This was posted 2 years 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, Switch] The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom Collector's Edition $188 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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FREE Release Day delivery Friday, May 12

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition includes:

Collector's Edition Box
Game Cartridge
ICONART Steel Poster
Pin Set (Includes four pins)

$1 less than JB Hi-Fi

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +42

    still a $123 difference for a couple of extras

    Where the statue(s) at

    • +1

      Could you please point me to where you’ve found the standard edition for $65?

      • +9

        Standard digital is 67.50 with the game vouchers. Less if you buy with discounted eShop credit. You then get another 5% of purchase price back in gold coins. Doesn't help you if you like physical, but an option.

        • Thanks mate, yeah I’m keen on physical but that is good to know.

        • -4

          Not really, no.

          You can only buy two game vouchers for $135. It would work out if you're looking to buy something else in the next 12 months also.

          Otherwise if you're just looking to buy this game then the voucher is useless.

      • I was thinking of my Mirage preorder. My totk preorder is still at $74. It'll drop to $69 I reckon.

      • An NSP will probably leak 2 weeks before the release date

      • I ordered the original for $65 but unsure if other can use the code.

        Got it on the might ape which works out to be $75 when postage is added but they sent me a voucher code 'happybirthday' for $10 off.

        • Yeah it looks to me like this sequel is about $10 more than Breath of the Wild everywhere.

          • @crjk: Sorry I put original but I meant I got TotK on preorder for $65.
            Currently Amazon shows the sequel only $5 more than BotW but Nintendo rarely has sales on their big seller games.

            • @BBear53: Oh nice one! I’ll have to keep an eye out.

    • +2

      No value here imo

    • -1

      SteelBook $15
      ICONART Steel Poster $30
      Pin Set (Includes four pins) $15
      Artbook $30

      I think it's worth it!

  • +28

    Nintendo: "Legend of Zelda Pins, Steel Poster, Steel Case and Art Book are an extra $114"


  • +40

    Not worth it. One of the worst Zelda collectors editions in history.

      • +27

        Well excuseeeeeeee me princess!

        • +8

          Sorry, the princess is in another castle.

      • +8

        ur overrated

      • -3

        Ikr. Constantly having to find new weapons was awful, they got the durability so wrong. In combination with the tiny inventory (and potentially missing the korok quest let alone finding enough koroks to be able to carry enough weapons) it made things such a grind in a bad way.

        Everyone had to get the master sword asap just not to deal with that crap.

        Mid game was ok. Start terrible and end easy.

        And the puzzles lost focus due to too much traipsing.

        I mean really, i thought the Zelda series was supposed to be puzzle games with tight progression (my first ones were on n64) but this was a pointless open world marathon in the "me too" movement.

        It had its moments for sure but the overall experience was meh. Thank God it didn't have crafting, levelling or fishing because at that point I'm totally out.

        • +3

          I agree to disagree

        • +1

          You're right. Open world doesn't mean it's a better game.

          Now that you mention it why isn't there real fishing in Botw? Shooting a fish with an arrow isn't the same

          • +1


            You're right. Open world doesn't mean it's a better game.

            You're right, but having a dedicated jump button does.

            Shooting a fish with an arrow isn't the same

            I prefer to drop a bomb and watch several dead fish float up to the surface

      • +1

        You didn't enjoy all the teeny tiny temples with puzzles a three year old wouldn't find challenging?

    • +4

      I was prepared to buy my first ever collector edition of a game before being let down by the contents.

    • What are you talking about?

      The Master Edition for BotW had:

      Master Sword Statue
      Carrying Case
      Tapestry Map

      In comparison:

      ICONART Steel Poster
      Pin Set (Includes four pins)

      I rather the artbook, steelbook and steel poster over the coin, soundtrack and carrying case.

      Obviously the statue is pretty cool, but to say the worst is far too harsh!

      • +1


        Not to mention the BOTW one was so big and took up too much space.

        Im a steel book collector so im happy with the TOTK one.

      • Why is a steel book cool?? Wouldn't you prefer a statue. And sound track cd is nice as you can rip the music off and put it on your phone.

        Steel book gets shoved in between other games on your shelf.

        • Steel books have really nice art work on them with the shiny finish.
          I also try to get rare ones from overseas not released here.
          Not to mention they have limited quantities available.

          Like my other weird collecting hobbies, i collect joycons, pro controllers and even try to get all the pre order bonuses that fit inside the standard game case (i.e. key rings, stickers, etc.).

          The statue takes up too much room.

          And if i really want one Ali express sells replicas for dirt cheap.

          I focus more on the F4F and Good Smile figures

      • +1

        I said one of the worst, and the master sword is way cooler imo.

  • +3

    Only buying this because I know that if I don’t I’ll inevitably regret it just after release and will have to pay inflated prices on eBay after it sells out. Such is the life of a Zelda fan.

    • +5

      As a decades-long Zelda fan I have found the solution to this.
      Just don't buy the collector's editions.

  • +8

    $1 less than JB Hi-Fi Your better off buying at JB where there are regular 10%-15% off gift cards vs Amazon extremely rare descent gift card discounts .

