All time low on Camels. PS4 only at this price.
Edit: Free PS5 Upgrade.
Free delivery with Prime or $39+ Spend.
All time low on Camels. PS4 only at this price.
Edit: Free PS5 Upgrade.
Free delivery with Prime or $39+ Spend.
Yes it is.
bargain then
Can we buy those pre owned games in EB then get the upgraded version after that?
If you mean upgrade to PS5 version then yes as it uses the disc for authentication
Aaah okay gotcha :)
First time ps5 owner ππΎππΎ
Probably my least favourite of the series
NGL enjoyed the first 12 hours, the other 72 hours was just repetitive and got tiresome.
Sounds like typical ubisoft game
This comment could apply to any Far Cry other than 2.
The buddy system was quite interesting, the constant enemy checkpoints got a bit annoying but otherwise a fun game!
FC3 wasn't half bad either
Far Cry 1 and all the 'Instincts' Far Cry's are great, and thankfully nothing like the later games.
Second this. I enjoyed hunting for guns. But once you get one good ones you are set for the rest of the game…
dammit, I just bought it for 29.97 from the PS store as part of the recent sale.
Is it sold out? I haven't got the option to add to cart.
Looks like it.
For anyone who missed it, Target has it for $15.
Back in stock it seems @MoreChilli23
Nice one thanks!! @hamza23
Isn't PS4 to PS5 upgrade free for Far Cry 6?