On sale with the coupon is the Xiaomi Air Purifier 4 that offers better purification, more coverage and a more accurate air quality sensors over its predecessors. A comparison of the 3H and 4 can be seen in this image from the listing and this image shows a comparison between the other Xiaomi Air Purifiers in the 4 series.
Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 4 $220 Delivered @ Xiaomi Global Direct eBay

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Must be the cost of a negative ion generator that produces ozone
Ozone is actually bad for you so that's a downside that they've added.
Good thing it can be turned off.
Anyone else see these, get excited for a moment 'hey! it's the huawei B818 modem, so cheap!' then realise it's the air purifier ;.;
optus branded ones … often comes up on fb marketplace for under 100 bux , either near new or unused
I have seen those, but feel a bit iffy with buying them like that, as they could still be part of their plan and not paid for outright. Not worth the gamble if the IMEI just gets blocked after a few months.
What does it mean by "Global Version"?
I brought 1 before from Ebay, and it was in Thai or something. Broken within 4 days. Had to return it.
They're the versions for outside of China. So English packing and what not.
Yea I brought two of these from 2 different sellers. One is in complete English that works fine no issue whatever. Another died faster than my basil plant.
Gonna give this another shot and see how it goes.Where'd you bring them?
i think the different between global version is just that the manuel is cover multiple languages and remove some limitations.
I wanna know how these compare to the Philips and all that sold locally in store here
Anyone seen any deals for genuine 3H filters? Haven't been able to find one at a reasonable price for awhile.
I'm a bit concerned about this. Does that just mean the purifier works for a couple of years then they stop making inserts?
I wouldn't. He's not saying they don't exist anymore. He's saying there hasn't been some really cheap deals lately. Plenty of genuine filters around and they've been backwards compatible with most models.
There aren't plenty of genuine filters for the 3H anymore, almost every store and source has dried up except for Kogan. Genuine filters are listed for absurd prices on eBay. Definitely looks like Xiaomi is no longer making them, which sucks.
@deadpoet: The blue, green, purple and grey filters work for the 3H. Some other models use different sized filters and the 3H isn't one of them.
@deadpoet: I asked Xiaomi AU too. Stock arrives in April for the HEPA filters so I'll have a deal then 😉
@Clear: Dang, I wasn't expecting that at all, nice work! Definitely good to hear that Xiaomi is still supporting these.
The purifier still works even with an 'expired' filter. I clean it and keep using it.
Oh does it? I vacuum mine when it gets too dusty but I was under the impression they had a QR code that they read and once the app says 0% filter remaining— you replaced them.
I'm kinda good in the sense I bought a spare when I got my 3H.
If it's as you say; then that's good.
The lowest price for the last year or so seems to be Kogan's at $54.99, a fellow OzBargainer ordered one and confirmed that these are genuine Xiaomi HEPA filters:
Does this have the ozone creation caveat?
yes you have to turn it off
This has negative ionization that releases ozone as part of operation
Should I be concerned?
Every bloody post this ozone comment comes up
did I miss something?
Looks like that feature can be turned off.
That's great beats unplugging the ionizer module :)
Do these things actually provide any benefit to the air quality of the average country home?
No. Outside air is more cleaner than inside.
Mine reads 001. Our airs pretty good here. I mainly use it for dust and run it on high when smoke makes it into my room as I find it helps with that and my asthma. I also put mine on the side and use it as a fan 😂
Wouldn't think you'll get much benefit unless you burn candles / incense, constantly cook smokey food and whatnot.
Kinda like how we use a water filter more for taste than filter out the particles (depending where you live). Water for my tap was ~ 35ppm. I've seen American taps that's 15 times that amount. So for then, it'll make a noticeable improvement.
Of course not. Unless you live in Beijing.
