PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi $242.16 or Wi-Fi Only $221.66 Delivered from
Couldn't believe my eyes . cheapest in memory so wanna share this deal with my fellow ozbargainers.
Have a good day all
PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi $242.16 or Wi-Fi Only $221.66 Delivered from
Couldn't believe my eyes . cheapest in memory so wanna share this deal with my fellow ozbargainers.
Have a good day all
I got my 3g one from I can confirm there are no problems with games or the psn or anything like that when using it in Aus. I haven't used the 3g side if It however. One thing you should know is some games you get from Germany are completely in German. I got resistance and it has no English (that I can find). I have also heard fifa is the same.
Shipping took about about 4 weeks from the date of order.
4 weeks? That can't be true! Gallifrey insists on 4 days, lol
See other thread and look at other people's experience - some get it in 4 days others wait longer.
You are just a whinger and whiner, aren't you? :-))
Haha sausage, we've already got people here saying it takes a month.
Yes, so what. Out of 100 people 95 get it within a week. The other 5 are just unlucky. Still so much better than anything in OZ where I can wait a week for a letter from Sydney to Brisbane.
Oh BS, you're full of it.
Thanks. And I guess shipping will vary on season, demand, etc.
Any issues with 3g? Is it locked or can you use an Australian sim card?
And does the charger fit in Australian sockets?
the charger has a detachable part that you connect an 8 ring connector which is a very common cable. i got this deal the last time well worth the monies
If you have ordered from them last week are you able to get them refund the price difference?
This issue comes up reasonably often. You accepted last week's price and decided to buy. Why should you get a discount because the price was lowered after your purchase? You can cancel Amazon orders before they are shipped but afterwards there's nothing you can do.
There's no reason why they should refund the difference, merely asking because some stores do offer price protection, for example Kogan.
Amazon does it for pre-orders. But surely your orders shipped if you bought it last week?
They might but they will reply you in german xP
Anyways, people do that for the US amazon page(most of them successful) so I would say no harm trying. My friends did it last time and it worked out fine.
Nope if you politely tell them you can't speak German, they can respond in English :P
At least they did when I got my vita from previous deal.
The Germans are known for their friendly nature. Right?….
In fact, they are very friendly. Friendlier than the Aussies in stores in my experience. With the Aussies, once you have bought, they have no more interest in you.
Amazon used to do 30 day price protection but they no longer do that.
However if you preorder an item before it releases and its price drops before its release date it automatically gives you the lower price.
But there is no harm in trying, it's no longer an official policy but some people are still getting refund of the difference.
I am just wondering how I can purchase from the Web site in German.
It is a bit tricky for me.
I use google chrome - can translate the site in english
Im tempted to get it… but i dont need one. But all those games sitting on my PSN for no good! Argh…
Good deal for the people that missed out on the time they were $240 including a 8GB memory card and a game.
Still a very good deal
How about the Gameboy lets stick to that ?
You mean those original black and yellow brick ones?
That's BS.
The build quality on PSV is second to none.
Also the size difference is hardly worth mentioning.…
..huh. I assumed it was much bigger than a psp
..huh. I assumed it was much bigger than a psp
It's significantly bigger than a PSP.
It's definitely not going to fit in my pocket.
Its screen alone is bigger than the Galaxy S3's (it's about the size of a Note?). Then there's the space on either side of the screen for buttons and d-pad.
Maybe you mistook the ps vita for a piece of crap touch screen phone? Sorry mate, it's a monster gaming console.
I didn't say the Vita's build quality was bad. I'm only referring to the sticks. Every demo unit I've seen of the Vita has the sticks not return to neutral position. Even when the Vitas were still pretty new. They break easily. I don't see that happening on gamepad sticks unless they're old.
No they don't.
lol, 4 whole pages of pretty much the same few people posting on the official PS forum and you believe this is a wide spread problem? You never had a 360 did you?
Troll elsewhere, you're not very good at it.
is the 3g free like the kindle? if so can it be used to browse etc?
Nope, BYO SIM card.
I don't know if you can tether it to a smartphone instead, might be a better bet
of course you can tether to smartphone, the 3g model still has wifi support
i got one of these from amazon Germany last time they had 8gb and a game sale
if you are planning on getting a game from amazon Germany go with Rayman Origins, can confirm has 100% English Language.
