This was posted 2 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch, Pre Order] Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Master Collection $114.76 + $13.62 Delivery + $12.84 GST (Total $141.21) @ Playasia


Not yet published or released. Expected to ship: Apr 20, 2023. Please note these are Pre orders

Normally $137.71.

Free postage for orders over $153AU

These were sold out in the US and Europe.
I dare say it'll be in limited quantities too on Playasia.
Definitely for the Physical collectors and a must have for final fantasy fanatics.

Also available on PS4…

Universally updated 2D pixel graphics, including the iconic FINAL FANTASY character designs created by Kazuko Shibuya, the original artist and current collaborator

Beautifully rearranged soundtrack in a faithful FINAL FANTASY style, overseen by original composer Nobuo Uematsu

Improved gameplay, including modernized UI, auto-battle options, and more!

Dive into the world of the game with supplemental extras like the bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player

Classic "FINAL FANTASY" titles have been reborn through vivid 2D pixel graphics and the beautifully rearranged soundtrack. Gameplay is improved with modernized UI, and extras such as a bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player allow further immersion into the world of the game.

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closed Comments

    • +25

      This deal isn't for everyone.

      Some people like to gamble, drink alcohol, smoke etc.

      And some people like to collect games.

      To call humans stupid is a bit harsh because they are happy to pay for something that doesnt match your price point.

      Might as well call people stupid who pay for expensive fashion brand or expensive cars.

      At the end of the day it's their money and you have no right to call them stupid for spending on what they want.

      • +3

        That mentality is prevalent everywhere. Didn't stop people saying it to that person who spent $40k on their high yield car investment lol

        • +2

          I wonder if he kept it until 2020 when the car market went nuts, might've actually paid off for him if he managed to sell during the height of the craziness haha

      • Yeah this. It's a physical game, completely changes the value equation, sure you'll find the individual games cheaper (has anyone heard of emulation btw?), but this may become a sought after collectable, and even if it isn't, they still get 6 games on the Nintendo Switch so, that might be good enough value for someone anyway.

    • +5

      It's a remaster of all 6 (hence "pixel remaster")

        • +8

          Not "repackaged".

          "The original FINAL FANTASY games are brought to life with completely new graphics and audio in the 2D pixel remaster series."

        • +3

          Have you played them on Steam? They are worthy of the label 'Remaster', regardless of which version people personally prefer.
          Especially 6 when it uses the 2.5D Live-a-Live style in a few key moments.

    • It’s “stoopid” ;) - Steven He

    • +4

      username checks out

  • +13

    Bit exxy for polished roms. Who am i kidding I’ll bite.

  • +6

    Use coupon code Wario for a small discount.

  • +1

    Will these be available separately on eShop at some point? Tempted to buy this collection but I mainly just want FF6.

    • +2

      FINAL FANTASY I - VI will launch digitally for these platforms in Spring 2023. The games can be purchased individually or together as a bundle.

      • would you buy this?

        • I currently am paying for the physical edition.
          I watched my friend stream it on pc.

          • @[Deactivated]: i havent played any 1-6, haven't finished 7 lol… wondering if it is worth it haha

            • @Wezt: I loved these remasters.
              Watching my friend play them had me ready to give them a go, but I am trying to move away from playing games like these on my computer.
              I suggest just buying them individually as you play through them if you're not sure you'll want to buy them all.

              • @[Deactivated]: well, im thinking of buying then if i dnt like can always resell, added to my pile of might never play ever

            • +3

              @Wezt: If you haven’t finished 7 (and have no desire to) it may not be worth it. I enjoyed 7 (original) to 10, but they definitely feel dated now. If you’re not invested and nostalgia isn’t a factor, 1-6 can be a hard slog through.

              • @zonra: fair enough. im not a collector but i think im slowly becoming that lol

              • +3

                @zonra: In addition to Zonra's comment the only one I can recommend if you're coming backwards from 7 is 6 as it has a good story.

                Rest are a bit of a grind and if you didn't grow up with the old school JRPGs it may not suit your taste

                • @SpeedRunnerLink: fair enough too. that is why im thinking should i get it just for teh limited edition-ness of it

                  • @Wezt: It's up to you.

                    As a Switch collector your back log will only grow.

                    I can assure you will never get a chance to play it.

