Has anyone worked out how we can read SMH for free? There are some really old hacks from 10 years that no longer work…
How to Avoid Paying for Newspaper Subscription?
LSmarty-pants on 26/02/2023 - 22:20
Maybe then Starbuck or library?
Most of the time you can just go right click -> open in incognito window. Doesn't work on all articles though…
12ft.io link of article of SMH and you should be able to read any of their articles
<URL>Disable JavaScript. Just tested and works fine.
If you use uBlock Origin you can disable JS just for SMH.
Chrome incognito works for me
Actually i see now SMH have pulled the pin on incognito.
Your council library will likely have access to the daily newspaper, for example
I read the one the guy at work brings in. Doesn't work on days he's not there.
Has anyone worked out WHY anyone would want to read SMH for free, or at all?
The opinion page. Always good for a laugh.
Macdonald's hard copy