I currently have a iPhone 7plus but heading to europe for the first time in April and want to get a new iPhone with a better camera. Just wondering what the best iPhone camera would be? Is the iPhone 14 pro that much better then say a 12 or 13?
Best iPhone Camera

You mean do some research. There is heaps of proven comparison data on the internet? I don't believe you.
Whats an internet?
Nothing beats the OG iPhone 3GS when they first added autofocus
12: Best
13: Besterer
14: BesterestestiPhone 69: ?
iNoice 69
It's a bit of a mouthful.
14 pro
Apple's camera quality has slowly trended down the past few years IMO. Their cameras used to be known for taking photos that weren't overly saturated and more representative of real life, these days their cameras take photos that are a bit too saturated and over-processed. If you don't believe me just Google about this, many people feel the same, but if you are the type who likes saturated colours then any recent iPhone should be fine for your tastes.
I would argue that you should just keep the iPhone 7 and use that camera. unless you plan on taking a lot of night photography then maybe one of the newer ones would be worth the upgrade.
I read on photography websites that you can get that "un processed" image with any iPhone camera by shooting in RAW.
It's not just a feature on newer iPhones either, on older models you can apparently get a free app such as Lightroom then open the camera mode and choose the image capture type to raw (or PNG I think) and it will take photos in un processed/raw.
The images will look a bit "flat" but if you know what you are doing you can edit them in lightroom to your own taste.
In general you will get better detail, more range to recover details lost in highlights and shadows and none of that artificial sharpening/saturation.these days their cameras take photos that are a bit too saturated and over-processed.
You are right, but most mainstream consumers think that they look "amazing".
Sorry my mistake it's DNG not PNG.
The latest Pro is always the best. At the moment there's no difference between the 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max. For September this year there's a rumour that only the 15 Pro Max will get the telescopic zoom lens, kind of like how only the 12 Pro Max got IBIS.
Does the 14 pro still come with a physical SIM card slot in Australia? Or is it e sim only now here too? Apple site seems to say esim only but jb hifi etc say both physical and esim?
Yes all iPhones in Australia come with physical SIM slot. I read it in an article.
I don't know about "buying on a plan" from provider though, maybe they have E-sim only iPhones just for those customers but I doubt it. All should have physical sim slot.
All iPhone still have a physical SIM slot in Australia.
I have a 14 Pro and the camera is noticeably better than the 13 Pro I had previously. The 14 Pro now uses a much larger sensor which allows more light in, the shots you can get are incredible now.
Save the money and buy a $1200 camera and a cheap $300 android phone some SD cards 256GB
https://www.digidirect.com.au/catalog/product/view/id/33079/…I have some advice here, I went from a 7 pro to the 12 pro a few years back.
Anything from the 12 onwards should blow you away if you’re used to the 7 camera. The detail, clarity and colours (as well as tiny bit more bokeh) will be a big step up.
However, as some people have said, you may be put off from the unnecessary and weird colouring, and obnoxious use of shitty HDR of these cameras too at first. Especially if you have used proper cameras recently and are used to more natural colours.
Having said that as a professional in photography/videography, I was satisfied with the 12 pro’s upgrade from the 7. It really is a huge step up. One regret it have is that I don’t use the ProRaw feature at all as the images are so overprocessed that it’s a chore to try to bring them to a more natural look and I don’t want to be taking 20mb photos just to have a shot at doing that. I just gave up in the end and stuck with accepting the ‘iPhone look’.
In short, any of them will satisfy you. Unless you’re expecting them to make DSLRs redundant ;)
If you shoot in ProRaw and are prepared to put a bit of work in, the iPhone 14 Pro has the best camera of any smart phone, in my opinion.
Here are some cropped samples showing the difference between ProRaw images and normal jpegs shot with the native camera app.
It's the difference between organic, detailed, natural looking images, and digital-looking, over-sharpened unnatural images.
As some people have pointed out, Apple’s Smart HDR leads to overly saturated photos in some situations. You could disable it - in the Settings app; not the camera itself - up to and including iPhone 12. The option to disable Smart HDR disappeared at the iPhone 13 (and is missing from the 14).
Jump on apples website and compare them side by side.