We just declare independence. It’s like when the United States colonies declared independence from Britain in 1776”
“If you’ve got unjust and tyrannical government, you can secede.”

I'm not sure of the ownership of the land that Mr Penman intends to secede from Victoria, or the legal basis of his land ownership, or if Tasmania want him.

I suppose it is like waiting in Houston for JFK to return; we will just have to wait and see what happens.

Thoughts anyone?


  • +18

    Hahaha.. yeah, ok Jim, ya flog. Open your own country and invite all your cooker mates to go live there.

    • Under what jurisdiction?
      Will he charge them to enter / stay? (plus ongoing franchise charges, etc)

    • +7

      Open your own country

      At least the lawns will be neatly mowed and probably have a nice Harvey Norman store.

    • -7

      Open your own country and invite all your cooker mates to go live there.

      Why do you think Dan is in China right now?

      He needs help from an army to combat these dissidents.

      Do you honestly think he is there to convince China to send 'students' over?

  • +1

    Trying for a tiny island of blue on the mainland.

  • +17

    1 day away from April fools…

    • +8

      Unless Andrews offers him an apology, he will be going full sovereign citizen this Saturday.

      Ah there it is

    • Perhaps it is one of those "journalistic" posts where they write an article and publish it days later, but someone inadvertently published it today?

  • +3

    When do franchising rights for own state open up

  • +1

    Jim is Australia's version of John MacAfee.

  • +1

    sovereign jims lawnmowing: proudly catering to 38 sovereign citizens

  • +3

    Jim would love a slice of sovereign land.
    Then he can franchise it out.

  • +2

    You know what they say about funny rich people: they were funny to start off with, they just happened to get lucky too.

    There is Jim's everything now. I'm wondering whether people should really use the franchise umbrella or go to independents.

    • My favourite is Jim's Drifting.

    • Independent any day. Boggles the mind why people buy into these franchises. Lawn mowing/gardening and cleaning are easy businesses to start on your own and they grow fast. Why put up with the hassles and fees of being a franchisee..

  • +5

    “We just declare independence. It’s like when the United States colonies declared independence from Britain in 1776”

    So tens of thousands dead, an 8 year war and he has the support of France and Spain in this little venture? I wonder how his army of ride on mowers will go up against an Abrams tank?

    However I do really think this should be @jv s new profile picture

  • +2

    'cken hell, gotta negotiate an international treaty with the landscaper.

    there goes my saturday.

  • With any luck his franchisee's will put together a class action for loss of wages against him for this once their customers stop using the franchise

    • Doesn't he pay them in bitcoins?

      • I would have thought they paid him

  • +2

    Sounds like a cunning publicity stunt…

    • +1

      …gone wrong

    • +1

      I see what you did there

  • +3


  • +2

    Just another boomer crying foul because he could've earnt an extra $100 on top of his $millions.

    It's the same dummy spit as old Harvey except this one is too slow to grease the palms of the pigs in Canberra.

    • Truth. You speak it.

  • +2

    Jim's Marketing

  • +2

    Would mowing your lawn need a work Visa in this case, or do you think he'd need sponsorship? Jim's Migration Lawyers?

  • See ya!

  • Another bloody Pom trying to grab part of Australia.

  • Anyone can declare independence, but having the military to enforce that independence is a problem. I seem to recall a little war happening over USA independence from Britain.

    • -1

      Yep, those in control never like genuine upstarts breaking away from their grip. After all, they might wake up the masses…….

      • Has there been much support from '…the masses…' for the proposal?

        • Has there been much support from '…the masses…' for the proposal?

          That's the point of the articles…..to make sure support doesn't happen.

          • @mrdean: Are you sure? The only way I knew about this was via this article. Surely '…the masses…' need to be informed so that they can '…wake up…'.

            • @GG57:

              Are you sure?

              Yes, in newspeak it is called getting ahead of the story.

              It's similar to what was done early on during the mass injection poisoning rollout. Articles were seeded highlighting "rare" adverse events like thrombocytopenia from the AZ injection. The other half of these types of articles were deliberately designed to allay any concerns by touting the "robust" safety systems in place by the TGA & others & repeating the non-scientific but highly effective propaganda statement "safe & effective".

              It's a classic case of cutting off any rebellion or revolution before it even starts.

              Masters of psychology, they are.

