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Impala Samira Vegan Pink Skate $70 (Was $349.99), Some Basic Skates from $30, $8.95 Shipping ($0 with $75 Order) @ SurfStitch


Limited sizes, limited styles, and low stock, but given the steep discount compared to other places I figured it was worth posting.

Samira skates are Impala's more premium offering, with extra padding and adjustable toestop compared to their basic quad's bolt-on.

Samira skates available in 36, 39, 40 and 41 EU at time of posting.

Basic quad skates are usually $160 retail.
Impala Plum Quad Skate $36 - sizes 36, 37, 39, 40 EU

Impala Starbright Quad Skate $34 - 40 EU

Impala Leopard Quad Skate $30 - 40 EU

Marawa High Heel Skate $80 (usually $399) - sizes 36, 38, 39, 40, 41 EU. Great for breaking an ankle.

Other Impala skate accessories for quad and inlines are also on sale e.g. wheels (plain and light-up), brakes, bearings

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closed Comments

  • Thanks, grabbed the leopard ones

  • -5

    vegan skate? lol. what is next? vegan mercedes?

  • Any deal on Rollerblades?

    • Going off from memory, there were some rollerblades on sale but it wasn't that good a discount. Less than the 50% off that the impala website sometimes does.

  • $350?? Wow even rollerskates can't escape the vegan tax 😂

    • Na, it's just the skate. There's also a blue leather suede version of them… but of course the good stuff was gone by the time I got around to writing this up :')

      • +2

        Wait hold up. You're telling me they substitute leather suede for recycled nylon (which is basically plastic) and charge the same??

        If so it's still kind of a vegan tax because that's quite a significant downgrade. The entire skate is made out of synthetic rubber and recycled plastic.

        Surely they could've used some vegan faux leather..

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