Has anyone had any success returning a laptop due to coil whine? I bought one from Officeworks and the coil whine is really getting to me.
Laptop Coil Whine Grounds for Return?

I've emailed them, so I'll see what they say.
Why not call them up..
Go into a store instead, then they will act straight away.
Coil whine is not a defect but people have returned laptops and PS5s due to it. It all depends on the customer service person really.
That's what I've read, so thought I'd check if people have experience with returning due to the whine.
Anecdotal experience of others isn't relevant. Go give it a try and be firm.
Does the coil whine still happen on other PowerPoints or circuits?
Can you try charging it from a UPS socket?
I'll test it and see.
Coil whine during games? limit FPS
No gaming, just general use.
Given that when you get older the frequency range of your hearing decreases, you may well end up in situation that whoever you take it to to complain either won't hear it, or will hear a much lower noise level of whine.
Document the noise. Download a noise meter app for your phone. You can get ones that are certified by organisations like NIOSH. You can get ones that show the sound level by frequency. That would produce some sort of documentation that the noise problem you are complaining about really exists, and what frequency it is occurring at. Its harder for someone to dismiss a complaint that is documented, and you and the shop can send the documentation to the supplier to convince them. And it allows you to escalate it further if they still refuse to accept that.
How long have you had it? Officeworks returns are easier in the first 14 days since purchase… Sometimes it may feel uncomfortable but bite the bullet and go in sooner or later…
I can see how this is a huge inconvenience, especially as you need to remove your data etc… not knowing if they will even return it though…
'Hi, the laptop exhibits a loud and constant coil-whine, which the display laptop did not, otherwise I would not have purchased it. I would like help with a refund'
Unfortunately I purchased it September last year, and didn't have much time with it in the first 30 days, otherwise I could have returned it as a change of mind if I'd realised how bad the whine was. Recently in the past few weeks it's become my main working laptop and the whine is terrible. I prefer working in silence and don't like listening to music while concentrating, otherwise I could wear headphones or something. It's a great laptop otherwise. Oh well, I'll chat to Office Works and see what they say.
Probably depends if OW see it as a fault or not. At best they're likely to just swap it for another one to see if that solves the issue.