                    I have had 7,8,9,10,X/X2 sitting in my back log for years and never played it yet lol

                    It's just for collecting sake

                • +1

                  @SpeedRunnerLink: Yeah this is what I was planning to do. I grew up with the PS1 gen JRPG's, FF7, Xenogears, Suikoden etc. so I missed the boat for the earlier FF games and for some reason never got around to to playing any of them. I've heard FF6 is the best of the bunch so I think I'll start with that one.

                  • +1

                    @vakarian32: The only one RPG i highly recommend you go back wards for even in its current state is Chrono Trigger.

                    It to date is still one of the most Epic JRPGs of it's time.

                    It doesnt have the beefed up graphics or cut scenes like 7 but the story and music is still iconic to this day and age.

                • @SpeedRunnerLink: Good to know. I only played 7 (finished, it was average) and xiii (finished, dull). So my desire to play them is so low but i wonder if I'm relatively missing anything

                  • @justtoreply: Im surprised you didnt like 7.

                    Was it average because of the story or the game play style?

                    As i mentioned above maybe give Chrono trigger a go.

                    • @SpeedRunnerLink: I recall it as average in all aspects. Tbh I'm going to give the remake a go and see if i like it. Given I'm much older now.. I was probably in high school at the time of the original release

                      Maybe that's what I'll play after I finish the eternal cylinder

                      • @justtoreply: Fair enough. Everyone has their own tastes.

                        I guess you can also look into the Dragon Quest series which is quite good too.

                        • @SpeedRunnerLink: Yeah i need to give dragon quest a go.

                          I quite took to the Tales games (loved symphonia and vesperia, tho I tried zestiria for a couple hours and couldn't make myself continue).

                          Ys is a bit overhyped too (played 1, 2, lacrimosa of dana) but until Dana they were aiming for something more action focused.

                          • @justtoreply: Ys lacrimosa of dana was good.

                            The one after that wasn't that great.

                            I could suggest maybe giving Fire Emblem series a go.

                            But the newer ones are more tactical RPGs which is still good if you give it a chance.

              • @zonra: I'd say 6 held up the best between 1-9.

                7 runs and looks like a dog now, but you can download mods that crank up the PC port froom 20FPS to 60FPS (not sped up) with revised sounds, effects and textures, I'm playing it through on my Steam Deck like this now and loving it.

            • @Wezt: You should definitely finish 7

              • @Lanushi: I am trying but so many games on backlog hahaha im cheating and using guide to play 7 haha

                • +2

                  @Wezt: I wish all RPG games had a "time poor" mode to earn 10x XP and 10x item drop rate without penalty. These days i often check HLTB before deciding what to play

            • @Wezt: If you mean:
              You played some of 7 but stopped playing - maybe don't bother with 1-6.

              I've only played 3, 7 & 8. I found 3 to be a little less engrossing, maybe because of the graphics. It's certainly a lot of hours to get through them all.

              • +1

                @DeToxin: exactly this. they need to make 2x to 5x speed,

                • -1

                  @Wezt: you can speed up the battles with emulation. or on 8 on pc

          • @[Deactivated]: remote play stream from your friend or shared library :D

            • @UsernameChecksIn: I'm trying to move away from desktop gaming as much. That's why I want it on switch.

      • Crazy, they have their paid online subscription thing for games on older platforms. Unless they're actually popular games, then you'll have to buy them.

    • It will eventually be individually sold on the e shop around March from what I understand

      I have VII - X/X2 and 12 on the switch so this will complete my collection for the series on this console.

  • +1

    Son of a submariner!

  • is the payment in aud or best to use a non international transaction fee card?

    Tempting though have a huge pile of backlogs + have emulated them on GBA/PS1 years ago.

    • haha same

  • +1

    Is this getting a local release at EB/JB/Amazon?

    • No news of it yet but it's been released in the US and Europe already in regards to pre orders.

      But one good thing about the Asian releases with english language from Play asia is that their case artwork cover doesnt have the ugly G/R/M ratings on it.

      • +1

        Eh I'd prefer a local Australian release symbol on the cover - local release editions always a premium to collectors. If they've had physical releases overseas, it's very likely we'll get one

        • Same. I only like PAL copies. But will preference ACB ratings over PEGI whenever possible.

          • @tallkid123: There's not such thing as PAL or NTSC on the Switch.

            There is no region locking or video standards for the Switch.

