Fully Vaccinated Definition for Travel Insurance

I have a travel insurance policy with Southern Cross with cancellation cover for Covid if you are Fully Vaccinated

Our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ is:

having had a COVID-19 vaccine that has been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Association
having followed the Therapeutic Goods Association recommendations relating to dosage and any booster vaccine requirements
having completed the time period between your last vaccination and when the Therapeutic Goods Association considers you to be fully vaccinated.

Does anyone what the TGA vaccination recommendations are?


  • 'Fully vaccinated' means a person has received the required dose(s) of a COVID-19 vaccine under the national COVID-19 vaccination program to be considered fully vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations made by the Australian Sponsor of the relevant vaccine.

    From the TGA website.

  • +3

    3 doses seems to be the general expectation for fully vaccinated (two shots + a booster). Didnt find it written in such plain english tho unfortunately.

    • +2

      I think that is because it varies by age. Old folks should have 2 boosters. Middle age one booster. Young people/kids just the original 2 shots.

      • Old folks should have 2 boosters.
        I'm up to original + 3 boosters. My Sister is immuno-compromised and has had original +4 boosters.

        IIRC theirs another tier for 70+

    • Boosters aren't recommended for those under 65 without risk factors.


      • -1

        Hmm, are we reading the same thing? Theres a difference between not recommended and Consider ??

        i.e. according to the article, recommended' != not recommended

        ATAGI 2023 Booster Advice

        Age At risk** No risk factors
        <5 years Not recommended Not recommended
        5-17 years Consider Not recommended
        18-64 years Recommended Consider
        ≥ 65 years Recommended Recommended


        • +2

          i.e. according to the article, recommended' != not recommended

          Yea I said that boosters aren't recommended for those under 65 without risk factors, not that they are "not recommended".

          The only group without risk factors that are actually recommended to get boosters are those 65+.

          • -1

            @ozhunter: But that's what you said literally??

            Boosters aren't recommended== boosters are not recommended

            PS: Hahaha 🤣 I know we're on the same page.

  • -7

    what are we up to now….? 5? since late 2021?
    and still being mandated for a lot of occupations despite providing no protection from transmission?
    i guess those cooked antivaxxer nutjobs were right…. you can never be fully vaccinated

    • +6

      Given all the revelations that have come out this year alone I don't how you got any negs for that comment let alone 6 of them.

      • +7

        die hard branch-covidians…some say they are still hand sanitising, doublemasking & boosting even to this day….
        a strange & obsessive cult like behaviour if you will….

        • +9

          I share your thoughts about obsessiveness on covid protections, but its bad on both sides of the debate.

          In reality, masks do work, to A degree, IF worn correctly and IF the right mask. Cloth masks are pointless. If you are in an environment where covid is present - ie lingering in air and you unmask because there are no people, which you do, as there are no signs that its there, then removing mask like most did, removes protection. Eg Hospitals masks should be worn at ALL times.

          Vaccine's can help most people in reducing severity of symptoms should they catch Covid. Its correct that its unlikely to stop spread, other than reducing the exposure of people you meet if you have covid, because you recover earlier than if you werent vaccinated ( if you are 6 days sick vs 10 days sick then you have less time being infectious).

          Like everything, things are being reduced to simple black and white headlines, people dont take the time to properly evaluate things. Life is complex.

          • @RockyRaccoon: This is probably the most accurate covid related comment I’ve seen on this site. Thank you.

            • +3

              @jjjaar: Yep, RockyRaccoon's got it pretty right.

              And I say that as a person who took the best part of a year to fully recover. From the vaccine. There's a lot of people denying the obvious about the virus. And the vaccine does reduce the seriousness of cases of it. But my experience was that there is also a lot of denial from the other side that the vaccine caused side effects. I was fobbed of and told that I couldn't possibly have a vaccine side effect because they're extremely rare. Yeah, so is winning the lottery, but someone always wins. I was told that irrespective of the sequence and timing of my symptoms exactly matching the most common side effect, it didn't count, because I could still walk unaided. No-one in the medical profession or the health bureaucracy wanted to go against the message to the public that the vaccines were really safe by putting on record a case of someone having a serious vaccine side effect unless it was so bad they had to be hospitalised. So I expect there was lot more people like me it happened to.

