Seagate Expansion vs GoFlex Portable Drives

Does anyone know if the HDDs inside the Seagate Expansion and GoFlex Portable drives are exactly the same model? (not counting the extra software included with the GoFlex models of course).

Wondering whether the GoFlex HDD is a different model and more reliable; as I have heard of some reliability issues with the Expansion models.



  • im after the same thing ..

    Edit: i need one for backup and software storage. These $99 are in my range………
    If you know what is the different please lets me know. CHeers

  • go flex is a special type of drive with special connectors allowing you to easily connect the drive with different interfaces

    ie they have connectors for eSata, usb 3.0 and firewire

    • Awesome, but what does "FreeAgent" GoFlex means ?is it better than just GoFlex ? they are both $99 but one is 500GB extra. I don't know much about these HDD.
      Edit: USB 3.0 or SSD ?

  • freeagent is just a name it seems both drives you linked have it, one is just a newer model

    personally I'd go for the 'portable' instead of the desktop model

    from my experience the goflex drives are the better bet, Ive found they are better built thand the expansion drives, and if the connector controller breaks you can just buy a new one or manually plug the drive into the pc without having to rip the enclosure apart like i do on a monthly basis to recover other peoples data

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