Hi, I purchased a brand new car from a Melbourne dealership in 2021.
Unfortunately I have had a few problems with the car which have not been resolved yet. And as the manufacturer was unable to provide a solution after more than 3 months of waiting and as the manufacturer was unwilling to replace the car, I took the dealership to VCAT.
I have got differing service reports from 2 dealerships. Is there anything else I need to submit as evidence besides that and Photographs/videos? Any advice with regards to evidence to be submitted or documentation would be appreciated. If anyone had a personal experience at VCAT with reference to their own car, would appreciate you sharing information.
Car is a Chinese brand SUV, made in China.
I am only wanting to know what evidence has to be filed so I can have the documentation ready for submission.
Who would have thought that there would be problems with a Chinese suv?