              • @GordonD: No need to 'suspect' anything, there are quite few vaccine injured groups around and the single biggest complaint from the victims it that nobody wants to know and they are getting ZERO coverage from the media (big surprise). And as per your experience, most doctors don't want to know and try to blame the damage on 'anything' else. One FB group had around 60,000 vax-injured people on it until it was mysteriously closed down without warning. Like all the other heretics. Even the official numbers from governments around the world give more than enough info for anyone with more than 2 brain cells to reach some logical conclusions. Up until January this year NSW health were breaking down hospital admissions/death of 'covid positive' people by the number of vaccinations taken. The numbers were telling…which is why they stopped reporting them I guess. Anyway, a lot of people know what's going on now but don't expect any admissions or honesty from Big Bother or it's propaganda arms any time soon, if ever.

          • @RockyRaccoon: No you are wrong on all counts. Many papers to show this in black and white but you believe in the system and you can't bare to believe that you were lied to or that your were fooled.

        • Still 2300 covid deaths since Jan 1 this year in Australia
          If you had a person at risk in your immediate family (immuno-compromised or other high risk group) and were not taking precautions then you are a complete idiot.
          You deniers forget that these measures protect the vulnerable.

          • -3

            @singlemalt72: Your fear-based mantras are passe and have been proven wrong time and time again.

            A couple of weeks ago dad passed out and stopped breathing, he was revived and taken to hospital and after a barrage of tests was discharged with 'doctors are baffled'. The silly bugger has had three of the injections and he is adamant that it was the third one that started his decline leading to the passing out event. Since the third jab he has been hit with chronic exhaustion and weight loss (one of the classic signs of Mrna injection damage) with with regular GP also 'baffled'.

            Prior to the injections he was at the gym 3 times a week and was very fit and healthy.

            I know people injected and not who have had the covaids and the symptoms seem very similar for both, only a lot of vaxxed people we know still aren't doing that well.

            These points you raised have been debated and debunked numerous times over the last 3 years by many many doctors and scientists, so please stop being condescending.

          • @singlemalt72: ^^^^ Naaaah. It not 2020, sensible people know otherwise now.

            Im high risk, Diabetes, high blood pressure, generally run down and old and my 2 bouts of covid was no worse that a heavy flu for 3 days (1st one) and half an hour of fever (2nd one) I was certainly NOT in any danger.

            This is pretty much the case with everyone i know. In fact the ones that got super sick, including my wife, were jabbed up to the eyeballs.

            "It could have been so much worse if i was not vaccinated" is quite simply a fantasy.

          • +3

            @singlemalt72: How best to protect more vulnerable people is a big problem. It is a shame that the government isn’t doing things like mandating air quality filters in public buildings, which would go a long way to reducing COVID and other airborne illnesses at a pretty modest cost.

            Because there is a small number of people who feel the government etc. is lying to them, we can’t have sensible measures (like masks on public transport if you are ill - as has been the case for decades in Asia).

          • +1

            @singlemalt72: "deniers"! "idiot"!

            There in is what starts discussions on the wrong foot.

            People can question absolutes, the world as I said isnt black and white. Both arent absolutely true.

            How we react in an emergency when not prepared is far different from how we react when we have time to evaluate things.

            Only by questioning do we learn. Questioning doesnt mean idiot, fantasy or denial, for or against, those are words that can be used to shut down possible truth.

          • -3

            @singlemalt72: Then it’s up to the vulnerable to protect themselves if they feel so scared. I’m unvaxxed, my sister triple vaxxed, we both caught Covid and had the exact same symptoms and same veracity of symptoms for about 3-5 days except she also got an ear infection I didn’t get. Since then, she has caught Covid again. I haven’t. Without studies to show how vaxxed and unvaxxed fare, the authorities are cunningly keeping the frightened immersed in experimental drugs that, at best may do nothing, and at worst, have given an unforgivable number of people injuries, including myocarditis and pericarditis. I also say this as my sister just returned from a cruise wher an old, and seemingly vulnerable, couple boarded and told everyone they weren’t well but still selfishly wanted to go on their cruise. They had Covid. She said half the boat were coughing up lungs and they were mainly old and vulnerable. They can look after their own health. Don’t let idiots try and guilt you into doing something to your body that they don’t appreciate or return the favour.

            • +2

              @iCandy: Your sharing points out much of the issues in this debate.

              You were unvaxed, your sister was. She got it twice you got it once. - so some can say vaxing doesnt work

              She travelled on a cruise ship with infected others. Were they/she masked. How good was the ventilation. etc etc.

              Those on the ship were old. Were they also vaxed. All so many variables. All can be used as simple examples.

              I have been vaxed 5 times, and never had covid. At the same time I dont deny that I could have been lucky, with the vax and no reaction or lucky not to be exposed, even though other family members have had it.

