I remember when Paypal was recommended to me because it keeps your payment details private, and so I thought most of your details were private as well.
At least in the past I would pay with Paypal, but before doing so enter my second email address/create an account with my second address before doing so and ordering.
This would usually mean all the spam etc would only go to the secondary email address (it has worked in the past for many places such as JB HiFi, Aliexpress, Fantastic Furniture, Etsy, Sanity, other Shopify type stores just to name a few), and the only thing I got in my main Paypal email address was the invoice from Paypal.
But recently at least now for some websites it seems that isn't the case. I will do as I have always done, but end up getting identical spam in both email inbox's.
So what's going on here? Paypal changed their T&C's? Or are some stores making an extra effort to get a bot or something to skim your Paypal email address and sign you up/target you to email subscriptions?
I am surprised, shocked even….