Mobile Phone on Passenger Seat

I stopped at the traffic lights today and saw what looked to be a mobile phone detection camera. My phone was sitting on the passenger seat face up. I was looking at the traffic lights. The Queensland Government website makes no mention whether or not you can have a mobile phone on a passenger seat but I think someone told me it was illegal?

I didn't touch the phone at all other than starting my music before leaving my driveway.

Poll Options

  • 58
    No, you're fine (I'm in QLD)
  • 18
    You'll get a fine (I'm in QLD)
  • 211
    No, you're fine (I'm in another state)
  • 20
    You'll get a fine (I'm in another state)


    • can't even be in your pocket… jokes

  • -1

    "If you hold your phone or have it on your body, you will be fined even if you’re not operating the phone, or it’s turned off."

    You were neither touching it, nor was it on your body, nor were you operating it.
    I think you're fine.

    However, if the mobile detection camera takes a photo as the screen is active and you're looking at it, that might be a different story, because that could be considered operating it.

  • You'll be fine by Queensland rules.

    However if you live in Victoria: your phone needs to be in a glove box, locked with a 128bit encrypted password physical safe with 2 person authentication, the second person has to be Dan Andrew's voice saying "get on the beers" and the 2 step authorisation goes to Tanya Pliberseks mobile who won't give you the code unless you're wearing your mask indoors and the penalty for failing to comply for all this will be an immediate snap lockdown of the state.

    I heard it on the radio.

  • -1

    Totally legal in Queensland, and of course it is. It is insane to me that the government has people this worried about conduct that absolutely effects noone else.

    Mobile phone legislation was recently changed in QLD for the sole reason of making camera detection easier and protecting a government investment in monitoring its citizens. NOT for safety.

    It's really depressing the direction we are going.

  • This raise some questions I occasionally have - I find leave my phone on passenger seat can slide it around so instead I have it under my leg on short trips. I don't touch it obviously and operate music over bluetooth but if I got pulled over and was asked to step out of my car for some reason would it be an issue?

    • Yes it would. It’s not allowed to touch you, unless you could potentially say it fell out of your pocket when you got out, but I would find that unlikely if I was a copper.

  • Questions on here are getting dumber than Reddit.

  • +3

    In fact you must sell your handset if you ever want to drive again

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