This was posted 2 years 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Free 60 Primogems, 5 Adventurers Experience and More @ Genshin Impact


Another Free 60 Primogems for Dehya and Cyno.
Good Luck for anyone wishing for them.

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  • Thank you!

  • You do not meet the Adventure Rank requirements. This redemption code is only valid if your Adventure Rank is equal to or above 10.

    Yep, I still haven't made it to AR10. Sigh. And probably wont before the day is done.

    • +2

      Just play all the main quest and world quest you could find, you'll be AR 20 in no time. at AR 12 you'll unlock daily quest with huge exp boost. You'll just start struggle to level up at AR 35

      • THanks mate. Which characters should I invest in? I'm up to 4 atm. With my traveller being the strongest.

        • +4

          It really depend on your play style, you'll find your play style along the way.
          You'll get guarantee Noelle in beginner banner, there are some player main Noelle in the end game. But you wont be able to build Noelle as main yet. For starter, her shield really help you progress through difficult situation.
          You'll get free Kaeya when progressing story, he is a good support. You'll also get free Lisa, but no one play Lisa now except for her sexy voice.
          By the time you AR20, you should unlock abbys domain, you can get Xiangling. She is one of the best support in the end game. And I'm not sure you still get free Barbara or not when reach AR20. Barbara is a good healer to have.

          Note: I only listed Free character and beginner banner, except if you want to spend your primo to gacha current banner, there are a lot of different options of character with different play style available. But I don't recommend you to gacha until you find your play style. And current 5* won't be any use for you until you reach Sumeru.

          • +1

            @mfu: So your advice is this:
            Keep playing and unlocking characters
            Do not invest any books or experience into anyone or weapons, save it for later

            • @Lord Ra: Maybe just invest in one char to help you progress. Any char will do, even traveller.
              Learn how to do elemental reaction, and different effect causing by it. That way you will understand what element you need and which char you want to invest later.
              This is actually a complicated game. But by end game, everything feel easy.

              • @mfu: It is quite complicated and I'm growing weary trying to keep up with all the millions of things going on.
                I thought the Division 2 was bad - this is waaay worse!

                Thanks for that, i'll just keep using the traveller for now and keep going till the end game.

            • +2

              @Lord Ra: The best easily available 4 stars are probably the national team: Xiangling, Xingqui, Bennet, chongyun. If you pour resources into any of the first 3, you can't go wrong.

              either way though, you'll lvl and ascend every character you get to at least 20 for the free standard wish, so don't worry about using lvl up material for that.

              • @Charmoffensive: So when does that happen? When will I get/unlock X,X,B & C?

                Do I HAVE TO level and ascend every character from start to end only to trash them all and not use them?

                • +2

                  @Lord Ra:

                  1. You'll get xiangling when you first do the spiral abyss. The other 3 you have to pull for, although each Chinese New year, you'll be able to pick one of em for free.

                  2. You'll level everyone to 20 to get the free wish, which just means using xp materials. It costs bugger all mats to LVL to 20, so don't worry about it. Taking people to 40 is when it starts getting costlier and past then is a bit of a sink.

                  Honestly, look up the top performing team combos in spiral abyss and see which ones use a bunch of 4 stars and then start pulling the banner for the couple of 5 stars that look good for you and work in those teams. Until then you can basically get by with pumping up the traveller and X,X,B or C or any 5 star you get from pulls.

                  I used the xxbc team for ages until I pulled Raiden and replaced chongyun. Then I ended up getting Mona and ganyu, so I thought I'd just build the ganyu, Mona, venti, diona. There's no one perfect team, just see what you pull and work from there.

                  • @Charmoffensive: @Charmoffensive - gotcha, so I'll keep levelling people up to level 20. every single one that comes up. Then when i get to 20, I get a wish that may give me a 4 star character. So i'm doing that grind for that wish, nothing else.

                    • @Lord Ra: @Charmoffensive - What do you mean by 'pull the banner'?
                      How do I pull the banner?

                • +1

                  @Lord Ra:ā€¦

                  This video is the best guide I've seen in terms of selecting characters at the start of the game. Takes you through the ones to level that you are guaranteed to unlock and then later which 4*s to focus on when you actually pull them. How high to take each one etc.

                  • +1

                    @Xastros: Wonderful, thank you for your advice @Xastros !

                    • @Lord Ra: @Xastros, that video is great! I'm following it now. Got rid of my traveller and using the 3 people that he talks about. His book of dragons is at Level 4, but mine is just Level 1. I can't figure out how he got a Level 4 book when he wishes, but I got a Level 1. I'll keep going with it, come back if I have any questions. Now at AR7.

                      • @Lord Ra: Thrilling tales of dragon slayer? It is a weapon. Enhance the weapon with enhancement ore or surplus other weapons you're not going to use.

        • -1


        • I actually suggest a re-roll account for whatever 5 star character "thats not on standard banner" or two you want , its how I got a good start, kokomi's healing has been a life saver and you'll need a DPS but pretty much all 5 star are DPS

          • @Blue-Bird: Rerolling takes a long while (~30min for a ~5% chance or so I heard) and I wouldn't recommend it since the current limited banners aren't exactly great. Maybe in the last banner (which turned out to be the best selling banner of all time).

            • @ChillBro: Nah i got bought one, less hassle and worth not lossing so much time or gambling on genshin 5 stars

              • +2

                @Blue-Bird: I spent a few dollars more and bought an end game account too lmao but in hindsight I'm not sure I would recommend it to others.

                • @ChillBro: yeah i still ended up gambling lol, i just went for a fresh account, still wanted it to feel a bit natural and you cant reply quests etc but i spent all my resources spread amongst all my 4 stars etc that im stuck at lvl 60 for just a few 5 stars .. oh well

                  • +1

                    @Blue-Bird: Lol I know what you mean. It's partly why I started an entirely f2p alt account where I've only got 3 limited 5-stars but I've been 36 starring every abyss after 2-3 months in.

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