Currently I'm a member of that gives me daily points for viewing ads, answering quick questions and full surveys. But the downfall of this site is that I have to earn $31 dollars to only get a cheque.
There aren't many options for using the points, unless you have a lot for auctions etc.
I want to know if there are any similar sites, that can pay into a PayPal account.
I only want to earn a few dollars to pay to MMORPG gaming sites for little bonuses.
I'd preferably like Australian sites, or overseas ones that I can fudge into thinking that I live in that respective country.
I'm not keen on suckering people with referrals, though. Only cash I can get for doing the work myself.
David M.
There are quite a few online survey sites, and I think in Australia you get PureProfile, WDTY, etc. However I do not know any Australian one that pays into PayPal.
Sorry I am not really into online surveys as I think they are a bit of waste of time, but it might be because I have never earned anything from these ventures.
There are some off-line ones as well. My wife went to a market survey thingy yesterday, answering some questions regarding washing machine powders. One hour of work, and she got paid in cash right afterwards — 50 bucks. She only got picked twice a year though (need to ask her what marketing company does that).