This was posted 2 years 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[XB1, XSX] TimeSplitters 2 $2.99 @ Xbox Store


Hey all,

A huge discount on TimeSpitters 2, a classic and underrated FPS from the OG Xbox era :)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I thought 3 was slightly better…

    Wish they had this on game pass so I could play anywhere ah

  • +12
  • +6

    TS2 was ace.

  • +8

    Man i use to love this game as a kid, played it for hours with my brother after school. Best thing my mum ever got me!

    • +9

      The game or your brother?

      • +3

        These days maybe just the game 😉

  • +2

    Yeah, one of the best games I have played as a kid. I'd hate to know the hours I sunk into this.

  • +4

    Such great memories of this game.

    The next best, modern Goldeneye at the time.

    Even had The Facility multiplayer map if I remember correctly.

    Not sure how well it would play these days though.

  • +12

    Yah but it's available in 4K as a secret in Homefront: The Revolution.

    Which is $1.99.

    Real deal is in the comments :p Saved you all a dollar, got you a bonus game and high rez.

    Edit: unless buying direct is the 4k release too?

    • Hahha nice! Do you have to beat the game to unlock?

      • +2

        You'll have to Google. I don't remember. Both games are in my pile of shame.

      • +4

        Unlock Arcade Mode: Left+LT+RT, Down+LT+RT, Left+LT+RT, B+LT+RT, Left+LT+RT, Down+LT+RT, Y+LT+RT, X+RT, A+LT.

        • +3

          With detail like that I can see how you got your name!

      • +1

        Now, everyone can play as much of TimeSplitters 2 as they want - though, fair warning, you do still need to play a lot of Homefront: The Revolution to get there. Its arcade cabinet holding TimeSplitters 2 lies in a late-game level you'll need to reach first before unlocking access to TimeSplitters 2 from its main menu. Hey, if only there was an unlock code for that!

    • +1
    • +1

      Yeah but one of the stage always crashes

      • +1

        So it's not finishable?

    • +1

      OG Xbox games run in native 4K on the Xbox One X and Series X, so these Timesplitters games play in 4K too.

    • Is it the full game though?

      This video says it's only two levels.

        • +1

          Good to know. Though you'll need to finish the game first, according to that link.

          PS4 and Xbox One owners would need to finish Homefront: The Revolution first before they can access TimeSplitters 2 easter egg from the Extras menu.

          • +1

            @jwh: They obviously don’t know what they’re talking about. The machine is discovered half way through the game


  • +1

    Oh man, is this the one that starts with a snow level? Really scratched that Goldeneye itch.

    • +1

      Yeah the Siberian dam level?

    • +4

      Pretty sure it was the same dev team, wasn't it? Didn't it go Goldeneye->Perfect Dark->TimeSplitters?

      • +2

        Yeah some of the ex-Rare guys formed Free Radical.

  • +6

    I would love to see the amount of hours I put into this on GameCube, was easily one of my favourite games as a kid.

    During one of the various COVID lockdowns I bought a GameCube PC controller and played TimeSplitters 2 (+ other games) on an emulator for a bit just to get the nostalgic feels again

    100% worth the $2.99 price tag. Underrated game.
    Don't think about it, just get it.

  • +7

    Fun fact: most of the programmers, game designers, sound engineers and artists who developed GoldenEye 007 & Perfect Dark on the N64 working for Rare left the company after the Microsoft acquisition and developed their own studio Free Radical - who went on to produce TimeSplitters 2.

    The opening level is pretty much a callback to Dam, and many of the game mechanics are clearly inspired.

    • +3

      After being ever so slightly disappointed with the recent Goldeneye 'remakes', I went and played some Timesplitters instead. Definitely had more fun, with the Goldeneye feel.

      • +1

        If you're into some GoldenEye nostalgia, I literally just last night finished Perfect Dark on Perfect Agent using this mouse injector modded emulator:

        While there's some punishing old school game design in there I was absolutely amazed at how well it held up, had an absolute blast playing it again.

  • so are the xbox games playable on pc? i remember hearing something about that

  • +1

    if i already own OG xbox copied of timesplitters 2 & 3, i can just use these to play on my Xbox one yeah? Would i still get the 4k upgraded version as mentioned y another poster above or is it only the digital purchase that would get that?

  • Controls are janky…anyone else find this?

    • Yeah TS2 doesn't have the same options as TS3 so you can really get it to feel right. Bit disappointing but it is what it is!

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