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[eBook] Steve Jobs: A Life from Beginning to End (Biographies of Business Leaders) -Free Kindle Edition @ Amazon AU, UK, US

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Steve Jobs: A Life from Beginning to End (Biographies of Business Leaders) By Hourly History

Steve Jobs is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic innovators and entrepreneurs of modern times. A great thinker, his tremendous vision was able to help fashion much of the world in which we live. For anyone else, such musings would come off as hyperbole—but for Steve Jobs, it’s simply the truth. If it wasn’t for the keen insight of Jobs, the modern smartphone, tablet, and computer might have looked very different. With his work on legendary products such as the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Mac, he helped introduce the world to a new era of tech—one where ease of use and simplicity were in focus rather than building complex and unwieldy technology just for the sake of it.

This book explores his tremendous input in the world of technology, as well as his just as intriguing personal life. Keep reading to learn more about the life and legacy of Steve Jobs.

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closed Comments

  • -4

    Steve Jobs is one who I respect alot, not just his successful business but also his resilience in the face of adversity and adaptability in life. No one is perfect but he has something that I can learn from.

    • -2

      Like exploiting child labour to make billions..

      • Hey how else am I meant to get my car washed?

    • +2

      Steve Jobs was the cancer of tech.

    • Steve makes a great example of how people can be extremely intelligent in some aspects of life and a complete (profanity) numpty in other areas.

  • +7

    Whenever I have a work presentation, I watch Steve Jobs 2007 presentation to hype myself up

      • I'm sorry but why were they dancing??

  • Jobs shaped the personal computer as we know it today, his choices and leadership set the standard for home computing. Well he stole a lot of those standards from Xerox, but he popularised them faster than Bill Gates would have.

    • +6

      Bill Gates well understood the importance of the GUI, Microsoft developed great expertise on GUI systems when it developed Word on the Mac for Jobs and it used it on developing Windows.

      Jobs needed Gates more than the reverse back in the early 80s.

      Bill was hamstrung on the industry standard Intel hardware which was making him a huge fortune. All through the 80s Microsoft was madly working at making Windows work on intel systems, it took them over a decade but when did it, it swept the whole industry.

      Meanwhile Jobs was pushing tiny expensive slow Macs which were only saved by the small niche industry of Desktop Publishing and the development of the Laser Printer.

      Anyway whatever reality distortion field Steve Jobs had has been completely eclipsed by Elon Musk, he is on another level 🤣

    • +3

      Woz was the brains though in the early days.

      • +2

        and other unnamed engineers in the later years. Jobs was the modern day Edison, he gets credit for what a lot of other smart people did.

    • +4

      he stole a lot from Xerox and what he didn't steal from them was created by Woz but he falsely claimed credit for.

      • +2

        Did Jobs ever claim to be a software engineer or whatever? Jobs did do some work along those lines but he was never especially good at it, let alone Woz level genius. Woz credits Jobs with being a visionary who changed the world.

        And in any case, without Jobs Woz would just be a well paid engineer at HP, he would have been a lifer and his genius would have been squandered under HPs corporate culture. Jobs helped make Woz incredibly wealthy and Woz helped make Jobs incredibly wealthy because Apple couldn't have been started in the first place without Woz's computer design. Woz's 10% share of Apple at IPO would be worth over 100 billion today. Woz knew what kind of person Jobs was and loved and accepted him all the same. And it turns out being best friends with Jobs was very lucrative for Woz.

        Yeah Jobs did cut Woz out of a few thousand dollars on that early Atari job that Jobs bought Woz into, even if Jobs thought of it as a finders fee he still should have shared it with his best friend or at least told him about the extra money, Woz would have let him have all the money if he asked that's just the kind of guy he was.

        • You beat me to the bit about Atari, and how SJ scored most of the money.

        • what Jobs was is a great business man but more importantly a completely ruthless bastard, that was his success and he deserves lots of credit for various successes, but what he wasn't was the genius with the ideas. Even things like the iPhone, they weren't his visions, they were concepts presented to him by the engineers which to his credit he saw the value in.

          • +1

            @gromit: I think the truth is somewhere in between. For example big part of early Apple computers success was due to the range of typefaces on offer, which Jobs wanted because he took a calligraphy class at Reed College and learned a lot about different fonts. And the design of the interface, Jobs wanted things like rounded corners on windows and such, even though it ate up precious limited memory he was certain that little touches like that were important. And he was right. Had the engineers been left to direct the design themselves we probably would have ended up with something like Linux, utilitarian and scary to average users. But Jobs saw the computers through the eyes of the real life humans that would end up using them, which is why even a child could use and understand the Lisa. Do you really think at the time that Woz or any team of engineers would have designed such a user friendly computer by themselves? A user friendly microcomputer was a fantasy. Everyone "knew" a computer needed to come with binders of instructions on how to use it. Jobs was literally a visionary in how he directed the design of the hardware and software of Apple's computers. Even a baby can use an iPad, kids understand how to open and close apps like it was the most natural thing in the world, but a baby couldn't use the tablets that came before an iPad. If anything I think people understate Jobs' impact on the world and they get too caught up in the idea he pretended to be a master engineer himself which he never did pretend that.

        • You seem to love Jobs despite his factual flaws. Congrats, u qualify for fan boi status. If Jobs was around, he would no doubt thank you in public, issue you with an invoice privately for using his name, and then ask you to come back next year for yet another release where he will sell you the same thing as last year but with a different number.

  • +12

    Written by ChatGPT published by…..

    • +2

      Published by DAN (Do Everything Now).

  • Wow , thanks for the find OP.

  • +13

    Best book to learn how to steal, beg, borrow, copy and swindle your way to the corporate and apply it to everyday going ons. Wished had this book in the earlier stage of my life. Woulda come in handy dealing with sharks and such.

  • +6

    "Milking suckers" is surely a more apt title.

  • +8

    What is going on with all these bot comments here. This free chatgpt written ebook deals need to stop.

    • +3

      Published on 6th March and without any review. And is free.

      • +9

        Just to bump up in the Amazon rankings

  • yeah its not as good as the autobio.

  • +6

    My favourite part is the abusing employees, union busting and use of suicide causing sweatshops

    • +3

      Jobs would not have survived #MeToo and SJW.

      • Almost like theres a reason for that 🤔🤔

  • +4

    Best fiction book ever! It's right up there with Spare.

  • +8

    No Thank you. TBH its not even a deal.

    • -2

      How is these not a deal? It was US$2.44 now it's free.

      • +3

        this is oz bargain. over here people probably want to get paid for reading a book.

        • +1

          What's the rate? ;)

        • Well ! If we can get paid for using mobile data, then why not for reading books !

      • +4

        price tag be $2 or $2M, you can't polish a turd.

  • +2

    Steve Jobs is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic innovators and entrepreneurs of modern times. A great thinker, his tremendous vision was able to help fashion much of the world in which we live.

    If only he didn't get all the credit for building it.

  • +2

    Go to your local op shops and get a copy of Walter Isaacson's biography for $3.

  • +3

    this guy is too greedy look how much iphone is selling

  • +8

    I find the cult of Jobs amusing. This is a guy you'd have to watch like a hawk if you did any business with him, to make sure he wasn't taking advantage of you. His genius was as a cult leader.

    • +2

      Same with Trump, genius cult leader. But they both have tons of mouth-foaming worshipers. As long as there're sheep, there're shepherd. It's hard to resist the cult because no one wants to sell sugar water for the rest of his life ;-/

  • Thanks Op

  • +1

    Where's the cringey "I miss Steve Jobs" comments?

  • The man, the legend, the god

  • Blah blah blah blah blah blah

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