75% off RRP
- Bricks Homestead Starter Pack - $3.75 (Available online & In-Store)
- Bricks Farm Shed - $2.50 (In-Store only)
Also received 5 Bonus Packs of Brick each, but can't find any T&Cs to confirm.
75% off RRP
Also received 5 Bonus Packs of Brick each, but can't find any T&Cs to confirm.
Hey! kids played with it for at least an hour. Worth it.
And you didn't have to punch another parent in the face to get one, all I'm saying is its good people are not going nuts over them anymore.
It was more entertainment for kids to open the packs. The contents were trash
Introduce them to gambling early. Like me opening Pokémon cards in the 90s.
Oddly my kids use this stuff and the ooshies heeeeeaps. But they were already familiar with lego and just think of it as lego even tho its trash.
better than paying full price lego, same plastic same factory prolly, worth it.
I think we can guarantee they are not made in the same factory.
Besides , this is ozbargain and who pays full prixe for lego??
Even the discounted price for Lego is an absolute rip off now days.
They should have teamed up with the Lego company, made these out of real Lego bricks, and just raised the requirements to get them for free, like five stamps of a shop of $50 or more or whatever.
I wonder if they looked at this and Lego wasn’t keen or it was too expensive.
Probably both.
i think lego also considers if the collaboration aligns with their brand image too… the most recent collab i know of would be the ikea one… (https://www.ikea.com/au/en/new/play-never-stops-with-the-byg…)
just speculating, possibly just for a time limited campaign, it is not viable.
OMG I paid full price for this last week. Any Price protection?
Buy again, use the old receipt to get refund.
can't refund with woolies. Only coles.
this is the way
Financial crisis bites, family more focus on putting bread and butter on table and paying expensive rent and mortgage
Distractions! Here! Some plastic shit to make you feel like you are building your own retirement farm! Ignore the blind box gambling mechanism and just keep spending! You will have your own farm one day!
better free toys than having to buy at kmart
most woolworths don't update their price sticker so when i bought the price was $7.5 but when scanned it was $3.75 .. !
Can confirm - was still marked as $15 at my Woolies, scanned as $3.75
Not sure what you are going for but poor shaming kids who are not responsible for their life situation is a bloody arsehole thing to do.
We don’t even bother collecting the little packets, so I wouldn’t want these packs even if they were free. Waste of time and effort Woolies.
My kid loves it. The little packets are great. We use them as rewards and it’s fun to see what’s in each pack. Sure if you don’t have kids but most people at least know some kids.
Can confirm the receipts for the farm shed and homestead at least grant 5 packs of bricks with the purchase
spruiking woolies branded marketing/landfill on ozbargain…..? geez quality of the deals is getting pretty dismal lately eh?
wheres all the 'anti-plastic' 'anti-straw' brigade at from yesterdays shitshow?
this is the REALLY USELESS plastic crap you should be whining/virtue signalling about….or hasnt the mainstream media told you to yet, so you wont?
mainstream media more like the LAMEstream media amirite
all desperately queueing up to get a 'thought nugget' to tell them how they're going to feel this week
sheep, all of them
now if you'll excuse me, i have a jordan peterson video to watch on telegram to learn 'the truth' that THEY don't want us to know!!!!
Good to see they cant give them away this time and people not selling on eBay for $200 or something stupid like with the last collectibles. They get a company in China to make the cheapest garbage possible and people go mad like something available every supermarket in the country is some rare heirloom or keep kids occupied for more than 30 seconds.