• expired

Boost Mobile: $14 Cashback ($5 Profit) on 45GB 28-Day SIM @ Cashrewards


A nice profit here from Cashrewards for this SIM. Boost's $9 deal ends tonight! Buy, buy, buy!

Special Terms

  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.

  • SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

  • Cashback is ineligible on prepaid phones, recharges, and any plans or products not specifically listed in the cashback table of rates.

  • You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

FAQ thanks to BG

Question Answer
1. Is Boost operated by Telstra network? Yes, on the full Telstra network
2. Does Boost support 5G? Yes, for all Boost prepaid customers and it is currently on trial until 3 April 2023
From 4 April 2023, 5G network access will be included as standard on your service and we’ll be introducing capped download speed caps on our 4G and 5G networks
3. Does Boost support e-SIM? Sadly not at this stage. However there are plans to do so
4. Do you have to activate the SIM within 30 days? Every Cashrewards Boost cashback up to and including Dec 31 has been approved (confirmed by TA) - provided you activated within 30 days of order
5. How long is the SIM expiry? Usually 1 year, but to qualify for cashback the SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering
6. It is showing “new customer” on Boost website. What does this mean? New customer term is only for the additional Boost data, and nothing to do with the cashback offer
7. Can I receive international text message (aka int. roaming) with this SIM by default? Yes, you can receive SMS while overseas, but can’t send outgoing to Australia
8. How long does it take to receive the SIM? According to the Boost Rep: Once dispatched, you should receive your order within the following business days: Metro Areas – 2-5 business days for capital cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart & Brisbane (order before 4pm). Non Metro or Regional / remote areas – 3-7 business days
9. Is porting in a Telstra number to Boost considered a "new customer"? From Boost Mobile rep via dm: Porting a number from Telstra to Boost is definitely considered a new customer
10. Are you able to purchase multiple plans using different names / ID (or can I purchase 4 x plans for the family using my own details)? From Boost Mobile rep via dm: Received clarification from the team and this is a tricky one since for compliance the terms is showing the customer is only allowed 1 sim per transaction but he can buy multiple SIMs and then activate them all under his name and he will then be able to manage all the numbers when he logs into the App with his Boost ID.
11. Information on what to do when the "please try again later" message comes up List of indicators that can affect how your order is flagged in different financial systems, which can hopefully help you understand what is going wrong
12. Can this be used to recharge? No, this is a starter pack.


Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +2

    If you get 100 of these, does that mean you can gain $500?

    • Doubt that activation will work in 30 days with the same ID, unless you start a pyramid scheme for other people to activate

      • It does and have been doing so far .

        • +1

          Yes I have activated a few each month when these deals are on, but I wouldn't try 100!

  • +2

    If Boost shuts down shop before the cashback is approved, will we still get the cashback?

    • +7

      Also wondering if there is a nuclear war do we still get cashback?

      • +7

        Well given we live off of these promos, we'd be homeless without them!

        • +4

          Lucky for me that I already built a rudimentary shelter out of used Boost SIMs. This is the deal that keeps on giving

    • I think Boost Mobile is in a far better position than CR.

  • +4

    Has anyone else got a problem activating the SIM? After inputting the Sim serial number onto the activate website and putting in all my details, I get a ‘Something went wrong’ page. This is frustrating as I have my last 3 SIMs all encounter this problem when trying to activate.

    • Had the same issue trying to activate this morning. Assumed it was because I was coming from Telstra. Got two sims sorted through online chat - took a bit longer, but wasn't too painful.

      • thanks. it worked after i talked to them on live chat. they said it was a ‘minor system issue’, just an added hassle tho, wish it gets fixed soon

        • +1

          Often logging into your account and activating sim through there instead of website allows you to bypass this problem.

          • @Royale with cheese: How do you get an account? I had to activate via chat. So no account setup involved.

            • @tunzafun001: Ummm i thought it automatically creates your account where you can check usage etc at first sign up

              • @Royale with cheese: An account..with no login details? I literally called up and said your website keeps crashing (tried over 3 days). They took my details (i didnt give an email) and the port was done. Maybe no email means no account.

                P.S.Couldnt activate in 30 days. Phone support did it on day 32. Cashback still tracked. But i took a heap of screenshots just in case

          • +1

            @Royale with cheese: Thanks for this tip.

