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Touch Less Hygienic Motion Sensor Bin with Automatic Lid $49 (Value $149)


$59 - $10 'REWARDS' discount = $49

''Cover versions of old pop songs are often deemed an undesirable form of recycling, but most critics agree they give rubbish wrappers somewhere to go. Don’t be a has-bin with today’s Spurr: $59 for a touchless motion sensor stainless steel rubbish bin.
Avoid nasty germs with the hands-free convenience of the motion sensor rubbish bin. This stylish hands-free bin requires no physical contact to use, automatically doffing its lid when required like a well-mannered waste-eating robot. Using a battery operated infra-red motion sensor to detect when rubbish is heading its way, the lid pops open and gratefully receives its new cargo; whether it is food waste, unrecyclable packaging, or little green binmen. The touchless bin can accommodate standard sized sacks and up to 30 litres of waste. It has a removable top and cover for easy cleaning."

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closed Comments

  • I wish they could adapt this technology to toilet seats

  • I have what looks like the exact same bin I brought it from Biw W however they don't sell it any more. I've had it 3-4 yrs and it still works however it does chew through the batteries which are 4 D Cells. Being a 1 person family it doesn't get opened all that much per day, I would image if you had a few kids it would be going non stop and would really kill the batteries that's assuming they haven't changed the design since I got mine.

    • If you are good with soldering you can easily convert it to use a wall AC/DC adaptor.

      • Oh really hmmmmm my dads pretty handy like that I may ask him to have a go, Thanks :) Other than the batteries I really like it, I mainly got it as I do a lot of baking and hate trying to get the bin open with floury/doughy hands and at the time it just seemed kinda cool. I'm a gadget kinda girl :D

  • +1

    $10 off coupon works for any of their deals.. I used it for their $19 rump steak & chips w/ glass of wine lunch for 2 people.. Absolute bargain to get a lunch time meal and glass of wine for $4.5!

  • Don’t be a has-bin

    trash talk

  • Bugger… I fall for some previous hands-free comfort - foot controlled lid!

  • +3

    Why would I want to spend $50 on such a bin? I bought a 20 Litre pedal bin (i.e. step on the pedal and the lid opens) from Kmart on the weekend for $22 which is the same as not using your hands, plus it doesn't require me to continually spend money on batteries and pollute the environment.

    EDIT: "It has a removable top and cover for easy cleaning.", i.e. making the whole "no-touch" thing pointless. Lol. Fail.

    • +1

      How do you expect to get the rubbish out of it without taking the lid off?

      Post fail!

      • What about all those ucky-yucky germs you come in contact with when you have to take the lid off.

        Comprehension fail!

  • Nice deal if it's the same bin (looks like it) as I just bought from Harris Scarfe for $99. Apparently it was RRP $160

    Got it after I busted my old cheapy pedal bin.. gotta say it is AWESOME!

    • Anyone got it yet?
      It's now 3 wks now. nothing and no email at all.

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