              Nothing wrong with being cautious. But questioning all aspects is so important.

              • +1

                @RockyRaccoon: Only vaxxed can travel on cruise ships in Australia atm. They were masked unless eating and drinking. All the oldies bragged to her how they were up to date with their vax.

          • -3

            @singlemalt72: fact: most of the people dying of covid are vaccinated with the covid vaccines!
            ….safe & effective!

            • @[Deactivated]: If 95+% of people are vaccinated and therefore have a 60% (made up figure) lower chance of dying from covid then of course the small population of unvaccinated idiots will have a lower number of deaths, but a higher proportion of the unvaccinated will die/suffer

              Honestly, this is primary school math, do you have some kind of learning deficiency?.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              fact: most of the people dying of covid are vaccinated with the covid vaccines!
              ….safe & effective!

              Fact: 100% of the people who died breathed air. Therefore, in 🙉brain logic, air kills!!!!!!

            • @[Deactivated]: I am all for people vaxing or not, and how effective it is I dont know. But your comment is plane stupid. Many countries didnt get the vax - too expensive for developing countries, and people died of Covid. People died before the vax was available even in developed countries.

              So saying something like this as a "fact" is ludicrous.

              As stupid as the counter claim that vaxing cures covid and lockdowns prevent it as well.

          • @singlemalt72: I knew taking the vaccine stops the spread, this post verifies it. Thank you.

          • +1

            @singlemalt72: On the topic of the vulnerable, we should remove the sale of all cigarettes, alcohol and highly processed high calorie foods that are contributing to the leading causes of burden in Australia. Overweight, obesity and smoking.

            I'm not saying people shouldn't take precautions to protect loved ones, i myself do, but just because people don't all take precautions in the same way, at this point and after 3 years, it doesn't make them an idiot.

            Even people who are immunocompromised, have changed how they "protect" themselves and I'd say the majority no longer go to the same lengths as previous.

      • +2

        The cult is for life.

    • -1

      i guess those cooked antivaxxer nutjobs were right…. you can never be fully vaccinated…

      or possibly just not understand the purpose of vaccinations or the level of efficacy.

      • -3

        But they've done their Facebook research!

        • Lol @ negs from Facebook researchers.

    • Correct. Over 18 who do not have complex health needs are up to 5 shots.

  • That’s what we have

  • +3

    7 or not vaccinated in my books

    • +3

      boost or beware!!!
      there are always new variants afoot…..one can never be too safe or effective!!!

      • +4

        It's always terror alert orange which means something might go down somewhere in some way at some point in time, so look sharp!

  • +4

    We still on about this?

  • Does anyone what the TGA vaccination recommendations are?

    SC insurance was pretty clear how they defined it, for those 18+ it is the 2 base shots plus all boosters that are available to you. Which for most people had been 4, with the 5th just released just recently if you haven't had covid in the last 6 months or a booster in the last 6 months.

    • To be more specific, 5th means 5th shot or 3rd booster (2 original shots plus 3 boosters).

  • -3

    I just looked it up: Gullible human now at risk of dying suddenly according to worldwide excess death figures in highly vaccinated countries.

    Bwhahaha.. "This coment is ABOVE the threshold"

    • +1

      dying suddenly?…must be all that darn climate change i keep hearing about!!

      • +1

        Indeed..climate induced stroke..apparently its a "new" thing

        • +3

          The best piece of twisting the facts to suit what you believe I've seen was research that argued that whatever increase there was in heart attacks after vaccination wasn't because the vaccine caused heart attacks, but that they were caused by the stress that was caused by people who claim that vaccinations cause heart attacks.

          (No, I'm not arguing it is or isn't factually true, but people do find arguments that confirm what they already believe far more convincing that ones that conflict with what they believe.)

          • +2

            @GordonD: lol, I am quite sure that them two above were being satirical with their take on this post..

            For example - Google ‘climate change is racist’ and you’ll see what’s seriously being propagated out there.
            What else is the common man meant to do but to ridicule this post modern lib madness in their own little harmless ways.
            No one but you thinks that they were being ‘factual’ about what they were saying.

            • +3

              @Gervais fanboy: Well you got an upvote from me. I am old enough to remember school lessons on the upcoming mini ice age in the 70's. Same people.. different approach for control.. but thats digressing

              On topic. I went oversees for a month last year and only one of the insurers were still practicing the segregation thing. It did not affect my travel insurance being unvaccinated, plus i did not have to list blood clots.. :-)

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