Hey guys,
This might be a stupid question, but how do I go about obtaining a Payable by Invoice document from major retailers like of Officeworks, JB Hi-Fi, IKEA, Apple, Good Guys, etc.
I have been approved for a NILS loan by Good Shepherd. If you aren't familiar with NILS, you can get a quick overview here:
- https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/find-a-no-interes…
- https://goodshep.org.au/services/nils/
I plan to use it to purchase some furniture and a laptop. I am required to provide them with a quote or invoice and they will purchase the product for me. If I recall correctly, the document is required to have the seller's ABN, my name and shipping address, and the products I want. It's a document I have to upload on Good Shephard so I don't think the email price quote Apple live chat sent to my email is what I need.
Is this something major retailers provide? I can't find anything on their websites about Payable by Invoice or generating such a document. I've sent out emails to most of them requesting it. Waiting on that and just confused if I'm missing something.
Thanks in advance for any insight~
JB Hifi does it when you initiate a chat with them, don't they?? i remember getting something from them one time