This was posted 12 years 7 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GreenManGaming: Borderlands 2 (PC Game) 20% off (US $40.00) + 20% off Store-Wide Coupon

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GreenManGaming has a new 20% OFF coupon "PARTP-ALCNO-TIESU", valid until 1st Aug.

Update 1: GMG increased the RRP from US$50 to US$60 to match the other stores a few hours after my original post. So the after-coupon price is now US$48 instead of US$40. It looks like the original RRP of US$50 was a mistake on GMG's part. Therefore the following paragraph no longer applies.

While the coupon works store-wide, Borderlands 2 is particularly good value due to the RRP of US$50 vs other stores (eg, US Steam) RRP of US$60. The Australian Steam store price is US$70! That works out to the equivalent of 33% off the US Steam price and 43% off the AU Steam price.

Update 2: GMG have again changed the price! They have left the RRP @ US$60 but applied a 17% discount dropping the price to US$49.99. You can then apply the 20% off coupon returning the price to US$40 - the original price I posted at. If you bought at the more expensive price from GMG, try contacting support for a refund of the difference (as Borderlands 2 is a pre-order).

Also pre-ordering Borderlands 2 comes with Access to the Borderlands 2 Premiere Club with:
- Golden Key: Unlock a rare item in the mysterious Sanctuary Loot Chest.
- Vault Hunter's relic: Play solo or team up with friends and boost your gear-hunting fortune with the Vault Hunter's Relic.
- Gearbox Gunpack: A package of unique Gearbox Golden Guns to help you start your journey on Pandora!
- New character class: Receive a free download of the all-new Mechromancer character class as soon as she's available.

Note: Borderlands 2 is a steamworks title. No matter where you buy it (including on DVD) the game will (and must) be activated on Steam.

Borderlands Game of the Year Edition is also on special, 80% off (US$5.99 after coupon) activates on Steam, if you haven't played the first.

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • cheers :)

  • It shows as $59 for preorder for me, so after 20% off it's $48.

    • Looks like they changed the price. :(

      • I wouldn't mark the deal as expired - it's still a good discount at $48. It was probably a pricing error that they listed it at $50. I've also traded in a couple of games they gave away for free for another $5 off. $43 for Borderlands 2 preorder seems pretty good.

        • Yeah, it's an ok price now @ $48. But the original $40 is no longer valid so that's why I marked it as expired.

          Edit: I figured out how to fix the expiry date. I'm an idiot. :)

  • +4

    Took me a second but I only just worked out what the coupon code is. Backwards it's "Use it on claptrap".

  • Not bad currently. However the 4 pack on Steam works out to US$45 per person, so if you've got some mates who want in this might be a better option.

    • +2

      I reckon there will be better deals by places like this closer to release it if that's the case.

  • yeah was a great price at first, however at 48 its average, i got it for 39.16 at wow when they had the sale on a month or so ago…

    • damn, now that the price is 40, should have got it from here due to them providing a steam key rather than waiting for a box set to be shipped., can probably cancel my wow order and get it from GMG…

      ohh well sometimes its nice to have a box than never gets used, that sits in the corner gathering dust, and just adds to the crud lying round.

  • +2

    I'm in no rush to buy this as I currently have a heap of games to finish and I suspect by the time I finish those this will be super cheap. :D Good deal though!

  • +1

    Can be gotten pretty cheap from 30 pounds, which after VAT reduction (-5 pounds) and plus postage (1.5 pounds), works out at 26.5 pounds/$40 Aus atm.

  • Bought Borderlands 1 for $5.99 - $1.50 cheaper than steam's 75% off.

  • ozgame shop has it $46… but it's disk and you'll have to wait for shipping.

  • +1

    IntKeys has it for $38.90 (region-free Steam key). They seem to have a 5%-off coupon too (14a825c58b), which would make it $37.05. Anyone used them before?

  • +5

    Update 2: GMG have again changed the price! They have left the RRP @ US$60 but applied a 17% discount dropping the price to US$49.99. You can then apply the 20% off coupon returning the price to US$40 - the original price I posted at. If you bought at the more expensive price from GMG, I'd try cancelling the order and reordering, or contacting support for a refund of the difference (as Borderlands 2 is a pre-order).

    • Saw this just now. I bought the game for $41 after trade ins this morning when it was still sold at the higher price point :(

      I don't see any option to cancel the order. Have lodged a ticket with their support. Will see how it goes.

      • Got a response from GMG's support and they said they couldn't refund me the difference but they offered to credit my account with the difference, which is no too bad.

        • Well that's better than nothing I suppose.

          I too used (free) trade-ins to get the final price down to $32.

  • +1

    i remember borderlands 1 used gamespy for multiplayer, so the piratebay versions worked for MP as well as gamespy doesnt authenticate keys roflcopter

    • Yep, I stupidly paid $40 for a steam preorder when my pirate friend went online before even I did.
      Then a few months later the price dropped to ~$10. Yippie.

  • Awesome.

    Got it for $37 USD because I traded in Men of War: Red Tide for $3 USD, something I got for free from GMG anyway!

  • Did you guys get the key straight away and awaiting for preload?

    • No, and I wouldn't worry as it's not released until September 21, 2012.

      I'd expect the keys to be available closer to release.

      • booo thats not good :( i prefer it like steam how it preloads into your account straight away

        • +1
          1. It's still 1 month, 3 weeks, 6 days and 3 hours from release.
          2. Steam only preloads a few days prior to release.
          3. Steam doesn't preload all games. Only selected ones and they are the exception, rather than the rule.
          4. Even if you bought it on Steam, you still couldn't preload it because of (2) and (3) above.
        • i know but i still prefer the key to put it on my account…feel safe that way

        • GMG has a long safe history.

          GMG will often give you the key before release and you can preload it then.

        • Thats good news!

  • hey ive heard people say theyve traded in games for this to lower the cost. just wondering how you do that ?

    • GMG has given some free games before which people have traded in.

  • Thanks guys. Got it for A$ 38.53
    Keys will be made available nearer to the date it says.

  • I really hope it's valid until August 1 because I only have $33 in my account and banks are closed on weekends :(

  • +1

    very good price for an unreleased game, support 2K and screw Activision!

    • Yeah Activision are jerks with pricing. I remember once I saw COD4 for 50 bucks on Steam. The next day Activision had made them put it up to 90.

  • Urgh, the tempt. Guess I can force myself to play other games till it goes on a better sale, but with $70 retail on steam it's probably going to be a while before there's 50%+ sales.

    • yeah I was going to hold off too but had a look online and most like JB HiFi are selling it at like $69 or $79 lol.

      Crazy, so I imagine if there is a steam promotion later it will be $40-50 anyway so I decided to buy

  • +1

    Only a few hours before the coupon expires.

  • Still can be bought for $37.50US by using the code PCGMR-ALLIN-GREEN.

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