Getting assessed as CALD with centrelink + jsp

Found out recently that average JSPs cater mostly to the low skill, low achievement, drug addicted 'aussie battler' types.

Am tired of explaining to a overweight, drug addicted degenerate that other jobs exist besides warehouses and cafe servers…

Apparently there are JSP setup for CALD peoples, now as someone that is somewhat diverse, how do we get registered as such?

closed Comments

  • +5

    A JSP's job is to annoy you into finding yourself a job, and then get a little bonus for a job well done. It sounds like they're doing the first part right, but you seem unable to accomplish the second part.

    • -2

      The covid crazies are still doing gonowhere interviews.

      Trying to find an employer that isnt messed up mentally is extremely difficult, and time consuming.

      CALD places are cleaner and in more accessible locations.

  • +1

    No idea what a cald is, but why not just look for the jobs yourself?

    • +3

      Culturally and linguistically diverse according to google

      Edit - jsp is jobseeker payment for those like me that didn't know

      • +5

        Job Search/Service Provider.

    • Have more interviews than can attend, trying to filter out the jokes from the serious is draining.

      Atleast a cald place might be a neutral instead of the total negative that jsps are for me, aussies like them or something

      • +1

        Have more interviews than can attend, trying to filter out the jokes from the serious is draining.

        Filter it out yourself, it's not that hard.

        Atleast a cald place might be a neutral instead of the total negative that jsps are for me, aussies like them or something

        No one likes jsps apparently, it's just that you are obviously going to find a higher proportion of dropkicks at a jsp.

        • It takes time, had too many interviews where they just complain about some assanine missing detail on my resume.

          Literally HR will call me to ask why i change jobs every so often, and then it goes nowhere

          • +3

            @bbqporkbun: What are you qualified in? Lots of jobs available, I'd say there is a bigger problem than some "assanine (sic) detail".

            • @brendanm: Mostly business related, 50-80k type jobs

              • -1

                @bbqporkbun: What qualifications do you have?

                • -7

                  @brendanm: The ones that qualify and licence me for enough 50-80k type jobs

                  • +17

                    @bbqporkbun: I assume you have no qualifications then.

                    • @brendanm: I’m starting to think the same.. business related?! Go do business related admin task or whatever they call those roles these days

                    • +7

                      @brendanm: It's pretty obvious the OP is super arrogant, spotted from miles away, as do interviewers ;)

                      The "I am worth 50-80k without any qualifications" kind of gives it away!

                  • +2

                    @bbqporkbun: And here is why he is unemployed that long to need a JSP.

                    I can walk into any cafe, restaurant, supermarket or department store tomorrow and get a job.

          • @bbqporkbun: Then change your resume and put only the jobs relevant to the position you are applying for.

  • +7

    So what you are saying is that you are better than all the other people on jsp and you want to be classified as a cald to get a better job?

    • -3

      Am on the CALD spectrum, but lack the bureaucratic knowledge to make it official

      • +4

        The cald spectrum? Isn't this that you either feel you are or aren't?

      • +2

        What does "on the cald spectrum" mean?

        • Woke-ism mumbo jumbo nonsense. Welcome to the age where everyone has some bovine excrement diagnosis to absolve them of any faults and relieve them of any personal responsibility.

        • Maybe it means he's white but can also speak Chinese and Arabic.

  • try starting a small business

    • -2

      Got an abn, mainly looking to keep centrelink off my back though… instead of actually starting a go no where business.

      • +15

        damn, with a bright mind like yours, i was certain you could run a successful business. please hire me. It is very tiring to find an employer that isnt messed up mentally

        • -1

          Name a market that hasnt been absoutely pillaged and ill start a business

          • +1

            @bbqporkbun: Just advertise your business as non mentally ill managed and you will get my business

        • /S.
          Someone might think you're serious.

  • +22

    Based on the attitude shown here, it's no surprise you're unemployed

    • +17

      What, inflated ego and laziness isn't in demand?

      • +5

        middle managers are definitely in demand

        • -2

          Had afew roles where they did want me to manage the team, but only have me as a team member while the actual manager did whoknowswhat

  • +12

    For the record, I am not a drug addict.

    • +1

      then why do you need jsp?

      • +3

        Found out recently that average JSPs cater mostly to the low skill, low achievement, drug addicted 'aussie battler' types.

        They were referring to OP's comment

        • it's a joke that they don't need jsp since they aren't a druggie

      • +7

        Lol give me a break

      • +1

        So it's the workers too?

  • It's like one appointment a week for about an hour in exchange for $300 or whatever. Doesn't seem like a big ask. And a warehouse/cafe job will get you a lot more than $300 a week so maybe these JSPs have a point.

    • This place is a hub of around 10 jsps, a centrelink and a liqour shop. Someone messed with my car last time i was there, and the regulars…just….

  • +1

    Found out recently that average JSPs cater mostly to the low skill, low achievement, drug addicted 'aussie battler' types.

    Am tired of explaining to a overweight, drug addicted degenerate that other jobs exist besides warehouses and cafe servers…

    So how are you different? English as a second language Paedo?

  • +10

    This post has really bothered me.

      • +10

        Yet you're not contributing to society, so what good are you to this country?

        Gimme a worker with convict heritage over a centrelink mooch any day of the week

      • +21

        OP is very well balanced.
        He/she has a chip on both shoulders.

      • +1

        Not all need to stay here either.

    • You and me both, why am I getting pissed off reading stupid forum posts on a bargain hunting website at 2 in the morning?

  • +17

    Is it just me, or does OP sound exactly like the people they are trying to describe?

  • What languages are you fluent in?

    • +6


  • Hi OP. Where are you based? Careers NSW are offering career advice and assistance. Check the link here to make a booking.

    What kind of work are you looking for? Also check out all of the free TAFE courses!

    • Melbourne, positions in a few industries, see above.

      The free tafe courses arent what they appear to be…those that know know

  • Troll post. OP is probably a white Australian who has a chip on their should re immigration.

    • Living in Byron bay?

    • Troll post for sure.

      Member Since
      15 hours 28 min ago

  • -1

    Most of the replies so far have been mentally ill, but thanks for all that helped.

    • +6

      It’s okay. We mentally ill people have jobs

  • -1

    What the hell is CALD and JSP? If the OP wants public engagement, it's usually a good idea not to use spurious acronyms.

  • So you want to bash everyone else while on JSP and get classified as CALD so you get special treatment while complaining you dont wan to to be forced to do interviews (which is a pretty easy way to earn money)

    While also complaing employers are menatlly ill and do goodness knows what.

    Look im a self centered prick at the best of times but comon if your are that much of a great catch to an employer find your own god damm job. In fact demand that employers come to you and chase you not the other way arround.

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