Probably targeted. Check your emails
Audible is like books, but you listen to them. How many characters do you need?
Probably targeted. Check your emails
Audible is like books, but you listen to them. How many characters do you need?
I received this offer from account that I closed 3 months ago.
Yeah I got this offer a couple of months ago, of course I took it, then forgot to cancel and got stung for a month at full price last night! Exactly what they wanted
I've discovered that a few days into paid month. Contacted them - refunded.
Audible is like books, but you listen to them.
So it's not like books then.
not books, but still like books.
Like books, but not audible…
I like both
Audible is like books, but you listen to them.
So it's not like books then
Dictionary definitions:
Like as a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Similar means having characteristics in common
dictionary examples:
I think this tastes like coconut
JV so it's NOT a coconut then
That looks like Marco’s car
JV so it's NOT Marco's car then
having the characteristics of : similar to
his house is like a barn
JV so it's NOT a barn then
Like as a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Similar means having characteristics in common
They don't really have any characteristics in common.
One requires sight, the other hearing. They are very different.
so what you are saying is that they only have one characteristic not in common
apart from that they have exactly the same data
If you look at the dictionary definitions I copied, they show significant differences
I would argue that they have more in common than not in common
they only have one characteristic not in common
No, one can be printed on paper, the other can't.
So it's like if a singer was singing a song, but is instead singing a book, but then stops singing and just says the words, but for multiple hours instead of 4+ minutes
Got it, winner winner
Got targeted offer of 2 months free, 2 weeks ago.
Just got the email 5 minutes ago…guess they're slowly rolling out the emails. But yay~
I cancelled my subscription about 3 years ago…no email yet :(
Got the email just past 4pm.
I think I've had 3 of these offers so far. Never actually paid full price for Audible.
Damnit i just reactivated and paid yesterday. Boo
Is it unlimited for $16.45 pm after the trial, or do you get a limited amount of credits once paying the monthly fee?
Only one credit per month, but membership does include access to everything in their Plus Catalogue.
Generally two characters for a deeper story so that they can play off each other