            PAL/NTSC stopped applying once HD came into play.

    • +3

      There won't be. The Western release was Square-Enix Store exclusive, of which Australians can't even access (the Australian SE store only sells digital games). In any case, that limited release sold out instantly anyway.

  • Are the games all on the cart or are they codes

  • +3

    Probably a bit dear for me, but good find. This one gonna be one of those ones where I see the price on eBay in 10 years with regret

    • IT was like with the Final Fantasy X/X2 from Play Asia.

      It was only ever sold on Play Asia with both games on the cartridge. The western countries got only X on the cart and X2 as a once off download code.

      When i bought it, it was going for $75. Now its $105 in just over a year.

      • Ooof, I was thinking of getting it when it was a bit below 90, but that and something else I wanted was about 10 dollars below the free shipping cutoff.

  • +1

    This is gonna take you forever to complete

  • +4

    Personaly I won't pay that much for the Asian version.
    It's not limited quantity in Asia. It can be easliy pre-ordered from stores in Taiwan and HK.
    So the Asian version will not hold the same value as the US version.

    • +2

      Do you have a link to confirmation that the Asian version isn't limited?

  • +2

    I brought a used switch for $150, after years of waiting for decent deal.
    I can't see why a switch game cost over $100 is a consider easonable. It's not in some sort of collector's box or limited edition package to sweeten the deal.

    will i buy it, maybe if it went on sale.

    • +2

      That's six huge games for that price. Not for everyone's taste but still.

    • If any, collector's edition package is less worth the buck for non collectors and will easily cost $100-200 now.

  • +2

    I thought this came with stuff, most expensive collection to date!!

  • Tried to pre-order but it only charged me $1 and asks me to pay still, though it still says my order is secured. Do they take the rest of the money on release with Play-asia? Haven't preordered through them before.

  • +3

    Use coupon code SWTV23 for 5% off…

  • Would local eb games store sell this? Got a $100 gift voucher i need to make use of

  • Does this include the art book and record? Or just the game cart & box?

    • +1

      No. That was a special edition that was several hundred dollars.
      Just the game cart and game case.

      • Thank you!

    • Theres a text limit so i cant add it in.

      Hence i mentioned it in the description.

      And the mods have been modifying it most of the time

    • +1

      Why did you neg the deal though.
      Definitely didn't provide a valid reason.

      • -3

        Cause it get the OP attention which it did

        • Cringe

  • +2

    First print run sold out. Second print run due Q2 2023.

    • +1

      Price has also gone up. Also should note that the PS4 version has been removed which would seem to imply it was a mistaken listing, and likely that those who did preorder that version will have their orders cancelled.

      • +2

        First of all, we would like to thank you for your interest in the upcoming physical
        release of Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Collection, we certainly share your
        excitement for this release. There has been a few developments for the production
        since we first opened sale for the games and we would like to give you an update.

        PlayStation 4 version:

        Square Enix has confirmed to us that the game won't be released physically on the
        PS4. There was a misunderstanding about the possibility between us and Square Enix.
        Hence, we will have to cancel all current pre-orders for the PlayStation 4 version.

        We are aware that this is not the news you were hoping for and it was not our
        intention to put you through this experience.


        1. Orders that only contain one item will be cancelled, and a refund will be issued
          using the original payment method.

        2. For orders containing multiple products, we will only remove the item "Final
          Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Collection" for PS4 and any remaining funds will be
          refunded to the original payment method.

        3. If your order qualified for free airmail shipping with an order value over US$99,
          this promotion will stay in effect for your order regardless of the updated value.

        Nintendo Switch version:

        Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Collection has confirmed to be releasing physically
        and on a single cartridge, the game's release date will be on the 2nd Quarter and
        we will start shipping it on release day.

        The game will support English language as advertised, support for other European
        languages remains to be confirmed, however, we will update the product page once we
        have this final confirmation.

        In terms of quantity available, the first print of the game will be limited, any
        order placed after February 22, 2023, will be shipped shortly after release date once
        the second batch of production has been completed by the publisher.

        The exact completion date of this second production is still being confirmed at the
        moment, but it will be shared publicly as soon as we have confirmed and checked all
        the details. You may refer to your order detail page for more details and eventual
        updates on the shipping date.

        If there is anything we can help you with, feel free to email us anytime.

        We are still rooting for your continued support and enjoyment for this release.

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