Anybody know if Lumines on is only in German, or also has English?
Zadax message me on psn or wp if you're interested in my copy. I don't play it much.
Ordered one, any deals on the memory cards getting around?
Best I can find is $52 for the 16gb and $82 for the 32gb on ebay
Are there any good games due to come out for it? I was looking at Gamefaqs and there was maybe 1 or 2 Sony games that stood out and not much else. HELP I need a good reason to get one of these to add to my pile of unused handhelds!
Ragnorok Odyssey this month. Little Big Planet, Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, CoD Black Ops Declassified, Final Fantasy X HD, Lego Lord Of The Rings, Persona 4, Sly Cooper Thieves In Time, Street fighter x Tekken, LBP Karting, PlayStation All Stars and Need For Speed MW are all incoming within the next 4-12 weeks. BioShock, Kill zone, YS, Soul Sacrifice, Phantasy Star Online 2 and Jet Set Radio are all all confirmed.
$222 less in bank account. Thanks Beaker.
LBP Karting, is not coming to the Vita, and isn't even planned to. Sly Cooper doesn't even have a release date so you should probably move it to the 'confirmed' section for now.
LBP Karting will definitely end up on Vita.
Maybe, but there's been no word on it. It is, at the very least, not coming within the next 1 to 3 months.
My bad, you're right.
Sly Cooper is dated for fall 2012.
Not a maybe, the devs have stated it's not planned on coming to the Vita.
A bunch of console ports, then. I think it may be a mistake to be putting console type games on a handheld.
Ragnorok, AC Liberation, Black Ops Declassified, Soul Sacrifice and LBP are not ports at all.
Hey dont get it if you live somewhere hot or take it to hot places. Operating Environment Temperature 5 - 35 degrees. I find that odd hiw that is stated in specifications, maybe I never noticed it for other things before?!! What age is this good for? I was thinking maybe for my sons 7th bday instead of bulky nintendo dsi xl 3d..
I live somewhere hot and my vita is usually in my ute for my lunch break (tradie) and I've never had a problem with overheating or even hot.
I'd say get the kid a 3DS tbh. The games on Vita are aimed more towards teens/adults whereas Nintendo are more family orientated.
Does it say 199.97 EURO Wifi and 246.34 EURO for everyone?
Not sure if less-tax the prices even out a bit more but it looks like 3G is now 40 EURO more than wifi?
Just checked, 3G + Wifi version is now around $260 AUD shipped
And also if anyone cant be bothered translating if you hover over the links the url path usually indicates what it means i.e. print order receipt
nice post
If you buy between 1 and 31 August 2012 you can upload your receipt to and register there and then you get the game FIFA Football as a download for free
Has to register by 13 September 2012.
Has anyone got the free FIFA game?
I went through the whole process & at the end it said (translated)
"Congratulations, you made it. We now check your details and
if you're lucky, you will receive at the end of the promotional period download your voucher by mail
and you can download for free from the FIFA FOOTBALL PSN."
Does that mean they will send the code in the post to my dodgy German address?
Or maybe the translation is not accurate?
Time will tell I guess.
You should put the free game in the post - makes the deal more attractive and better value for money.
Sorry for my ignorance… How can I get a German/Austria address to upload the receipt to Thanks in advanced
Google? Google maps? Any address will do, search for Sony Germany address?
Cool, thanks … will give it a try =)
How long does the delivery usually take for the vita to arrive in Sydney from Germany?
About four weeks.
I ordered mine on the 6th of August.
It arrived in Melbourne on the 17th.
Thanks for the post.
hmmm, i ordered mine on the 10th of August but i havent received it atm.
Everyone who ordered at WP had at least a 3 or 4 week wait from amazon, no need to worry yet.
I ordered mine on the 6th of August and got it on the 22nd, which is the exact estimated time of arrival. That's 2 weeks and 2 days in total, so like Beaker said, no need to worry yet :)
Ordered mine on the 10th of August and got it today
Don't forget to join in on the WP Vita thread guys, lots of us there always posting good deals on games and info etc. Also you'll find people to play with.…
Excuse my ignorance, but is there any region locking or sim lock on the unit? Thanks.