Help Dispute Red Light Fine

My cousin stopped at the red light but because of his trailer, he didn't brake hard enough and have gone over the white lines but he did stop.

But now he got a fine of 3 demerit points and $400 fine. How can we dispute this? Is there any hope or just cop it?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    • -2

      Yellow means you've still got time.

      • +3

        sadly that is exactly what so many bad drivers think. Yellow is hurry up I can still make it.

  • +1

    I was under the impression that if you stop over the red line and reverse back then you can get the fine rescinded. At least that was the case many years ago in WA.

    • So if you speed through a speed camera, then go around the block and back through the camera at the speed limit they will waive the fine?

      If your photo is taken by a red light camera you have committed an offence.
      Reversing doesn't change that

      • -3

        You are so wrong…
        Please don’t spread false information.

        • +1

          About what?
          I'm not.

    • It's now known as the JV strategy.

      • where is JV

        • Now that jv has made 100,000 counted comments they have stopped making net new comments to maintain their prefect count

    • -1

      You are correct.
      I’m honestly surprised at how wrong the people are in this post.
      This has been the case for many years and still is.
      People need to get their facts straight.

  • I had a red light fine a few years ago but was able to ring up and get it waived due to 10 year clean driving record.

  • +2

    Where's the photo?

  • I sometimes stop where the white line is under my car, and I don't get penalised for that, but maybe I'm just lucky,

    You cannot appeal or contest that, QLD Revenue Office is hard on their resolve to GET MORE MONEY! No amount of appeal or pleading can change their minds!

    They won't care if you're having hardships, they will just suggest you pay it in installment basis!

  • +1

    So they got the Car or the trailers Plate?

    Semi's usually get off as they are slow moving and can get stuck.

  • I always thought the sensor to trigger the red light cameras were after the white line. I've stopped on top of the red line before and it has never triggered any flashes.

    • +1

      They are

    • I've stopped on top of the red line before

      Which red line?

      • +1

        The one made from hitting a pedestrian

        • Yep, the blood trail.

      • The one where you don't use chemical weapons on your own citizens

  • +2

    hmmm sounds like a tough argument. You're basically saying your cousin was driving at an unsafe speed that did not give him the ability to stop in a timely and safe manner so please excuse me from the fine?

  • +5

    One or both of you and your "cousin" are lying.

  • +1

    The light is triggered by the pickup/sensors in the road, this gets turned on when the lights go red, if after the light goes red it briefly registers a car it'll trigger the camera. If the pickup/sensor already has a car/trailer on it and it stays that way for the duration of the light then it won't trigger.

    In this case your "cousin" would've moved the trailer/car over the sensor which resulted in it getting triggered and him having to pay the fine.

    Admittedly if they were already in the intersection and it was a filter lane (turning right across traffic) you may get some leniency as the car would've already been in the intersection. Sounds like this wasnt the case though…

  • That wouldn't have triggered a red light camera.

    Your cousin isn't telling you the true story.

    You can see the photo online if you want. That'll show you a bit of what actually happened.

  • Not enough information and I don't think you'd find much help here than being subjected to extreme mockery. If the facts are what you say they are, just write to the case officer and explain situation and there is nothing to loose ;)

  • In other words he thought he could rush through the yellow light like he's done 150 times before but got caught out this time?

  • -6

    Got one of these few years ago. I logged onto the online portal sent a message saying it was fresh rain after months of none, and breaks didn't work as well, I also sent a receipt of the change of breaks the day after. They sent an email to me saying administration error.

    • +3

      …in your spelling of breaks it is BRAKES.

  • People need to get their facts right.
    If you stop just after the line you can get it waived.
    As long as you didn’t continue on then that’s what they care about.
    So much misinformation in here.
    I worked for a travel company and some drivers had their fines waived due to the same thing.

    • I some how agree with this, I had once break just in time to over the white line and literally saw the flash light flashes. I didn't get the fine though which I was very grateful.

      • +3

        That's basically the point. If you cross the line slightly, get photographed, but don't continue through the intersection, you won't even get the fine in the first place. OP was obviously way too far into the intersection.

    • I agree with you because I've seen it happen.

      Don't know why you're being negged, have my upvote.

  • "They say I ran into the back of somebody's car. However, I clearly stopped. It was the trailer that made me do it"

  • -2

    @Trangara, ignore all the useless comments which assert that all red light cameras are 100% accurate and work as intended every time - and that if you've been snapped, you must have done something wrong.

    I successfully disputed a red light camera fine - I was in the same situation as your cousin, there was traffic banked up in front of me and so I stopped, stayed mobile for the mots part. I moved my car a tiny bit as you do - note the red light traffic sign was actually outside my line of sight at that point, and I was snapped for 'running a red'.

    Unfortunately my dash cam didn't work and so had to follow the usual process - use their photos they took showing the traffic, Stat Dec, work references, etc & was let off - no fine, no demerits, no recording of any conviction.

    • Except of course you were not in the same situation at all, you didn'f fail to stop at a red light due to poor driving. It wasn't a mistake as is clear from his description, the red light camera was completely correct, what he is asking for here is a way to get out of it or some leniency, it doesn't seem the offense itself is in dispute.

  • So there's are 2 photos of your "cousin" not going through a red light? Just eject for court?

  • Go to FB marketplace, there are people that sell demerit points there.

    What if next time he drives with a trailer, he goes over a person and not a white line?

    Your "cousin" effed up, not something you should be trying to worm out of.

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