              • @mrdean: So by announcing this on March 31, in newspeak Mr Penman was getting ahead of the story ie April Fools Day.

                Is that correct?

                • @jackspratt: Very well could of been.

                  Is Jim a larrikin with a sense of humour? Lol.

                  • +1

                    @mrdean: I guess you have missed your own contradiction.

              • @mrdean:

                It's a classic case of cutting off any rebellion or revolution before it even starts.

                I don't think most people learning of Jim's intentions would have been too bothered, let alone think about joining him in the 'revolution'.
                If people didn't know about it, how would they have decided to join the 'revolution'?

                Masters of psychology, they are.

                Who are 'they'?

                • -1


                  I don't think most people learning of Jim's intentions would have been too bothered, let alone think about joining him in the 'revolution'

                  Kind of hard to realise a revolution is necessary when distracted, & dulled into thinking everythings a-ok,

                  Question you should ask yourself GG57; Is there anything the government would ask of me that I wouldn't be ok with? If you're in your 60's & have had a good life, I can't see you disagreeing much with whatever "they" want.

                  • -1

                    @mrdean: A revolution is necessary? Says who, just Jim? I haven't seen much support for his idea, just plenty of ridicule.
                    What does this have to do with '…the government…', apart from Jim's demand for an apology from Premier Andrews? Not much of a demand to base a revolution on.

                    What is it with people that just go on and on about 'the government' (whatever that means) and how bad it is. If people don't like our democratic country, move on and let some others who will add value in to take your place.

                    • -1


                      What is it with people that just go on and on about 'the government' (whatever that means) and how bad it is. If people don't like our democratic country, move on and let some others who will add value in to take your place.

                      Further to my previous post alluding to cutting off any potential shake up or revolution of the system, this was on the ABC's 730 report. A hit piece on My Place Australia:

                      Watch it carefully & critically. It was designed to paint My Place in a negative light. Definitely not un-biased. Classic example of painting people as extremists or "cookers" or as a "danger" to society to keep the population from waking up. Features "experts" warning of the danger of radicalist so called "sovereign citizens", a term specifically used to label people. And the term isn't accurate by design. They keep on repeating that "sovereign citizens" believe rules don't apply to them at all. But that is a total misrepresentation of people who have raised very serious questions including but not limited to the nature of our laws & how the original constitution has been effectively made redundant.

                      The one thing in that report they did get right was the attempt to set up parallel systems to the current system. But the aim is not just about replacing the current system as the "experts" warn, but of having a place to turn to for those who will be "rejected" or "forced" out of the current system as things progress. The movement & others are trailblazing a way, whether it ends up squashed or defeated time will tell. It is never easy being the first to forge a new way of living. You can bet the status quo will do everything they can to make it as difficult as possible.

                      • -1

                        @mrdean: You (and Jim) do whatever you want to, or try to. If you want to try and change laws or the constitution of this country, you are very welcome to follow the processes to try and do that. The current 'system' works.
                        Or, you could just go somewhere else.

                        • @GG57:

                          If you want to try and change laws or the constitution of this country

                          No, the point is those laws & constitution have already been changed to further the interests of those running the country. The "system" is not working for you or I. You think it does, therein lies the difference. It just hasn't affected you to the necessary degree yet. But it will.

                          • -1

                            @mrdean: I'm am certain that I am very happy with the Australian laws and the constitution; if you aren't, go somewhere else and let someone else take your place. Plenty of people eager to come here and be productive and inclusive members of our nation.

                            • @GG57:

                              I'm am certain that I am very happy with the Australian laws and the constitution

                              How much do you know about them?

                              I've asked you a similar question before, to which there was no reply, but can you think of a set of laws that you wouldn't abide by, or think were too let's say restrictive or draconian?

                              I'm trying to engage you in a discussion, but you seem to just want to shut it down by saying "go elsewhere". That isn't productive.

                              • -1

                                @mrdean: Nope, can't be bothered wasting my time in this discussion.
                                I have things to do that actually benefit this country and my community.

  • +1

    It's a country where all the supermarkets, Chemists, Bottle-o's, Hospital's etc are franchises of Jim's Group

  • Jim has become a nut case in his old age .
    Time to send him to the old age home .

    • Maybe that was his intention, but he got distracted between thinking 'go to old age home' and thought 'start a revolution'.

      • +1

        But I can see him causing unwanted attention from the authorities that could affect his franchisee's.

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