            • @bonezAU: Does adding the new number to an already available boost account invalidate the cashback? I had to go through the live chat to activate and I already have another boost connection.

              • @Techefy: The only requirement for the cashback is that you activate the sim within the required time.

                So far as being a "new customer" it's only bonuses in the T&C's of the deal that might be validated. e.g. extra data.

    • The same thing happened just now, I just called them up and got it activated. It’s my 2nd one in a week.

    • I had that just before, I managed to get around it by starting the process again but not signing in (still using all the same details though).

      Your service is being activated
      This can take up to 4 hours but most customers are up and running much sooner. You’ll receive an email when it’s ready to use.

      If you haven’t already, insert your Boost SIM now.

      • i tried doing that before, it didnt work though, guess it depends sometimes :/

    • +1

      It's apparently because you already have an account with your details.

      Activate via live chat.

    • I had the same issue when trying to activate on a desktop computer but then tried doing it through my phone after turning off wifi and it worked, surprisingly.

  • +2

    LoL how many numbers do they want us to order under our name ??

  • +4

    Man I cannot order any sims

    Still keeps saying "Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later."

    Even though I ordered none since the last $5.33 something like that deal. Do they have an undisclosed limit of 5 orders in a month or like that ?

  • It's still better to get the 200$ 365 sim right ?

    • This sim lasts 28 days & you make $5.00 profit.

  • Damn I bought yesterday when the cashback was only $12 so my profit was only $3

    Looks like I "lost" money haha

    • +1

      Just order more

      • Just tried. Getting the dreaded sorry something went wrong page

  • +13

    Thanks, now my children can eat tonight

    Edit - in 90 Days

  • My last sim never activated…..

  • +4

    No wonder the NBN is struggling. I have been paid to have an internet connection for months now.

  • I activated one but the SIM was dodgy (tried in a few devices). Ask for another or just wait and don’t disrupt the cash back (I already have another SIM or two)?

    • Well if you're taking a new number each SIM (not porting a permanent number out then in again the same day), and can order another SIM with a new phone number, why not? Then you can just let the first one expire without using it, no way the cashback is going to be mucked up. Some people seem to be having difficulty ordering without calling them, if they're already been a Boost customer before though.

  • How long do I have to keep the number active with Boost in order for my cashback to be confirmed?

    • +1

      If they catch wind that you’re going to ditch them, a small group of elite “technicians” break your door down to get their money back. But don’t worry — just keep calm, follow all instructions, and nobody needs to get hurt

      • +2

        I think he means what happens if for example he uses all the data in 24 hours and ports out again before the tracking "takes." But I don't think the tracking would be affected because the cashrewards clickthru still happened, the purchase was valid, and payment will still be made by the bank… But… ?

        • +1

          You can try to use the 45GB in 24 hours, and then skip the country, but they will find you. And when they inevitably catch up with you, you’ll have a lot of explaining to do…

          • +1


            but they will find you

            Not if you use a different passport / ID when you re-enter.

        • Yes, thank you for clarifying my question. It's simply because Cash Rewards T&C says: estimated approval up to 95 days.

          Does it mean that I have to keep my number with Boost while waiting for my cashback to be confirmed, which could take as long as 95 days?

          There are heaps of great deal on mobile plan out there and I don't see myself staying with the same provider for long unless there's an incentive to do so.

          • @Gorodemon: no, you just have to activate the sim

          • +1

            @Gorodemon: Nah as billsa said… You make the purchase, they get their money, it's prepaid for 28 days and not a tangible product like books or shoes from Amazon you could return for a refund - so the transaction stays "completed" as far as Boost and CR are concerned. It would be different if it was a 12/24 month contract and you ported away 6 months in meaning they'd lose out $$$.

            Just be sure and follow the instructions so it tracks. Like turning off other programs and all other browser plugins if on a computer, refresh the browser, click the CR "Go to Deal" button, login if you're not already, make the purchase, pay, and activate SIM in the required time, and after a couple of days check it has tracked in your CR history.

      • +1

        Oh noo! 😱 I’m going to be peering out the blinds all night!

  • Thanks op!
    None of my orders could go through over the last 2 weeks (between $3 and $4 cashback)
    Suddenly they allow 3 consecutive orders. What the…

  • Did you buy new deodorant?

