Best Cheap 4G Modem Router with Sim Slot

Which router do you recommend which has a sim slot and good wifi coverage preferably AC and not N.


  • What are you using it for?

    b828 is generally considered a very solid 4g modem in the $100-$200 range. Its more for whole house type set ups though, and you generally attach it to a seperate router

    • I want to use it with a felix unlimited data sim.

      • +1

        Oh. In that case any router will do fine considering you'll have the service for a day or two before it gets terminated.

      • +4

        Yeah, I suspect you'll receive an email with this in it:

        We request that you immediately cease using your felix SIM in a non-mobile voice device, otherwise your service will be suspended within 7 days.

        I believe they do IMEI + Usage checks…

        • Yup. I got negged for saying that.

      • If you want to use a felix sim for data best bet is to just hotspot a phone or go thorough the significant effot to modify a router so you can change the IMEI.

        They block/ban sims that get put in a router.

  • +1

    Which router do you recommend which has a sim slot and good wifi coverage preferably AC and not N.

    The problem is finding a router with a SIM slot. Its not a product companies thought there was much demand for - and they were right - so they charge a fortune.

    So start with a GL.iNet travel router, there's a bunch of models at various prices and capabilities, which have a USB socket, and either plug a cheap Huawei 4G E3372H/E8372h USB modem into it, or USB tether a cheap 4G phone to it. Use the wifi in the router.

    Don't use a felix unlimited data SIM. Belong has a data SIM at the same price, $35, for 100GB/m. Is that enough?

  • I got a few weeks use with my rooted Gen 2 modem with a Felix sim in it. My in-laws used it while their internet was out prior to moving.

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