I have an entitlement as part of my employment to have the cost of certain electronics reimbursed. This is spelt out in my Award, but the monetary limits and frequency are only spelt out for a certain category of salaried employee but not for my level. Nevertheless, the "vibe" since starting employment in 2009 was that these limits applied to all levels.
In 2017 I broke my phone and enquired to the relevant finance officer if I could purchase a new one immediately (even though sooner than normally allowed) and claim it later when my entitlement "refreshed". To my surprise, they said that I in fact could claim immediately as there were no such restrictions other than the amount in my account for all self-education / work expenses. We receive an allowance based on our full-time equivalence and they accrue when not used in this account. Unsurprisingly, I have been buying new phones as they are released to avail of this perk.
Fast forward to this year and the previous finance officer has retired and the new one has decided that the previous advice was erroneously given. They are "graciously" not asking for reimbursement of the previous claims but are denying my current one. I am seeking the documents that they are basing this on to satisfy myself that the current advice is correct for future claims.
I am asking that they reimburse me for the current phone as this purchase was made in good faith on the written advice I had at the time. I wouldn’t have upgraded otherwise and can't return the phone as they have taken months to get back to me after submitting the claim.
Any legal eagles out there to help me put the screws on for this?
Do you have this advice in writing?