This was posted 1 year 11 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$15 off Minimum $50 Spend (Membership Required) @ IKEA


Oh no! We're sorry your last $10 Quarterly Reward got lost on its way to your inbox. To make it up to you, here's a $15 voucher, ready for you to use however you like. Why not check out our latest news and IKEA Family offers to help bring your dreams to life?

To redeem your $15 reward,* just scan this QR code at the check-out in-store. Or, next time you shop online, log in to your profile and apply discount code Gnil's Code Here to your shopping bag. Valid on purchases over $50. Voucher expires on 30 June 2023.​

The twist is that I have well and truly spent my previous quarterly reward. on a whole bunch of LADDA's…so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Unsure if codes are unique, but someone else who has received the email feel free to PM me and we can confirm. Generic code.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I sent you a PM for the code I received

    • Thanks for confirmed RTY! Had to get a mod to edit the post as it glitched out for me.

      As usual, for anyone trying the code but didn't get the email, the staff may ask you to show the email to confirm.

  • +1

    Yep got the email

  • Could i get the code too please?

  • Likewise, please

  • +1

    Does this apply to IKEA food? Need to stock up supplies

    • Long time ago I used new member $10 code to food (not restaurant), and it worked, so I think this should work too

      • I will try it. Thanks

    • What are people's favourite IKEA food items?

      • +3

        Frozen meatballs. With separate gravy packet.

        Super easy and quick weeknight meal. Somehow tastes fresh despite going straight from freezer to microwave. Kids go bananas for them.

        Surprisingly few ingredients. No crappy filler in there.

        Beef & Pork much yummier than Chicken IMHO.

  • Would love one if anybody has a spare going unused, going this arvo.

  • Is Ikea membership free?

  • I can't seem to get this to work or the10 off a 50 code that they resent today for my account doing online order

  • -6

    Too expensive for firewood

  • If anyone has the coupon that doesn't plan on using it, could you please pm it to me? Gotta get something there today

    • +1

      It's a generic code. Mine is the same as above

  • whats good to buy? i have money to waste.

    • Swedish Meatballs 😃

    • +2

      Zigbee stuff

    • Potato rosti!

  • -4

    Please if someone can PM me if you do not intend to use it. Thanks!

  • +1

    Do you have the QR code for the code above? Was planning on purchasing in-store as opposed to online.
    Seems they charge an extra $5 for pick-up instore.

    • never mind, noticed the image has the QR code. Thanks!

  • -5

    if someone can PM me if you do not plan to use it. Thanks

    • +1

      It is a generic code…

      • -3

        Thanks mate

  • I am waiting for mine to come through via email as I was searching for the $10 credit last weekend.

    • +1

      its a generic code, no need to wait.

  • +4

    Bloody hell they charge $5 for click and collect, I don't recall any other store charging for click and collect service.

    • +12

      They are a big store and super unorganised so thats essentially a staff handling fee.

      • +5

        Ikea is one of the most organised stores I've ever seen? Each item has a unique code that tells you down to the rack where things are?

        • +1

          Thats the core system/model you're complimenting. Each store/country is run very differently to each other. Eg. Ikea in many Asian countries is very clean and tidy.

          You would know why they need a handling fee once you experience what a cluster the click and collect process can be.

        • +3

          Organised or not, I think it's because there's significantly more effort involved in having staff move furniture around for click and collect than smaller items from other stores. It's also time consuming because their furniture can sometimes be split up into different parts stored in different areas of their warehouse.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah there was one time I was after a significant quantity of food storage containers at Rhodes. Asked staff and it took them 40 minutes to find the product despite them having 2 pallets of stock. They eventually found the pallets stashed behind the stairs.

    • +3

      Think of how much you will save without all the impulse buys you have to resit when going in person.

      • This. End up buying useless crap every single time, and I can’t even eat them lol Expensive cat toys.

  • Anyone tried this instore at the checkout?

    Does it require the checkout attendant to come over and possibly check your email?

    • +2

      Back in Nov I had 4 instore purchases. 2 by self checkout, 1 staff asked to see email and 1 didn't ask, simply scanned her code. 2 by cashier checkout, both simply scanned the screenshot and didn't ask for anything

    • With the vouchers you can scan yourself and the attendant will need to come over and verify it can be added for you, showing the scanned QR code is fine. Otherwise just show the QR code to the checkout attendant scanning you out and let them scan it.

    • +4

      It depends on how thorough the staff member is.

      I find that most staff are happy to authorise the use of a coupon if they see you have a QR code on your device and you explain what it is.