    • +1

      Can afford new deodorant now with the $5 profit

  • +3

    Thanks, grabbed another. Oddly, didn't track instantly like previous boost orders have done.

    • Same , waiting for tracking

  • +2

    Is the Boost website down? Can’t seem to process an order

    • +1

      yea, anyone else getting this error message:
      "Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later." ?

      • Yup, that’s the error I am getting. Hope Boost extends this offer due to this.

        • I just purchased multiple within the last 20 mins. Tracked instantly through CR as well.

          • @Pub Envelope: Hmm I am still having the same issue. Could be because I had purchased multiples the last 2 days.

          • @Pub Envelope: still getting the same error
            @tightarse could you please weigh in?

  • +1

    Didn't track. Again. Ugh.

    (iOS CR app, no content blockers, mobile data)

    • For the first time didn’t track

      • +1

        Also, for the first time Boost Mobile didn't track.
        Exactly same setup as last time. No VPN. No ad blocker / cookie killers, etc.

        I have faith CR will come through.

        • Faith they'll come through, yes. No doubt.

          But the added hassle of waiting a week and having to write up a missing cashback claim makes it pretty annoying.

          And after a couple of times I'm sure I'll forget one.

          There's clearly issues that need to be worked through - given there's long term CR / other cashback users that 'know what they're doing'

          • +3

            @cooni: Hi guys. It appears some transactions made via the iOS app failed to track for this promo, and we've already flagged this with Boost this morning. Please simply lodge a claim after 7 days and the team will take care of it. If there are any issues at all, please let me know. I'll update Boost's findings here once they provide clear details of the issue. Apologies for the inconvenience.

            • @tightarse: any idea why i and others were getting this error message: "Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later." ?

            • @tightarse: Thanks TA!

              If my memory serves me right, this is not the first time this has happened with Boost on iOS. This time, apart from orders not tracking, I wasn’t able to put through subsequent orders (getting error messages after payment page).

              Perhaps next time it’s better to use Android for this.

              • +1

                @ilovefullprice: Happened with iOS back in October 2022. Not sure why it's recurred, but hopefully Boost gets to the bottom of it soon. Thanks.

            • @tightarse: Another reason to stick to website guys. That's why I always suggest people using Website.

              but again thanks to TA and cashrewards for helping people who used IOS app instead of android or Website

  • +1

    Hate the activation process, it never works and I always have to end up contacting them

    • -3

      Tried a different browser? The last few times Kogan activations in Firefox gave a blank screen a few pages into the process. So I started using Chrome instead, they all worked no problem, then went back to Firefox for logins. No idea why.

  • +3

    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.

  • +3

    You can register up to 35 sim in one account - Boost chat agent
    Your sim will be expired within 6 months if you did not recharged it - Boost chat agent

  • +1

    Just wondering what happens to cashback when we receive a faulty sim and the rep advise us to get a $2 sim for replacment

    • I'm wondering about that as well. Lots of issues last week and we were advised to buy a SIM too. I have activated the service within the 30 day time frame but it was the $2 SIM from the supermarket not the one received in the post.

      We got 70GB of data but as I needed data I had to activate another SIM in the meantime so now I've got 115GB of data to use within the next 4 weeks. More than enough data as we generally use 3GB per day.

      • +1

        It doesn't affect cashback approval. To avoid porting a number to a faulty SIM, test the SIM signal before activation. A faulty one can't be detected.

        • Had this exact issue myself with Kogan sim last time I bought their sim.

          it showed sim card empty and I was worried my phone became faulty or something, then Kogan said it will work after activation, But I guess you are more correct here. Faulty sims in fact actually dont show any signal at all both before and after activation.
          So if sim we get has no signal then I guess DO NOT ACTIVATE IT, instead start Karen @ sim provider that sim is FAULTY and not be like me, and agree with agent that we need to activate sim first to see if it is faulty or not.

  • I keep getting “we are unable to process at this time, please try again later”. Does anyone know how to get around this which happens at the activation stage? I have tried different types of ID, email addresses, browsers etc - no luck.

    • Same. I had to contact Boost live chat to activate

  • I activated but it's saying that it's only 40gb? I think I am missing something?

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