Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
(Now with Australian servers)
[PC, Mac] Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition $29.97 @ Square Enix Store

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brah if u didnt play ff12. the gamit system. u havent lived.
Further Ff14 is a ridiciulously good online experience. pretty sure asmodeon (a huge youtuber) bailed from wow and went ff14. i think its The biggest population mmo RPG atm? not 100% sure. but its closeI actually have 12 on the Switch but its been sitting in my backlog.
Might give it a go soon
i dont do MMORPGs anymore as it takes up too much of my time which is limited these days.
Agree with the MMORPG. Regardless how much I love them, just don't have the time to invest, especially those that require monthly subscriptions. Can't play with friends too as everyone now has different schedules. :(
@Alva10: You can try XIV for free no subscription required, but limited functionality (cant make your own party, cant use auction house for example)
If you're new to FF14 just play the free trial. It's extremely generous content wise.
The clock starts ticking the moment you apply a license key too, so you want to play through Heavensward before actually buying the game. Even just base XIV and HW is insane value for a free game though
i didnt like the mechanics. too slow and not really moving around.
at least with WoW its seems more active. PVP is alot better for example
if you just pve and dont mind staying prone when casting, then this is the game for you
otherwise more action packed pvp and pve is found in WoWI currently play both and there is a big difference in the start of FFXIV versus some of the late game content.
If you are simply standing and casting, then you haven't experienced half of the late game content for any of the expansions.
Yes, the game is much slower because of the ~2.5 second global cooldown on GCD abilities, but it gives you plenty of time to weave oGCD abilities and to position yourself for some of the wild and varied boss mechanics.
Am i the only one that stopped at X/X2?