      However, I once had a staff member ask me to scroll through my email (to ensure it was not a screenshot) and then scroll to the top of the email to check whether the name and IKEA Family number matched the IKEA Family account I was using for the purchase and matched my actual name.

      • +7

        That staff member should work for ASIO

        They are usually satisfied with scrolling through the email

        • I think you may have an inflated opinion of ASIO’s competence

      • Last few times at I used the $10 code at IKEA Richmond VIC, they always ask to see the email, which has my IKEA Family code on it, which they scanned to prove it was legit.

        Not sure if this email would be the same though, as it's not the typical genric one?

        @Gnilgorf does the email have you IKEA Family Membership QR code at the end?

        • +1

          Yep. Name and Membership number at the start.

          And the same thing with QR code at the end.

  • Thanks got a screen stand with drawer and a magnetic knife holder I've been eyeing for a while.

    • Which magnetic knife holder?

  • can I get a code please

    • Yes, but only because you asked nicely

  • +3

    Once had an IKEA team member ask to view the email. All I had was an ozbargain post :(

    • Yup at the Perth store
      Luckily I had the email

  • +1

    Used in-store on an order of $50.50, when you scan the barcode, the screen will auto call over a staff member. Showed my screenshot, they scan their card to put it through, happy days. Thanks OP.

    • Fraud pays! :)

  • can you use this multiple times online?

    • +5

      Of course! At OzBargain, Exploitation is everyone’s middle name

    • the answer is yes, yes you can.

  • i presume you can use any standard charger to charge ladda…? can anyone confirm if i can use the aldi charger in this case?

    • +1

      yes. i have buckets of ladda batteries and use third party chargers I found on ozb - no issues.

      • cheers…presumed as much. ikea seem to really like the idea of you buying one of their chargers based on the text

  • +1

    What is the subject line on the original email?
    Thinking to email the image to myself so it looks more legit just in case they actually ask to see the email in store.

    • +2

      Gnilgorf, sorry we missed your Quarterly Reward!

      From: IKEA Family <[email protected]>

      Hahah good luck~ Hopefully the checkout attendant just skims over it.

      • +1

        From: IKEA Family <AnophthalmiaCervidae@….>

        Changed the name in my outgoing email profile.
        They will need to look pretty close.

  • Man I am waiting for LAADA's to go back on super sale like that <$5 deals from 2021, is that still possible in 2023 ? or this is as close as it gets to that ?

    • +9

      Unfortunately LAADAs have been discontinued, so those halcyon days will never return. However, due to incredible technological advances, a new product to replace them has been launched. They considered what to call it for quite some time, and, to avoid any confusion, decided on the name LADDA

    • +2

      They're like $8 now and this is 30% off, so you're basically there if you buy enough.

  • +1

    You can't buy food online. In store only!

  • Could someone please forward the email to me just in case?

    • +1

      E-mail sent to [email protected]

      • Can you please send me the email as well? Thanks!

      • Can you send it to me too please :)

      • Me too pls :-)

        Both the Richmond (supervisor) & Springvale (self serve) IKEA stores asked for the email.

  • I've gone off LADDAs after I've had AAA's leak after a few months

    • That does not sound good

    • +1

      Wow, out of the literally hundreds of them that I have over many years of using them, I've never had a single one fail or leak. Not AA or AAA, white, grey or brown packaging. Perhaps it's the way you are recharging them?

    • Overheat from aircon perhaps?

  • Going to try this tomorrow to save $5 collection fee!

  • +1

    more chicken meetballs! Thanks

    • Why did the chicken meet the balls?
      Well, they just randomly bumped into each other. The last time was a close shave, but this time was pretty hairy

  • +4

    $5 for collection or $4 for delivery when it came to my order.

    Went for delivery lol.

  • Muzeeb strikes again 😂

  • Used it tonight. All worked fine. I have had some staff request to see the email but they generally dont care enough

  • Yeeeeah!

  • +2

    Springvale, VIC - staff said there was some fraud going around with this qr code and pulled up a very strongly worded email titled FRAUD advising against accepting screenshots and only accept legitimate emails.

    • Honestly, how can a major corporation be too lazy to use randomly generated INDIVIDUAL barcodes? It isn't like this is the first time either

  • No longer honoring this at the Springvale store. Apparently all staff received an email to not process it unless they see the email in your mailbox. Might be better to click n collect (tho its only 10 saving at that stage).

    • Ditto. Just tried instore at Springvale VIC with a screenshot (5.45pm on 25/3/23) and they asked to see the original email. Wouldn’t honour it without seeing the ‘bottom of the email’.

    • Did you try to pay with the app when you were in store?

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