    • +1

      And $10 perks discount

  • +5

    I don’t recommend collectors or special editions from Amazon. The care they take into packaging these is piss poor most of the times from experience

  • +9

    Did they really include "Game Cartridge" as one of the included items?

    • +18

      Well it’s Nintendo. The same company that didn’t include a charger with the New 3DS and doesn’t include the game with special edition consoles…so you never know what might or might not be included.

      • -8

        why the salt?

        • +10

          No salt just truth

      • +2

        Yeah. Special edition consoles sans game was VERY lame.

        I'd've splashed out for a pre-order of this (I pre-ordered BotW and have no regrets there) but… those extras are really meh.

    • +6

      From what I understand, some special editions come without the game. Some come with a code rather physical media. It's probably a good idea to indicate if it has the cartridge.

      • Nintendo Australia themselves sold the BotW collectors edition without the game on their eBay store before they shut it down for their own store on their website.

    • inb4

      Piece of cardboard with digital code only. Game cartridge not included

    • +1

      Would anyone buying the collectors edition actually open the shrink wrap and play it?

  • +3

    Art book already leaked btw

  • Crap

  • +4

    Collecting junk

  • +2

    Not worth it if you are not a Zelda fan.

    • +1

      This CE really puts the "-atic" into "fan".

      • +1

        puta hand up and does a girly wave

        Guilty tee hee hee

    • +3

      Can’t say it looks worth it as a Zelda fan

      • -1

        This was the same case when the limited edition for Breath of the Wild where people complained no steel book case or art book.

        But now it goes for double the price or more.

        People will always think bad or complain about something and then later on it becomes desired.
        Just like Wind Waker people complained about it during its initial release and now its one of the most demanded ports requested of the Zelda series.

        If you were truly a Zelda fan you would know this by now.

        • +2

          Meh, I don't care about the BOTW limited edition stuff either.
          It might be valueable to some but personally don't feel the impulse to buy.
          Will it go up to an obscene price in the future? Maybe, probably but I don't really care.
          Now if there was a limited edition console, I might be interested, depends on the design.
          Otherwise I'm happy with my Link Between Worlds Gold and Black 3DS XL and Skyward Sword Gold Wii Remote.

          • +1


            Now if there was a limited edition console, I might be interested, depends on the design

            Fwiw, this has been doing the rounds:…

          • @FireRunner: My guy, the collectors edition is literally for the people who care about this stuff. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean it's not worth it.

            • +2

              @LoogiIsSad: I don't mean to speak on behalf of every Zelda fan.
              I consider myself a pretty big Zelda fan and what's included doesn't feel worth it for the price.
              I buy collector's items because I like and want them not because someone else does.
              That's just my personal opinion on the matter, I'm sure some disagree though I doubt I'm the only one that feels this way

              • -3

                @FireRunner: No one cares if you don't want this and please don't speak for every fan because I'm sure they dont want you to.

                There are plenty of people that want it and are happy to pay for it.

                If you don't then good for you.

                • +1

                  @SpeedRunnerLink: That’s what I said, I don’t speak for all Zelda fans and never meant to, some the responses seem to imply that that was my intention.
                  My original response was to say that not all Zelda fans will find this a worthwhile purchase.
                  Hope that clarifies any misunderstanding

  • +4

    If you want a special edition go for the Nintendo store or nothing if getting them shipped.

    Otherwise pay the extra dollar and pick it up from JB

    Still regret ordering my XBC1 edition for delivery and the internal box somehow getting damage from something like asphalt…

  • Ooo that steelbook looks sexy

  • lol this is a lot for pins and a book.. why do people buy these?

    • +7

      Why do people pay thousands for a basketball game, or hundreds for a football game or tens of thousands for luxury materials or even thousands on fine dining.

      Who cares as long as they are happy.

  • +4

    yep already preordered this day one with ebgames. Never preordered with amazon ever again they stuff up preorders. at least with ebgames i KNOW I will get it release day.

  • +5

    I'm not sure how you can call this a bargain, it'll drop another $50 just like the botw limited edition did. Pretty crappy edition imo, not worth a pre order that's for sure. Game's going to be awesome though, hope they keep the breakable weapons cause I love salt.

  • +3

    Meh, not a deal whatsoever.

  • +1

    eBay scalpers flogging this for $330. Insanity.

    • yep they did the same thing with god of war and and even Link awakening collectors they will do this.

  • +2

    buying base and a bunch of amiibos over this collectors, game itself is the star for sure

    • +1

      Yep. The re-released zelda amiibos and the new Tears of the Kingdom Link one are a lot better way to spend money if excited about this game.

  • +3

    Nah. Too exp.

  • Really one of the worst special editions ever.
    Not even a hint of extra value for what you are paying.

  • +1

    No gold game cartridge edition? Possibly the last Zelda game with a physical release if the digital trend overtakes in the next gen Nintendo console. Missed op with making a splash.

    • I will quit buying their games if their next console is digital only.

      • I highly doubt this will happen.

        Nintendo knows Physical is important to collectors unlike Microsoft Xbox

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