Found the person who has never seen a bushfire.
yeh country can also mean: ++ fireplaces/bonfires/rubbish burnoff, ++ pollen ++ diesel fumes
@jinkerjinx: Even a CBD apartment around Melbourne and Sydney can have smog. I know where I live in outer suburbs you get low level smog floating around every morning on cold winter days.
@Clear: yeh studies that show just before daybreak is typically the worst pollution (near main roads/sources).. because the cold air traps it close to the ground.. so it spreads out laterally.
i'm being tongue in cheek, but we could mandate green tinting to be added to all combustion exhaust.. suddenly everyone would be concerned about air quality.. and pro electric car/air filters (for extra effect.. ban car air-conditioning.. under a law titled 'you breath what you sow' j/k of course.. but maybe )
In one of the previous deals someone living close enough to a bushfire to get the smoke mentioned how good they were at dealing with it. I think they had 2, one near front door and one near back door running 24/7.
don't know why i'd need it, but bought it becuase i've been looking for a while
You don't need it. Had air. Still got air.
But you've sent money to a country that is building two coal power stations every week so you can breathe the same air you always have.
Thanks for the downvotes.
Nothing like buying air purifiers while China builds two coal power stations every week.
If you don't like reality, keep voting Greens.
this or the daikin
Neither. Coway
how come?
The double-filter on the Coway is better quality imo.
Filter is the key , i have 3Pro but filters are bloody expensive
I have the Xiaomi AP 4 - it works as outlined. Had it for 6 months or so, no issues. Bought some of the 4 Compacts for Bedrooms etc. Control via Mi app, plus Google assistant if required. I just purchased replacement filters for both units in the last few days on special for when needed. I can recommend based on my experiences. I have the Global version, just comes with a power supply with AU adapter. In a nutshell, they work well.
Do you know if the replacement filters are the same size as the 3H? Have been having a hard time find that information elsewhere..
No I don't know.
A link provided above indicates the 4 has a greater area of filter (filter area, not room area) so I would suggest not.
No they are not compatible with each other, the 4 series is a new platform. I believe the filter is bigger than the one found on the 3H and earlier models. You can actually see this in the photos when you compare the 3H and 4 filter side-by-side.
Just sharing my own experience from these sellers — I had the misconception that they were official sellers but they certainly were not (my fault for assuming). Bought the Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Cleaner G9 from them and the battery died in about half a year with only about 5 times use. They only covered for 60% of the cost to buy one from AliExpress, and send you a link to their own preferred seller to buy first and be reimbursed later.
So, buy knowing you have no warranty is the main lesson here. Whatever "warranty" they offer is at their discretion.
Ebay sellers love offering you discounted replacements on buying another model. Did you push back?
I experienced the same thing twice.
1) Xiaomi powerbank
2) Car jump start batteryI pushed back (refer to ACL) and ended up receiving a full refund for both.
I did go back and forth a few times and they simply had no interest. I asked them what would happen if the battery wasn't actually the problem and they said "it solves the problem for most users" so I was actually taking a huge risk buying the battery not knowing if it was the actual issue or not. Absolutely 0 sympathy.
Does China actually sell this crap in China?
Edit: Lol! Don't answer the question. Just downvote me for CCP social credit points.
err you loaded the question by using the word 'crap'..
this would indicate you are out to troll..and that your question is rhetorical.I'm not a troll.
But the question was rhetorical. Correct.
We don't need air purifiers in Australia. But maybe Xiomai or whatever they are called is trying to convince us that we need to buy Chinese garbage to filter our air while China builds 2 new coal power stations every week.
Wake up!
err so you say it's rhetorical.. but then you add 'lol! Don't answer the question'.. do you understand the meaning of 'rhetorical'?
you're def. trolling.. troll away.. you troll head.
@jinkerjinx: I'm not "def. trolling". I just speak English.
When you start school, you will learn things like starting sentences with capital letters.
You don't even know what I said. And you don't care.
Ozbargain is without question one of the most toxic forums on the internet.
Damn, these things just keep getting more expensive!