How much bonus do people receive at the end of financial year? Do you also receive the full eligible amount?
It will be good to also know your work industry.
How much bonus do people receive at the end of financial year? Do you also receive the full eligible amount?
It will be good to also know your work industry.
Our company of about 1000 staff all get a bonus every year.
That sounds quite pleasant
I've had worse jobs.
Bonuses! Lol 😆
Occasionally people try to give gifts which have to be rejected anyway unless of no monetary value/conflict of interest etc (like hand made cards or drawings).
Don’t teachers get like 12 weeks bonus holidays or something?
Bonus 2 weeks holiday for each term
Seriously, where do people hear this rubbish?
Nearly 50% of teachers are casual/contract. Holidays = no pay. Large portions end up on Centrelink especially over Xmas break.
As for those lucky enough to be permanent, it's the same 4 weeks as everyone else. Except you can never take leave during term time.
Are you really a teacher? You are talking rubbish.
My two daughters are both teachers on contract at public schools. One five days a week gets FULL holidays. Second works three days a week and receives pro rata holidays. Yes you can take leave during school terms.
@CurlCurl: I really do think it varies from state to state and school to school.
There are a lot of casual teachers in Vic now too, who only get paid for the dates on their contracts. Some schools are pretty cheeky at only writing the first and last date of the term on the contract, so no holiday pay is given. Or if they’re hired for a year, it’s first day of the year to last day, so summer holidays aren’t paid.
Aside from long service leave, it’s also very rare for schools in Vic to approve non-personal leave during term. But once again, varies from school to school.
@Geoff01: You’re right, casuals do get better rates.
I meant those on short-term contracts. The contracts are under the same award, so same rates, just a shorter duration.
A full-time ongoing teacher is employed january to january, on an ongoing basis.
A staff on contract is only employed as needed, so if it is for only 1 term, the contract is first day of term to last day. This seems logical, except sometimes they’re also asked to mark work or plan for the next teacher in the holidays. Contractors should be saying no, but school politics means saying yes could result in an ongoing job.
I had a friend employed on short term contracts for 3 full years in a row from the same school, but it was the first day of the school year to the last, so no summer holiday pay, yet still had to be in about a week early each January to set up the classroom (and it’s actually not possible to do this once the kids are there). So yes, while they didn’t work for part of it, they did work for part of it and didn’t get paid at all.
Mm so people in other industries aren’t casual or on contract. News to me. I got friends and family who are permanently employed teachers. They don’t do jack over summer except go on holidays and chill out.
load of sh, family member is a teacher there is literally 1000 vacant positions in victoria, equally in gov and catholic.
What teachers are these? I have a cousin whose a vice principle and at his school 80 % are permanent all are paid all year.
Most teachers are working for the majority of the “holidays”, especially between terms and toward the end of January. Marking tests, planning lessons, etc. it all has to happen, and when they are at work at 8am for meetings, teaching from 9-330, then in meetings from 330-5, there’s not much time left to get stuff done.
Except, I know teachers with only a bachelors degree earning $120k, with 3 months holiday per year. Teachers complain like they've got the worst job in the world, but on the whole, they have it pretty good.
@ForkSnorter: And I know teachers with postgrad earning $80-90k a year, working most of their holidays and working until 8pm most evenings.
As I said, it varies from state to state, and school to school. Each school has different demands. But also each group of teachers. Some teachers, as you said, don’t seem to work too hard. Chances are, others in their team are working twice as hard to keep the ship afloat.
@ForkSnorter: Always encouraging to hear someone who doesn't work in the industry tell people who work in the industry that they're wrong when they talk about the industry
@Crow K: My Mum was a teacher for 40 years, and I have friends who teach. It's not rocket science to put the facts on the table.
@ForkSnorter: Anecdotal evidence as facts, hey?
I thoroughly agree, everyone bangs on about poverty and homelessness but I saw a bloke on a blanket in the city a few years back who seemed fine enough. Not sure what the fuss is.
@Crow K: Well, you should try the private sector, where you lose your job when the company has financial difficulties, have to do teleconference calls at midnight, or you're stuck on $70-$90k salary for 20 years even though you're doing specialised work requiring a post-grad degree.
@ForkSnorter: Why would I want to try that? That sounds horrible. Are we just suggesting bad stuff now?
You should try mixing orange juice and milk. And then brushing your teeth immediately afterwards.
Not sure where this thread is going, but any direction away from "I imagined a teacher who earned $200K and never did any work at all" is a good one.
Not a teacher, but geez I hate comments like this.
If being a teacher is so easy and you get so many holidays, then retrain and become one!
I could, but I like my job. And I don't whinge about it constantly whilst pocketing a sweet 3 month break every year.
Do you accept chocolates?
Maybe. And booze. If it's shared in the staffroom, it doesnt count (as unethical or calories) 👍
My mom slips me a pineapple at xmas.
What about birthday money?
Pineapple again.
Should you spend it on a ps5?
Sounds painful…
30% of salary - Mining.
What mine are you at!?? I got 5k last year. Pitiful.
15% performance related bonus (5% company, 5% team, 5% individual performance). Have no control of company or team metrics, whilst the individual goal is generally just given.
Y’all are getting bonuses????
Where is the option for 1-9%?
I get over 50%
My work is, full time job "whirlpool wanka" and a part time storeman and packer at coles to pay for my games on mums machine that her new boyfriend bought her but I own.
Actual : 12% for mid-level finance worker.
Potential 30% of salary
Not sales based
We get $50 and a shitload of KFC.
0% of salary - Doctor making 600k
I hope you have some sort of tax minimisation in place.
Wait, you guys are getting annual bonuses? Hold up… now that I think about it we got 6 jelly beans last year (I am not even joking)
I managed to sneak out some post-it notes last year, but please don't tell boss, I don't think it was meant to be my bonus.
I get to go home a few hours early on Xmas and new years eve.
Annual Bonus from GH? LOL.
Admittedly we did get a one off payment during CV19, but it was heavily taxed.
I'd rather a Bonus, than Christmas a Party with people that you want to smack around the head (Tempting after a few drinks).
Gotta be grateful I'm eligible for bonus looking at poll results!
Which professions are mostly eligible for bonuses? Finance? IT? Legal?
14% - IT consulting.
I got bonuses every year but i didnt see the money as it is tax really high almost chopped half, now it goes straight to super
Agree probably the most sensible thing to do unless you really need the money for something else.
I thought it’s only execs who get eofy bonuses, after all their performance is tied to business performance. Or the other way round really. Whereas the rest of us plebs are more decoupled.