This was posted 2 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kamado Joe Kettle Joe Charcoal BBQ $499 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ to Metro) @ Barbeques Galore (Online Only)


Finally the price it should be


Trying to be a crossover between a weber kettle and a kamado

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  • +7

    So tempted. Already got 6 BBQs. Do I really need another one? Mmmm…..

    • Now you're tempting me… I thought having 1 charcoal bbq is enough.

    • +2

      @pacificstorm:Go for it, make it full set of 7 BBQs, one for each day of the week.

    • +1

      The answer is always yes, except not this one. you won't get the full kamado experience.

    • Can you share a photo of all 6 of your bbqs together?

      • +1

        Too much effort. Can I just list them?

        1. Heston Hub II (my pride and joy)
        2. Weber Kettle (been with me through thick and thin. Been left out exposed to the elements through the
          years and nary a rust. Best ever)
        3. Weber Q 2000
        4. Gasmate Traveller
        5. Aldi Coolabah Gas Smoker
        6. Jumbuck flat top grill (Bunnings)
        7. A really small round bbq (1 piece steak at a time) which I got from Bunnings for $5 (last one).
        8. Small spit roaster (Bunnings).
        9. Got an electric one too for indoors.

        I think that's everything.

        • I'd never seen the Hub II before. Great concept with the height control on the rotisserie. I have a cheapie charcoal grill from when Masters were shutting down that has a height adjustable shelf for the charcoal. Rust will soon take it.

          • @lochiebags: The Hub II is not only functional (big kilos capacity) and if looks could kill, this will be amongst them lol

            It has electronic height adjustments which really makes it so easy and handy to use.

    • Go on son, the misses won't mind.

  • Why it's much more expensive than weber?
    Is it really worth it even with 40% off?

    • This is a smoker as well.
      Weber's are traditionally bbq only.

      • +13

        can smoke on a kettle no problem at all just use snake method

        • +1

          Not familiar with that but thanks for letting me know.
          I have a kamado style bbq purely because of the smoking aspect. But will research this snake method as could use it for dads kettle.

          • +1

            @maverickjohn: Weber smokes up great, look into the snake method or just indirect cooking method for smaller cuts.

            • @croseks: Another method which works as well is "two bricks" - at least for up to 8…10 hours of smoking time.

          • +1

            @maverickjohn: Once you try "The Snake", you don't go back, it is awesome

        • snake method

          Like Nokia Snake

      • +1

        I've got a Slow N Sear and it smokes just fine

    • You should have 7 BBQs, its the lucky number.

    • This is much more than a weber. It's got excellent heat retention with ceramic bowl, great for smoking and fuel economy is so good.

  • +8

    For those who didnt notice it straight away this is a kettle joe which is steel not ceramic.

    • +2

      This! It may look like a ceramic egg BBQ on pictures but in real life it's just a cheap looking kettle.

    • +1

      Oh, thinking it was ceramic. Damn.

    • -1

      ouch …… steel not ceramic …. give that a miss, just a weber with double skin for insulation effectively …..

  • +3

    btw these dont hold temps as good as a solid ceramic one but still a good deal none the less

  • This is a bargain

  • Expensive to heat though! Spend a small fortune to heat it up?

    • I own an Akorn Jr, the fuel economy is so good.

      • Would you have an approximate cost for a dinner say. $2 $4 or more ?

        • haha what are you cooking 🤷‍♂️. I use about 15-17 briquettes and they last for 3-5 cooks depending on how long it takes.

        • Hardly anything
          I use a jr a lot , esp for steak
          A small weber chimney and theres always charcoal leftover

      • Love my jr, its my all time favourite

    • If it's anything like other kamados, they're extremely efficient on fuel.

  • Any deals on any small to middish sized bbq happening currently? Been looking and so far only found this:…

    Any others out there? Preferably charcoal.

    • Get weber go anywhere, and it can be your portable bbq when you upgrade to bigger kettle.

      • Got the Kettle and the Q. Might have a gander anywayz. Thanks.

  • +2

    I have a ceramic Kamado Joe and it is amazing. I would not use anything with steel shell as a smoker after using the thick ceramic bbq. I can leave mine for 4-6 hours without touching it. I would strongly suggest purchasing ceramic over steel, but understand that at this price it is enticing.

    • It's the same on an insulated steel kamado.

      Steel rusts, ceramic cracks. Outcome is the same.

      • +1

        Thermal properties are not the same. Outcome of what is being cooked won't be the same.

        • +3

          For a difference of approx. $2500 the outcome is close enough imo. Just search smokingdadBBQ or other BBQ channel for comparison vids / reviews. He's built his channel on the Kamado Joe and does point to some advantages for the ceramic cookers but if you're starting out or on a budget I'd recommend the Akorn. Especially since if you're a newby there's risks of cracking your ceramic through improper heat management. With steel kamados you have less longevity but they're basically bullet proof.

          He also has reviews of the Kettle Joe. You can achieve a cleaner smoke with the Kettle Joe at low temperatures as it needs to burn a hotter fire to keep the same temperature. With a steel or ceramic Kamado the insulation / fuel economy is so good that at lower grill temperatures you get partial combustion from the fire being choked down. This can lead to dirty smoke with more carcinogens and an ashy/woody flavour.

          There's ways to overcome this, i.e. higher cook temps with double indirect. But this is one area where kettles have an advantage. Downside being you use a lot of charcoal and temperature control can be much harder.

          • @Subada: Not sure about a $2500 difference, I bought my Joe for $900 about 5 years ago. But your points regarding the low temperature burn and incomplete combustion I hadn't heard before. Food for thought.

      • Rusted kettle (which itself can take 10 or 15 years as long as you keep it under cover) can last for years and years till it rusts through.

    • +1

      I have a steel akorn, holds temps really good.

      I went the steel as I don't need to worry about cracking and can transport it easily if needed.

      I've had it for 5 years now, no issues at all. Could have got a ceramic for not much more but more than happy with this.

  • Has been this price a few times since last year. Watched a lot of reviews and it's pretty mixed for this. A lot of people complained that the temperature control is fiddly and you require aftermarket BBQ gasket seal or it leaks heat. People also complained of peeling. I'm still on the fence and haven't purchased it.

  • Have the Aldi Kamado …. would this gain me much ?

    opps, seems the deal is for a steel not ceramic joe, so my Aldi seems better

  • I have been waiting for one of these to go Ozb savings for a while. Was tempted to pull the trigger but after watching this video of a fan and all the things he had to do to get it to perform like the original joe model, I decided to keep waiting until a real sale.

    • A real sale ?

      You wont be finding it for more than 40% off

      Im surprised its 40% off tbh

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