Can you claim items purchased at different branches of a chain store with the same ABN when the invoices total over $300? All I could find on the TRS website is that it has to be from the same retailer and same ABN but I'm unsure if it all has to be from the same physical location as well, or will it be okay as long as the retailer name and ABN is the same?
TRS Claim - Same Retailer and ABN but Different Branches?

myisk on 13/03/2023 - 01:26
It'll be fine. It doesn't say anything about same physical address because it doesn't have to be.
Should the invoice be $300 as one, or can i buy multiple items in separate invoices totalling to $300 or more, ofcourse from the same retailer?
In the past, I have successfully claimed TRS using multiple receipts from different stores under the same ABN. Just make sure that ABNs are indeed the same. The TRS app only requires you to supply the ABN, not branch addresses.