I've got a projector and screen and now looking at getting my HT audio. Budget approx $2k, but can go slightly higher. Will mainly use it for movies. Let me know if you've got any recommendations for AV receiver and/or speakers. TIA.
Home Theatre Audio Recommendations

Thanks mate. I have heard buying refurb from a reputable place like Excel hi-fi is good value.
This! Speaker tech also hasn’t changed in leaps and bounds unlike amplifiers. They’re a pretty safe bet second hand
Are you planning to build a system over time, acquiring quality components as they become available at good prices? Or are you wanting to have everything now for $2K? I think a key decision is whether to go Dolby Atmos
Good question. Ideally I would like a decent set up now to get going, but with the ability to upgrade/add to it over the years.
Either drop money on a high end soundbar (>$1000) with atmos and surround speakers
Pick up a decent atmos enabled amplifier (Pioneer, Yamaha, Onkyo, Denon, Marantz) i picked up mine for $350 secondhand with Atmos - was $1500 when brand new
I matched this initially with a set of B&W 6 series speakers i picked up for around $1000, but found they didn't blow me away.Picked up a 5.1 set of Jamo S606 for something like $250 secondhand that look and sound phenomenal (were a $2500 speaker system back in the day.)
Honestly the secondhand market is the only way to go given the number of people downsizing from their full 5.1 system to soundbars.
You want room shaking speakers that are much more powerful than for your needs, so you can crank the volume without them distorting.
Look on stereonet in the classifieds, all the above comments are correct, go 2nd hand. The AV receiver should be around $500ish, the LCR speakers will be your biggest headache, cost wise maybe $1000, the rears can be either towers or bookshelves at $600ish. Cables, wires, plugs etc maybe $300ish. Then at some point you will absolutely need a couple of subwoofers, SVS at $700ish each. Make sure your AV receiver has dual sub outs.
Home theatre speaker systems are one of the few things I will happily buy used. There's not a large second hand market and you really do get massive bargains on items people don't want and are considered "too bulky" to keep so they sell them off cheap to get rid.
Have a look locally on what setups are available around you. You may be surprised.