One of Michael Mann's best films and arguably one of the best firefight sound representations in cinema history. Now on glorious 4k Bluray at the low price of $11.98.
One of Michael Mann's best films and arguably one of the best firefight sound representations in cinema history. Now on glorious 4k Bluray at the low price of $11.98.
No one noticed that it's HD DVD on Amazon?
Worth it just for the shootout scene.
Spoiler alert.
Mate, it's nearly 30 years old, its common knowledge now.
Also, Darth Vader is Lukes father.
Noooooo, thatโs impossible!
NP. I canceled my order in time.
natalie portman played a kid in "heat"
she's now facing menopause
let that sink in
I'm 14, me and my dad were going to start watching star wars tomorrow and this has spoiled it for me.
Great ass (in 4K)
allegedly Pacino adlibbed this and Hank Azaria's reaction was genuine surprise… as in "what drugs is Pacino on???"
When I think of asses… a woman's ass… something comes outta me.
Great scene! Baby in the microwave - not so much.
Picture quality is terrible .
Care to elaborate?
It's very dark. Blu-ray is better.
Does this come with the blu-ray?
This one does not. I bought it the other day and was surprised there's no Atmos (despite the back cover mentioning it twice outside of the specifications) or even a mention of HDR. I assume it has the latter despite the absence on the case
It is dark, and for such an old film, it is not 4K remastered. It looks worse than 4K upscaling of my old Blu-ray in my Sony player.
Anecdotal at best.
A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to a deal you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the price match around the corner."
You have the makings of a varsity ozbargainer
Want some pie brother?
Spectacular movie.
The 4k transfer of this edition isn't great going by reviews.
Always my worry with these sorts of titles. T2 is another that has problems.
Terminator or Trainspotting?
Also no Atmos or DTS:X track for those interested.
One of the best movies ever made.
What a movie
If the 4k transfer was poor and they didnt even bother to put in the effort with surround sound tech, why not just watch it on Prime for free?
Yes, it's on Prime. Why burden yourself with a physical disc.
Why go to the park and fly a kite, when you can just pop a pill?
Why not do both?
Why read a book when you can load your Kindle up with free ebooks that you'll never read
Why even pay for any subscription services when they're all the same.
Side note, Dazed and Confused just got released on 4K ๐ looks good too!
Hmm not sure, I got it from the high seas…
It's a Criterion. Means it will be available in Australia via Amazon US for a smooth $50 - $60 ๐
I Do What I Do Best; I Take Bargains. You Do What You Do Best; Try To Stop Guys Like Me
You know I've seen some dipsh*t OzBargainers, guys just looking to resell a trunk full of clearance PS4s on Gumtree… is that you?
If you live in Sydney go see it on the big screen at the Ritz cinema in Randwick next month. Saw it a few years ago there it was amazing
Have I been living under a rock or what?! Thank you! Never knew there were places still showing older classics!
Kids today….
Awesome movie. One of my all time favs.
Meh disk.
Have a cry neggers. Reviews prove it. Lack of Atmos is rediculous. Huge wasted opportunity.
Strange, a lot of people up higher slamming it. The mob is fickle.
Stupid. Beyond stupid.
I'm glad they didn't screw up Training Day, watched a YT review with high praise.
Heat was right up there on my wish list for years, huge disappointment. It's basically no better than Blu-ray and by some, worse.
Lack of atmos is true, but still a reference disk for sound qualityu nonetheless. Obv the shootout is amazing regardless. Blows the shit out of my Q990 and I love every second, atmos or not.
It's the exact same audio track on the Blu-ray, with worse picture.
It's not even close to a 'reference disk'.
Try Top Gun 2, where the studio gave a shit.
my fav bank job movie ever
Thankfully b and w are miles apart on a keyboard
This is on Dinsey+ according to
Pretty f_cking great… pretty f**king GREAT.
OP, what's wrong with you?
You drag me here, waste my time like this?
You posted a deal for the Heat 4K Remaster on Blu-Ray for $11.98 plus delivery?
Well I am… OVERF***KING-WHELMED. What do you want for that, a Junior Broden badge?
Don't waste my MOTHERF*CKING TIME!
you be there, hey hey hey, BE there!
Haha, how is this still there?
So much nostalgia. Also I forgot Ashley Judd and early-teen Natalie Portman are in it.
I'll always remember being in the cinema watching this movie and the shoot scene was just so incredibly loud! :)
Would have loved to see this in the cinema.
4K cut was re released in the cinema and saw it pre pandemic.
Go to a classics cinema and keep an eye out for when it is on.
You can watch it on the big screen at the Ritz cinema in Randwick next month, they have a 35mm print.
'One of Michael Mann's best films'
Very curious as to what you rate higher than this?
If we're ranking Mann's crime drama films, it's gotta be:
Enjoyed Insider and Ali too, but I can't see anything on the level of Heat in his list.
Haven't seen them all, but Heat is iconic. The shoot out scene and the Cafe scene are just brilliant.
- Collateral
- Miami Vice
I found these two kind of similar in a way. I dunno how to describe it but both different from the rest but they both had the same vibe.
Only negative thing I have to say is I found the soundtrack to be a bit off in some scenes for both films. Not sure how to put it, like why use that song? Didn't fit the vibe on screen at the time (at least for me).
I found these two kind of similar in a way. I dunno how to describe it but both different from the rest but they both had the same vibe.
