I applied for some financial jobs relating to insurance for some companies and I get calls from recruitment agencies on their behalf. This seems odd for me as I didn’t expect a call from these agencies and I was wondering if this seems legitimate or something that I should be cautious about?
Applying for Jobs and Getting Recruitment Agencies Calling

Definitely the latter.
Agencies will create adverts stating its for XX job; but it's just to get you on their books.
Where are you applying for the jobs? Seek?
Some companies completely (or for certain roles), let recruitment agencies run their recruitment processes.
Is your concern the data from you application has been leaked?
Yes I was applying for jobs using SEEK. Yes, part of it is concerning that my application has been leaked but also I do not wish to be working for a recruitment agency. I had bad experiences with them previously due to lack of transparency and I prefer to work for the organisation that I’ve applied to.
Just because an agency is running the recruitment process doesn’t mean you will necessarily be working for the agency and contracting into the client
Recruitment companies can sometimes be engaged to recruit directly for the company and manage it for them. It's particularly common for small-mid sized companies (not large, they have their own teams).
Sometimes staffing companies manage the contingent workforce though. Large companies can be up to 50% contingent (contractors and such) and often do the payroll and all the work on it. That sounds like what you had a bad experience with, but with most companies it's usually pretty good and very common.
Check when you apply for the job that it's going through the company's website (it should redirect you to their own page) and look on their website for the job. Then just ask the question - has the recruiter been engaged to do the recruitment directly for the company. It doesn't hurt to ask.
Running ads on seek isn't cheap so a lot of businesses will use recruitment agencies to get the most value for their money. You can kinda tell when a business has run their seek ads themselves because of how badly they are written.
Not enough details. How are you applying? But some companies hand over the vetting process for applicants, if their internal HR aren't up for it or a cost saving measure. But usually it's all via the 3rd party and then you're passed to the company.
But I get scam 'recruiters' via WhatsApp all the time.
Bookmarked,.. also looking for work actualy in community services industry👍
If you updated your seek profile/linkdin profile the recruitment companies get access to a list of names/recently active people from Seek that they can then go and harass.
If its on their behalf then they may be outsourcing the HR and the recruitment company is doing it on their behalf. Pretty standard procedure if they don't have a dedicated recruitment arm.One of the perks of using their service.
You can hide your profile on Seek
Manage who can view your profile
Select from three privacy settings to stay in control of who can see your profile and get in touch with opportunities.
You need to verify the job is real and the person contacting you really represents the company you applied to. Otherwise you could be being taken for a ride. Recruitment scams are growing in popularity so best to double check things.
What types of scams are there?
Geez but these above scams are so obvious, feel sorry for people who dont understand this i guess not everyones savy on the internet but using your own money as part of employment I still dont understand how people let themselves get scammed, anyway
Is the position advertised on the career page of the organisation as well as Seek ?
I applied directly with the company I did not use Seek to apply, I just use it as a reference. So basically, I didn’t use the platform directly.
My company uses a recruitment agency for recruiting all of our new staff, sucks for me and sucks for you but this is the way we do it.
sucks for me
Why does it suck for you?
Because they are generally hopeless at finding staff for me, don't understand our business or the role and all round a pain to deal with.
I share the same sentiment.
Many organisations have a hiring policy that all new staff come through their preferred agent. Typically part of a sole agency arrangement.
Which is a mistake because every agent has a "pool" and by only having an arrangement with one party, you dont get access to a wider pool of candidates.
Not really - they often find their own candidates but still "process" them through the agency.
I've been hired this way before - I approached them for a position, they wanted me and I still went through their agent.
It is possible they are using a recruitment company to screen the applicants and schedule appointments.
Or, maybe these jobs don't even exist and they are being used to harvest applicants and cold call them.