Need a cheap basic netbook

I know prices have been dropping due to the rising popularity of tablets.
For work I currently need something to do very basic word processing and excel spreadsheets. Yes, that is all. A bit of web surfing, facebook, SD youtube etc is a nice diversion when away from work, but even this is optional. It just needs to be small/portable (because I'm very mobile) and cheap(well, because I am cheap lol).

I found this one for $70~ from BIN, perhaps a bit too cheap and nasty!
The specs are quite anemic - 128mb ram and 260ghz process for god's sake. I think maybe this product should be $50 max for such low powered, outdated hardware. My budget is up to $200.…

I'm currently lugging around a 15" high performance laptop around all day and it is really bulky, heavy and needs power lead all the time.


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