I know what you mean.
Both films came out in the mid-2000s two years apart from each other and were very much products of their time from an artistic point of view, both made extensive use of then-cutting edge digital cameras and have very similar colour palettes (giving them both a very similar aesthetic), both are predominantly set in heavily Latin-American influenced US metropolises (LA and Miami), Jamie Foxx and Barry Henley star in both films, the main villain in both films is a Latin-American drug lord/cartel boss (though he's shown only in a few scenes), the musical scores are quite similar (again, extensive Latin-American influence in both) and they both end in decisive shootouts that result in the deaths of the main antagonist/s.
If you look hard enough you'll find the same tropes constantly reoccurring in a lot of Mann's films, the obvious example being that of the "loner" sigma male-type character who's obsessed with mastering his chosen outlaw profession, who's usually the main protagonist (Frank in Thief, Neil McCauley in Heat and Vincent in Collateral) and who finds love or meaning beyond his work, albeit briefly, through the altruistic concern for a random stranger who happens to enter his life by chance (Jessie in Thief, Eady in Heat and Max in Collateral).
Another example is the use of Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist gang members as antagonists in Heat (Waingro), Collateral (the guys who try to rob Max while he's tied up in his cab) and Miami Vice (in which the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang is prominently referenced).
Like I said, Mann is extremely formulaic and knows what works in his screenplays from decades of trial-and-error and a lifelong fascination with true crime, law enforcement (he went out on patrol with LAPD cops regularly in preparation for Heat) and firearms/tactical shooting.
Not sure how to put it, like why use that song?
If I had to pick a score, I'd say Miami Vice has the better, more well-suited soundtrack but both of them feature Mann's trademark of picking songs that sound good but not necessarily in the context that they're used for in his movies.
He just has great taste in music and loves to show it off in a way very similar to how Scorsese overuses music in his films to the point that there's almost never a scene without some background music playing from his favourite artists like the Rolling Stones or Eric Clapton, regardless of how much it interferes with the actual film's presentation.
Both films came out in the mid-2000s two years apart from each other and were very much products of their time from an artistic point of view, both made extensive use of then-cutting edge digital cameras and have very similar colour palettes (giving them both a very similar aesthetic), both are predominantly set in heavily Latin-American influenced US metropolises (LA and Miami), Jamie Foxx and Barry Henley star in both films, the main villain in both films is a Latin-American drug lord/cartel boss (though he's shown only in a few scenes), the musical scores are quite similar (again, extensive Latin-American influence in both) and they both end in decisive shootouts that result in the deaths of the main antagonist/s.
Yeah to be honest I wasn't thinking too much about the story similarities but more just the "look" and vibe. I didn't realize they were released very close together I missed that bit which explains a lot. Maybe showing a change/evolution in film making that he thought suited those two more modern films.
But yeah so both having kind of a cool colour temperature and an overwhelming vibe of taking place on a "clear cold night" (this kind of explains the law enforcement influence). I also liked how it is very matter of fact in how things unfold, which I liked kind of like how things happen without any "setup" or preparation for the viewer. I liked that because it really does add to the realism. (I can understand people feeling put off by this though, some people just like typical hollywood which builds up ideas, plot and suspense so they can have their idea of the story "confirmed" as they watch on)
but both of them feature Mann's trademark of picking songs that sound good but not necessarily in the context that they're used for in his movies.
He just has great taste in music and loves to show it off in a way very similar to how Scorsese overuses music in his films
Yeah I did kind of get that vibe, like the director really liked that song for the scene/or wouldn't budge on that and that decision won over what would have been a 100% perfect fit in terms of soundtrack. Not a deal breaker but it definitely drew me out of the film because I would be thinking "what's the director trying to say with this song, the lyrics" instead of purely being in the film thinking about the protagonist and his ideas/struggle.
@Miami Mall Alien: I didn't realize who this guy was but I've pretty much watched all his notable films. Can't say I loved any of them. But I remember Heat and Collateral's soundtrack in some scenes and remembered it for that. But the story lines always felt underwhelming, not the plot, maybe I just didn't like the endings.
The action was always good.
You clearly said crime drama films, but for those who misread this comment the first time like me: yes we are aware of The Last of the Mohicans!
Great movie but as mentioned the 4K transfer is really terrible. All the day scenes look like they were shot on an overcast day. Lack of atmos isnt such a huge deal as the 5.1 is still very good.
The bargain is the juice.
Lotsa hate but its $2 with perks…
Don't react buy this one… it's not 4K remastered. Great movie, but wait for a remaster.
Fun fact, this was his second time around making this film, he did a made for TV version in the 80s called "L.A. Heat" almost the exact same movie. If you count the very similar tones of "Thief" you could almost call it his third round. Which is what makes this film so great, it's just been refined over every iteration.
I found Den of theives had a very "heatish" outlook as well..
Can anyone comment on how this disc looks/plays on an Xbox?
Just put it it my One X after reading the negative opinions here and it looks fine. Kinda whatever. But it is super juddery. Constant frame skips. I've only had this issue with a few other discs, but seemingly fixed them by passing through audio to be decoded by receiver.
Edit: Crisis averted. Ejecting and reloading fixed the issue
"arguably one of the best firefight sound representations in cinema"
I would say the best , with 2nd going to the start of Den of Thieves for shootouts.
RIP Tom Sizemore.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Didn't even know until i seen this. Sucks man.